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Defending "Talifan!"
Posted: 2007-03-08 07:45am
by Lord Poe
If you enjoyed "ATTACK OF THE 3 MILLION CLONES", you'll love this one!
Re: Defending "Talifan!"
Posted: 2007-03-08 10:27am
by seanrobertson
Lord Poe wrote:DARK MOOSE: LYING TROLL is now:
If you enjoyed "ATTACK OF THE 3 MILLION CLONES", you'll love this one!
That's one of the best smackdowns I've seen in ages!
I did spot one insignificant typo near the end:
Again, it seems Dark Moose's morality meter peaked when he himself was the target of negative criticism. Not the yarn about crusades against dissident factions in the Star Wars community The Dark Moose wove around the jugular of truth. Not the morally superior stance against nasty talifans. Not his self-serving tirades about protecting the Star Wars community from evil. No. Someone attacked him personally in a medium he couldn't moderate or control, so he used is position on the official Star Wars website to act as the official mouthpiece to speak against a satirical fan film.
Again, great
Posted: 2007-03-08 10:51am
by Gandalf
Nice update.
I can only say that this is getting really surreal, and that it may only be ended when someone makes an epic trek to Skywalker Ranch and makes a personal appeal for GL's divine intervention.
Posted: 2007-03-08 11:19am
by Mange
Excellent! That's the best thing I've read on this matter. A very comprehensive look on something very disturbing. It's interesting that Moose (
) and Traviss somehow thinks it's acceptable that an author is abusive towards the fans, says that they have Asperger's, are sickos etc., because they express their opinion and that he is using direct lies and manipulations to ban users from the Official Forums. Great, Lord Poe!
Posted: 2007-03-08 11:46am
by Lord Poe
seanrobertson wrote:That's one of the best smackdowns I've seen in ages!
Thanks, Sean!
seanrobertson wrote:I did spot one insignificant typo near the end:
Got it; thanks!
Gandalf wrote:Nice update.
I can only say that this is getting really surreal, and that it may only be ended when someone makes an epic trek to Skywalker Ranch and makes a personal appeal for GL's divine intervention.
I doubt he knows much of anything that takes place on the website, where the kiddies are running free. That's why the next related project will target a bigger audience...
Mange wrote:Excellent! That's the best thing I've read on this matter. A very comprehensive look on something very disturbing. It's interesting that Moose (
) and Traviss somehow thinks it's acceptable that an author is abusive towards the fans, says that they have Asperger's, are sickos etc., because they express their opinion and that he is using direct lies and manipulations to ban users from the Official Forums. Great, Lord Poe!
I fully believe they told the bitch to shut her trap, or else forfeit the rest of her contract. Then she went into damage control, and erased all blogs about trachea-ripping and garroting, and stopped posting on her blog, the forum, and her LiveJournal blog. According to James Gilmer, she hasn't even browsed the official site in months, and
only posts now to her private Yahoo group.
You can imagine how pissed off she must be.
Posted: 2007-03-08 12:32pm
by The Cooler King
Thanks again, Lord Poe! It's good to see someone standing up to this kind of blatant abuse of power, and in such a devastatingly entertaining way! I love how Traviss (and especially DM) seem to have their hands clapped over their ears, like Bill Cosby in that Jeffrey sketch he used to do ("NAHNAHNAH I'M NOT LISTENING TO JEFFREY!")
Posted: 2007-03-08 01:02pm
by Warsie
Damn.....pwnage. That's kind've like the early SW v ST debates, right
Posted: 2007-03-08 01:11pm
by Illuminatus Primus
I'm still grated by Travis' lying bullshit about accuracy and "why do numbers matter."
I have no problem with that position. But if they don't matter, don't throw a fit when people point out yours don't make sense. Don't retcon another author's work self-servingly. Or how about this - if you don't believe the numbers mean anything, don't try and suck the fanbase you don't respect of cash and insult their intelligence by selling them a ORBAT (y'know, a real world-type technical document). What business do you have even writing an ORBAT if you think numbers are meaningless? You are either deliberately insulting the fans or cynically exploiting their credulity for cash money. Either way she's the c-word. And that'd would be "cunt."
Posted: 2007-03-08 01:31pm
by CmdrWilkens
Lord Poe wrote:I fully believe they told the bitch to shut her trap, or else forfeit the rest of her contract. Then she went into damage control, and erased all blogs about trachea-ripping and garroting, and stopped posting on her blog, the forum, and her LiveJournal blog. According to James Gilmer, she hasn't even browsed the official site in months, and only posts now to her private Yahoo group.
You can imagine how pissed off she must be.
Someone at LFL might also have noted that defamation lawsuits were in the making if she continued to incite response. In general public figures such as naitonally published authors are held to be more open to parody and criticism while the same turning and demeaning their critics is held to a much harsher standard. SOmeone at LFL legal probably finally caught on that even if they weren't yet getting sued they were opening themseleves up in a huge way.
Posted: 2007-03-08 01:40pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Lord Poe wrote:I doubt he knows much of anything that takes place on the website, where the kiddies are running free. That's why the next related project will target a bigger audience...
I sense a disturbance in the force... a presence I have not felt for some time.
Posted: 2007-03-08 02:37pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Very impressive work. Finally, we have all the evidence in print, although not likely admissible in court, or perhaps...
Posted: 2007-03-08 05:56pm
by Darth Servo
Suggestion: add in somewhere, in big bold colored letters something along the lines of the following, "Dark Moose, Karen Traviss is never going to sleep with you, no matter how much you kiss her ass."
Posted: 2007-03-08 06:31pm
by Jim Raynor
Darth Servo wrote:Suggestion: add in somewhere, in big bold colored letters something along the lines of the following, "Dark Moose, Karen Traviss is never going to sleep with you, no matter how much you kiss her ass."
Nah, I think the page does a pretty good job of exposing Dark Moose and Traviss's bullshit without being too "offensive" for the average person who buys into style-over-substance. Things that don't add much substance, but would give KT or Mooseshit a reason to dismiss this as the work of a crazed "Talifan" shouldn't be included.
Great job Poe.
Posted: 2007-03-08 07:46pm
by Coriolis
I love the smell of smackdown in the morning
Nicely done Mr. Poe
Posted: 2007-03-08 08:09pm
by A-Wing_Slash
At the risk of making a purely "me too" post, I loved it. I hadn't know there was a "die Lucas die" video on youtube, but it certainly puts things in perspective.
One has to wonder what criteria one must pass to be a moderator and public face on something as well regarded as the official website for the star wars films.
Posted: 2007-03-08 08:13pm
by Noble Ire
Very nicely done, indeed.
By the way Poe, if you need any further evidence of Karen Traviss' mental instability, you're more than welcome to use my personal correspondence with her, as reproduced
Posted: 2007-03-08 08:19pm
by Ender
edit 3: NM, post in question was well before street date of the Insider, but after it arrived for subscribers. My mistake.
Posted: 2007-03-08 09:11pm
by Aratech
Well, at the risk of sounding like an echo, I must say very well done, Mr. Poe. You presented your evidence and counter arguments very well, and all information was easily discernible by anyone with a sane mind (and gave me some much needed laughter, to boot).
Now, what I eagerly await, is some form of rebuttal or the like. I've got a bit of a wager going with a friend of mine to see whether or not Traviss and Darkmoose come to their senses and realize that they overreacted to what could have initially been forgiven as an honest mistake, or if they go deeper into the real of disillusionment, ala a certain other person with the term 'Dark' in his name.
Should be interesting to watch.
In the meantime, keep up the good fight.
Posted: 2007-03-09 01:04am
by DPDarkPrimus
They don't have to admit they did anything wrong as long as they delete everything incriminating.
Posted: 2007-03-11 06:21pm
by LMSx
I liked it, but I'm not sure about the "Die Lucas Die" point, because you never showed that Dark Moose even has any idea it exists. I think the rest of the page is strong enough that it's worth either trimming down that part or showing the double standard where Moose shows he's seen DLD but doesn't object to it.
Posted: 2007-03-11 06:54pm
by Lord Poe
LMSx wrote:I liked it, but I'm not sure about the "Die Lucas Die" point, because you never showed that Dark Moose even has any idea it exists. I think the rest of the page is strong enough that it's worth either trimming down that part or showing the double standard where Moose shows he's seen DLD but doesn't object to it.
He's had an idea for a year now, and still there's no attack blog about it. That point was in the original version of the page, which I'm certain he's seen, and he lurks here as well.
Posted: 2007-03-11 08:22pm
by LMSx
Lord Poe wrote:LMSx wrote:I liked it, but I'm not sure about the "Die Lucas Die" point, because you never showed that Dark Moose even has any idea it exists. I think the rest of the page is strong enough that it's worth either trimming down that part or showing the double standard where Moose shows he's seen DLD but doesn't object to it.
He's had an idea for a year now, and still there's no attack blog about it. That point was in the original version of the page, which I'm certain he's seen, and he lurks here as well.
Ah, alright then. Anyways, I know you've already done it for the K. Traviss page, but taking screen grabs makes it look very nice. Something about seeing her actual LJ post about ripping out a trachea is much more effective then a mere quote tag.
Posted: 2007-03-12 08:47am
by Aquatain
For me being a outsider to all this, the funniest part is the fact that a woman that making a living writing SW books goes around accusing people for being Geeks.
Posted: 2007-03-12 05:04pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Aquatain wrote:For me being a outsider to all this, the funniest part is the fact that a woman that making a living writing SW books goes around accusing people for being Geeks.
You're being sexist.
That's what Traviss would say, but I don't think it's an entirely false statement. Why does the fact she is a woman have anything to do with the hypocrisy?
Posted: 2007-03-12 08:31pm
by Jim Raynor
I didn't think the mention of the word "woman" in that sentence was supposed to mean anything. If Traviss was a man, saying "a man that makes a living writing SW books" isn't saying anything about his gender.
But Aquatain will have to clear up exactly what he meant ther.