I have got a problem
Posted: 2003-01-17 12:34am
I stoped reading the SW novels around Vision of the Future. I would like to knw what happened and did I miss anything?
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
Some of the NJO books are somewhat interesting. Basically the NR gets its ass kicked by an extra-galactic race known as the Yuuzhan Vong. The Empire still exists, and it's still reasonably powerful, but the NR refuses to tag them and let them come into the ring for any length of time. Meanwhile, a group known as the Chiss lives in the Unknown Regions. They have vast fleets, advanced technology, and left-over Imperial know-how. Their war-machine was constructed to fight the Yuuzhan Vong when they finally came, and it has been building since the OT era. For some reason that is only touched on by the novels, the Chiss don't want to get involved and so they don't. Am I going too fast for you?Admiral Johnason wrote:I stoped reading the SW novels around Vision of the Future. I would like to knw what happened and did I miss anything?
What are you talking about? A man wrote Vector Prime.Exonerate wrote:I hated the series by that author... I mean, her first book was the alien invasion from some other race... Now its another alien invasion... Then there's the fact that Chewie got killed by her
They do? I didn't know they where that powerfull, and I believe most of their tech came from the Imperials who brought them up to that level in the first place?Master of Ossus wrote:Meanwhile, a group known as the Chiss lives in the Unknown Regions. They have vast fleets, advanced technology, and left-over Imperial know-how. Their war-machine was constructed to fight the Yuuzhan Vong when they finally came, and it has been building since the OT era.
The Chiss told Luke in Vision of the Future that they had fought things in the Unknown Regions that the NR could never hope to defeat. Assuming that they did not absolutely destroy their own war-machine in the process of fighting these (in which case they will have had at least three years to recover, as of the current NJO story, and probably as many as seven years), then they have more powerful fleets than the NR.His Divine Shadow wrote:They do? I didn't know they where that powerfull, and I believe most of their tech came from the Imperials who brought them up to that level in the first place?Master of Ossus wrote:Meanwhile, a group known as the Chiss lives in the Unknown Regions. They have vast fleets, advanced technology, and left-over Imperial know-how. Their war-machine was constructed to fight the Yuuzhan Vong when they finally came, and it has been building since the OT era.
Sounds like stupid writing to me. The NR covers an area tha dominates the ENTIRE galaxy. The Chiss are a race who occupy a space small enough to exist in the unknown regions. The Chiss fighters shown in the book are close enough in tech level to current X-Wings that it would be up tot he pilots to decide the issue.Master of Ossus wrote:
The Chiss told Luke in Vision of the Future that they had fought things in the Unknown Regions that the NR could never hope to defeat. Assuming that they did not absolutely destroy their own war-machine in the process of fighting these (in which case they will have had at least three years to recover, as of the current NJO story, and probably as many as seven years), then they have more powerful fleets than the NR.
NTM that the Chiss fleets appear to be HIGHLY disciplined, veteran units as we have seen.
I thought it was rather too hyperbolic like "we've seen shit you wouldn't fucking believe is out there", I didn't get the idea that the NR would be millitarily powerless against them, unless they spoke of the Yuuzhan Vong, and ofcourse the NR was in shitty shape.Master of Ossus wrote:The Chiss told Luke in Vision of the Future that they had fought things in the Unknown Regions that the NR could never hope to defeat. Assuming that they did not absolutely destroy their own war-machine in the process of fighting these (in which case they will have had at least three years to recover, as of the current NJO story, and probably as many as seven years), then they have more powerful fleets than the NR.
To me that seems like a TIE Defender in performance.When the Chiss re-emerged, their starfighters are superior to those of the NR in the present era (ie. XJ X-Wings) by being both faster and more maneuverable, while retaining most of the firepower (if not all of it)
Yes though that seems to be a natural trait, discpline and such.NTM that the Chiss fleets appear to be HIGHLY disciplined, veteran units as we have seen.
What features does the Chiss claw-craft lack that are present in XJ X-Wings? In the horrible Dark Journey, we learn that Chiss claw-craft also have comparable range to XJ X-Wings, and that they can operate independent of a base of operations for considerable lengths of time, even when engaged in occasional combat situations. If anything, they are significantly more advanced than the modern NR fighters.DocMoriartty wrote:BTW, a Mig-21 is both faster and more maneuverable than a F-4.
Are you telling me that automatically means the Mig-21 is a better plane?
In modern combat speed and avionics are most certainly 2nd place to electronics and firepower when it comes to determining which is a better fighter.
Pretty much impossible to deplete I'd say, unless you're imagening billions of deathstars in the olden daysMaster of Ossus wrote:BTW, the thing about the Chiss occuppying a smaller territory is not really relevent. We're not sure what resources there are out there, but the Galaxy proper has been stripped of its resources for at least the last 25,000 years, and probably much earlier than that.
The NR is threatened by the Yevetha, who controlled on territory with a fleet about twice the size of the Imperial fleet at Endor--WITHOUT the Death Star. Claim it's bad writing if you want, but that represents an astonishing lack of technological development.DocMoriartty wrote:Except that your quote contradicts itself.
The Chiss by their own arrogant statements have been fighting wars with forces so damn powerful they say that the NR would fall to those forces. How can you be building forces up for decades while fighting these wars. Big nasty wars like this mean two things:
1. You expend lots of ships and fight really hard.
2. You use up lots of resources on those planets you have.
BTW, their 500 to 750 planets is nothing in numerical comparison to the NR. Hell the Emperor gave over more planets to the Corporate Sector to run.
No matter how you cut it the Chiss cannot be what they claim to be without some of the worst writing ever imagineable.
You want my opinion?
The Chiss are no different than those super aliens from Stargate SG-1. The ones called the Asgard with the big eyes. They are both powerful races who are bluffing in hopes that no one ever calls them on their bluff.
BTW - Someone said the Chiss knew about the YV and were planning for them. How did they know about them in advance?
The fact that it is. If you look at the small number of industrialized worlds, and compare them with the vast number of Mid-Rim worlds (which, if Naboo is any example, are not developed for industry), the worlds in the Mid-Rim that contribute little or nothing, the Outer Rim which contributes virtually nothing, you find that they are a highly centralized Galactic power, with the vast majority of their industrial hubs in a handful of systems. Apparently their manufacturing capabilities were completely devastated by the Galactic Civil War, and the smaller regional battles that immediately followed it.DocMoriartty wrote:BTW, where did you get the bizarre idea that the NR is largely made up of warn torn UNDEVELOPED sections of the galaxy?
Tim Zahn is quoted as saying that he did.Durran Korr wrote:I don't know if Emperor Palpatine knew about the Vong invasion. Not enough evidence.
Can you provide me with a link/copy of the quote? Not that I don't believe you, I'd just like to see it for myself. Quite the retcon, if it is indeed true.Master of Ossus wrote:Tim Zahn is quoted as saying that he did.Durran Korr wrote:I don't know if Emperor Palpatine knew about the Vong invasion. Not enough evidence.
What?Master of Ossus wrote:The NR is threatened by the Yevetha, who controlled on territory with a fleet about twice the size of the Imperial fleet at Endor--WITHOUT the Death Star. Claim it's bad writing if you want, but that represents an astonishing lack of technological development
Hmm, the Imperial millitary would have flattened them without any help, the Yuuzhan Vong would have been so outnumbered and outproduced that they'd be cursing their gods after the first month of war.Finally, the Emperor Palpatine knew about the Yuuzhan Vong from their incursions along the Rim. It's evident that he told Thrawn about them, and Thrawn began constructing a military in the Unknown Regions to fight against them when they arrived.
Master of Ossus wrote:The Chiss told Luke in Vision of the Future that they had fought things in the Unknown Regions that the NR could never hope to defeat. Assuming that they did not absolutely destroy their own war-machine in the process of fighting these (in which case they will have had at least three years to recover, as of the current NJO story, and probably as many as seven years), then they have more powerful fleets than the NR.His Divine Shadow wrote:They do? I didn't know they where that powerfull, and I believe most of their tech came from the Imperials who brought them up to that level in the first place?Master of Ossus wrote:Meanwhile, a group known as the Chiss lives in the Unknown Regions. They have vast fleets, advanced technology, and left-over Imperial know-how. Their war-machine was constructed to fight the Yuuzhan Vong when they finally came, and it has been building since the OT era.