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Which Alien species would you be?

Posted: 2003-01-10 07:35am
by Darth Fanboy
You build a DNA changing machine and you can pick one alien species from the SW galaxy to become.

I say Falleen only for the pheromones, and if not for that I'd go Noghri for the mad skills.

Posted: 2003-01-10 07:40am
by Mr Bean

I'd probably stick with old fasion geneticly enchanced human 8)

Posted: 2003-01-10 08:39am
by Captain tycho
Time to pick up alot of chicks.
Plus, I live for hundreds of years. :D :twisted: :D :twisted: :D :twisted: :)

Posted: 2003-01-10 09:47am
by Peregrin Toker
Hmmm.... let's see of the advantages AND disadvantages of various species:

Pros: Shapeshifting!
Cons: Ugly when not shapeshifted.

Pros: Ability to fly.
Cons: Forced to live in caste system.

Pros: Enormous body mass.
Cons: Very little mobility, size can be cumbersome, high food requirement, occasional gender-changes can be confusing.

Pros: Infrared vision, mohawk, can refer to SGAs as midgets, good chances in the modelling industry...
Cons: Extremely impractical anatomy. (No musculature, only 3 fingers and the final crowning disability - a neck as long as a half metre... which is inflexible)

Mon Calamari
Pros: Ability to live in water, better vision than humans.
Cons: Jokes about catfish.

Pros: Scottish dialect, can disguise as Duros.
Cons: Scottish dialect often mistaken for Japanese dialect.

Pros: Looking like Cthulhu.
Cons: Looking like Cthulhu.

Pros: Weird skin colour, Lekku head-tails!!
Cons: Often badly treated as slaves.

Pros: Massive strength and the ability to wear fur without being accosted by the PETA.
Cons: Unable to communicate other way than growling. (Now, this wouldn't be a disad if I was a metal vocalist, but...)

Yuuzhan Vong:
Pros: Little resistance to pain, close resemblance to humanity.
Cons: Resemblance to humans quickly eroded by tattoos and plastic surgery.

Pros: Natural horns.
Cons: Can be mistaken for The Devil himself.

I'll say Clawdite. That way, I'd be able to shapeshift into whatever species I felt like. Or, despite the fact that they don't belong in Star Wars, the Yuuzhan Vong. But if I went Kaminoan, I could just genetically engineer a new body for me combining the best abilities of all species, and transfer my soul over in it.

Raƫl would be proud!

Posted: 2003-01-10 10:11am
by consequences
Mr Bean, I thought you were against stupidity, why would you pick one of the dumbest races in all of fiction.

From Star Wars, Noghri given growth enhancements and implanted armor, lightsabers, and Force augmentation like Lord Nyax.

From elsewhere, fully mature Child of the Lens.

Posted: 2003-01-10 10:14am
by Mr Bean
Mr Bean, I thought you were against stupidity, why would you pick one of the dumbest races in all of fiction.
Hey not all of them were bilthering idiots, its just that impratical "way of the warrior style code they have"

But you have to admit being able to sneeze and destroy buildings is rather vaulbe

Posted: 2003-01-10 10:43am
by consequences
I'm sorry, the only one I can't describe as a blithering idiot is Mirai Trunks, all the reat of them truly earned that title at one point or another. Except for Turles, he was only in the one movie, but he wasn't dumb. Darn, I guess it might not be as universal as I thought.

Posted: 2003-01-10 10:51am
by Mr Bean
Don't forget Goku's Dad and hmm Vegeta was not.. THAT dumb, Nappa was not all that idioic either

Posted: 2003-01-10 12:06pm
by Kuja
Simon H.Johansen wrote: Clawdite
Pros: Shapeshifting!
Cons: Ugly when not shapeshifted.
Shi'ido can do it WAY better. They can become literally any organism in the galaxy, from Rancor to racing blob, and the simulation is perfect. They also live for hundreds of years. Their basic form is a light-skinned humanoid.

Posted: 2003-01-10 12:08pm
by consequences
Have to dispute that, Nappa was pretty darned dim. Vegeta's main difficulties are his desire for challenging fights(understandable), and his lack of creativity on the training side(less understandable). The Dragonballs were sitting their doing nothing for how many bloody years while he could have used them to wish for a gravity room with no upper limit? Bardock was pretty cool though.

And, as a side note, we have completely hijacked this thread from its intended purpose. "Avast, ye scurvy Pure Wars dogs, prepare to be boarded!"

Posted: 2003-01-10 02:36pm
by Faram
The ultimate shapeshifter must be "The Thing" too bad that it don't like fire...

Posted: 2003-01-10 02:45pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
consequences wrote:Have to dispute that, Nappa was pretty darned dim. Vegeta's main difficulties are his desire for challenging fights(understandable), and his lack of creativity on the training side(less understandable). The Dragonballs were sitting their doing nothing for how many bloody years while he could have used them to wish for a gravity room with no upper limit? Bardock was pretty cool though.

And, as a side note, we have completely hijacked this thread from its intended purpose. "Avast, ye scurvy Pure Wars dogs, prepare to be boarded!"
(The pirates led by consequences board Pure Star Wars.)
(Joe blasts consequences with E-11.)
(The rest of the pirates look at the E-11, back at their swords, throw them down, and run away.)

Posted: 2003-01-10 03:03pm
by Lord Pounder
i kinda like the Bothans, i'm a very political person and the Bothans are the political race in SW.

Posted: 2003-01-10 05:14pm
by irishmick79
How about the Chiss? If you can get past the blue skin and red eyes deal, that wouldn't be too bad. I wouldn't mind having an aptitude for military genious, either.

Posted: 2003-01-10 06:36pm
by drifter god
well. theyre technicaly still humans i guess, but the telepathic guys from the time machine, the light skin, fairly well built, i though that guy was pretty cool

Posted: 2003-01-10 07:08pm
by Agent Mothman
I'd be a shi'ido. They are really cool.

Posted: 2003-01-11 01:16am
by Darth Yoshi
Who were the guys that the Imps tried to take over and failed because they got caught up in one of the parties that are always being held on the planet? I'd like to be them. I believe it began with a "Z."

That, or the Noghri. Jedi can't sense me, and I can sneak up on pretty much anything.

Posted: 2003-01-11 02:18am
by Keevan_Colton
I'd probably have to be Falleen....Xizor was damn cool....and one of my other roleplaying personas Tyrbalt was a kick ass Falleen.

Posted: 2003-01-11 02:30am
by Typhonis 1
A Shadow think about it .you look like a bug and can appear out of nowhere at will almost

Posted: 2003-01-11 03:05am
by Pcm979
Simon H.Johansen wrote:I'll say Clawdite. That way, I'd be able to shapeshift into whatever species I felt like. Or, despite the fact that they don't belong in Star Wars, the Yuuzhan Vong. But if I went Kaminoan, I could just genetically engineer a new body for me combining the best abilities of all species, and transfer my soul over in it.
Problems: Clawdites are only capable of mimicking humanoid shapes, and are limited to only a few of them without medical assistance. (Ep2VD)
If you genetically change yourself into a Kaminoan you will not magically get the knowledge on how to clone people, nor the equipment. the same would extend to the Noghiri's martial arts prowess.
However, I'd still choose Clawdites.

Posted: 2003-01-11 03:48am
by Peregrin Toker
Pcm979 wrote:Problems: Clawdites are only capable of mimicking humanoid shapes, and are limited to only a few of them without medical assistance. (Ep2VD) If you genetically change yourself into a Kaminoan you will not magically get the knowledge on how to clone people, nor the equipment. the same would extend to the Noghiri's martial arts prowess.
However, I'd still choose Clawdites.
Oh.... crap! Gotta go with a shapeshifter, then.

Posted: 2003-01-11 07:13am
by Coaan

Just because.

Posted: 2003-01-11 07:18am
by Robert Treder
You rebel scum have no self-respect. I'm happy as a human, thank you very much!

*cue Imperial March*

Posted: 2003-01-11 02:32pm
by Kuja
Darth Yoshi wrote:Who were the guys that the Imps tried to take over and failed because they got caught up in one of the parties that are always being held on the planet? I'd like to be them. I believe it began with a "Z."
Zeltros. The race is the Zeltronians.

Posted: 2003-01-11 07:48pm
by Sea Skimmer
A Rancor with opposable thumbs.