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Next NJO book: Force Heretic
Posted: 2003-01-11 02:35am
by Darth Fanboy
The next NJO novel "Force Heretic I" comes out Feb. 4th after reading the preview for it @ Borders I became a little concerned. they mention the planet Zenoma Sekot again, this time Luke is going there to find a way to "turn the tide of the war."
Is it just me or are they using the term "turning the tide" like it was going out of style? Also, didn't Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to to Zenoma Sekot at one point? I wish I knew more but I prefer hearing explanations rather than rereading these wretched novels more than I have to. Hell the only reason I do read them is to keep up on any quotes or events that might be relevant.t
Posted: 2003-01-11 10:02am
by God Emperor
Yes Obi and Anai whent to Zenoma Selot in Rouge Planet, they were suposed to purchase one of their ships, wich are said to be the best.
Posted: 2003-01-11 12:38pm
by Ender
Did they push it back to the 4th? Last I read, Jan 28th was the street date.
Posted: 2003-01-11 12:54pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Zanoma Sekot set the stage for the NJO, they're not going back for the hell of it, its just tying everything together.
Posted: 2003-01-11 05:39pm
by HemlockGrey
My God, the tide has turned so many times in these frickin' books the moon must be the celestial equivelant of Richard Simmons.
Re: Next NJO book: Force Heretic
Posted: 2003-01-11 05:54pm
by Master of Ossus
Darth Fanboy wrote:The next NJO novel "Force Heretic I" comes out Feb. 4th after reading the preview for it @ Borders I became a little concerned. they mention the planet Zenoma Sekot again, this time Luke is going there to find a way to "turn the tide of the war."
Is it just me or are they using the term "turning the tide" like it was going out of style? Also, didn't Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to to Zenoma Sekot at one point? I wish I knew more but I prefer hearing explanations rather than rereading these wretched novels more than I have to. Hell the only reason I do read them is to keep up on any quotes or events that might be relevant.t
Obi-Wan and Anakin did, indeed, visit Zonoma Sekot in the atrociously boring "Rogue Planet." According to the NJO sourcebook, Zonoma Sekot then left for parts unknown. If the planet that is referred to as being "legendary" in the reviews is indeed Zonoma Sekot, it would represent a strange twist of fate and would help to further explain the planet's apparent disappearance.
Posted: 2003-01-11 05:59pm
by SirNitram
The planet went to Hyperspace, IIRC. It is claimed to have been seen a few times in history, but mostly a legend. This is from the end of Rogue Planet.
Posted: 2003-01-11 07:42pm
by Sea Skimmer
The planet had hyperspace engines and relocated after the Vong tried to capture it. Vergere was also sent to Zonoma Sekot to obtain one of their ships. However after she left with the Vong the planet went to hyperspace.
Vergere indicated that she had seen Anakin only as a small child, so it's likely the world was found again or announced its presence after relocating but was still out of general knowledge.
Posted: 2003-01-11 08:27pm
by willburns84
Sea Skimmer wrote:The planet had hyperspace engines and relocated after the Vong tried to capture it.
The planet has
hyperspace engines?!
Good Christ... ::holds head in hands:: Was it explained in the book as being a unique thing (as far as anyone knows) - ala the giant repulsor transistor microchip monkey brain known as Centerpoint in the Corellia system? Or can anyone just strap hyperdrive engines to a planet and go WWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2003-01-11 08:36pm
by Master of Ossus
The planet is obviously unique in that it is alive. It's hyperdrive engines appear to have been modified further, to assist it. The hyperdrives deployed on their ships appear to have been highly advanced.
Posted: 2003-01-11 08:40pm
by willburns84
Master of Ossus wrote:The planet is obviously unique in that it is alive. It's hyperdrive engines appear to have been modified further, to assist it. The hyperdrives deployed on their ships appear to have been highly advanced.
::unable to be shocked any further I hope::
The planet is alive. Okay. And who put hyperspace engines on it? Or are these natural hyperspace engines? Oh, screw it, I'll just cover my ears and sing "la la la la la la!"
Posted: 2003-01-11 08:49pm
by Master of Ossus
It's actually not quite clear whether the planet created the hyperdrive engines, or whether its "guardian" put the engines there. The guardian was a sentient being approximately the same size as a human but considerably more intelligent.
Posted: 2003-01-11 09:09pm
by willburns84
Master of Ossus wrote:It's actually not quite clear whether the planet created the hyperdrive engines, or whether its "guardian" put the engines there. The guardian was a sentient being approximately the same size as a human but considerably more intelligent.
::covers ears:: "La la la la la la la!"
Just kidding. I appreciate the information. I did not intend to read a book about young Anakin as padawan. ::shudders at thought of reading anything about too-young Anakin::
Posted: 2003-01-11 09:13pm
by Master of Ossus
willburns84 wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:It's actually not quite clear whether the planet created the hyperdrive engines, or whether its "guardian" put the engines there. The guardian was a sentient being approximately the same size as a human but considerably more intelligent.
::covers ears:: "La la la la la la la!"
Just kidding. I appreciate the information. I did not intend to read a book about young Anakin as padawan. ::shudders at thought of reading anything about too-young Anakin::
Don't bother. I've read them all, all of them suck. Especially steer clear of "The Approaching Storm." Just get some other book, or even save your money.
Posted: 2003-01-11 09:22pm
by willburns84
Master of Ossus wrote:Don't bother. I've read them all, all of them suck. Especially steer clear of "The Approaching Storm." Just get some other book, or even save your money.
What did you think of "Cloak of Deception"? I thought it was very entertaining, although it was obvious who was and was *not* going to die - but there's no way to avoid that given when the book takes place.
I liked the explaination of how the Neomoidians (?spelling?) were placed into command of the Trade Federation, the Senate gave them permission to raise larger droid armies...
I picked up Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter. Now, I know how certain things *must* end - but did you like this book? Or did it just chew your genitals? Sorry, couldn't resist typing that.
Posted: 2003-01-11 09:25pm
by Master of Ossus
I thought that Cloak of Deception was okay. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad, either. It's definitely the best of the "Young Anakin" series of books.
I liked Shadow Hunter in that I felt it was well written and fairly enjoyable. I did not particularly like the premise, but the author did an excellent job with that as a starting point. My only major complaint was that Darsha was too much of a wuss. I really don't like writers who create Jedi only to make them super-wussies with hardly any real powers.
Posted: 2003-01-11 09:36pm
by willburns84
Thanks for the warning. I'll keep in mind not to expect anything good from Darsha. Wussy Jedi with no powers. Hmmm, sounds like he's one of those REMFs.
"So, you have any field experience?"
"Know how to levitate a chair?"
"Know how to wield a lightsaber?"
"Then what the fuck are you doing out here?"
Posted: 2003-01-13 03:36am
by Darth Fanboy
It isn't fair to call her a wuss, she was a PAdawan and it fit into the story. Plus, had it been a Jedi Master it might have looked bad for the Jedi to have him fail in the task, and keeping the Jedi at a certain level of infallibility is something the writers care about.