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Episodes VII, VIII + IX?
Posted: 2003-01-17 12:27pm
by Deimos Anomaly
At work today I heard a blurb on the radio about Lucas and three more SW films... because of the noise and clatter in the workplace I didn't catch it exactly, but it sounded like the DJ/news person was saying that Lucas had let slip in an interview that another three would be made.
Anyone heard anything about this?
Posted: 2003-01-17 12:34pm
by Captain tycho
You might have misheard, or perhaps the DJ was joking around.
Still, Lucas has said that he will not produce any more Star Wars movies beyond epidode 3.
Posted: 2003-01-17 12:39pm
by Darth Servo
IIRC, he also said he wouldn't make any more upon finishing RotJ. The man can always change his mind ya know.
Posted: 2003-01-17 12:44pm
by Ghost Rider
Yeah but given that his reasoning was also his age consideration...he pretty much has said no.
That and RoTJ is 7,8,9 included...he really has not much beyond the pre-quels.
Posted: 2003-01-17 12:48pm
by Captain tycho
Ghost Rider wrote:Yeah but given that his reasoning was also his age consideration...he pretty much has said no.
That and RoTJ is 7,8,9 included...he really has not much beyond the pre-quels.
The guy's getting old, and he's still has to do Indie 4.
Posted: 2003-01-17 01:57pm
by Deimos Anomaly
OK, I asked the question on SB as well and was directed to a transcript of the interview in question:
George Lucas 'All Set for Failure'
More from my conversation with George Lucas this past Sunday night (you can read Part 1 of this interview in Monday's column):
Star Wars director George Lucas says he's got plans for his post-Star Wars career. After thirty years of being tied up with the phenomenally successful series, Lucas will set off to make "more personal" films after 2005.
"I'm going to go from complete success to complete failure," he told me, without a wink or a smile. On the contrary, Lucas said he anticipates utter rejection from his fans once Star Wars concludes. "I'm going to make a bunch of movies like THX," he said, referring to his earliest effort. "And if people don't like it, too bad."
Lucas did tell me that of the current movies in release, he loved Martin Scorsese's Gangs of New York. "We showed a print of it at the Skywalker Ranch," he said. "I was amazed by what he did with it, and where he went. It was terrific."
But Lucas' own career is clearly on his mind these days. He's busy working on Chapter III of Star Wars, which links Attack of the Clones to the original Star Wars.
"I know what I want to do," he said, "it was mapped out from my original writing for 30 years. But still you have these two pieces — Clones and Chapter IV — and you have to make them fit together. You're going to see a lot about Anakin and Luke and Princess Leia's mother, all the adults. And of course Luke and Leia will be infants in it."
I asked him whether he cared about the criticism of Hayden Christensen, who played Anakin in Clones. "Not a bit," Lucas said, "this is a talented kid. Years from now people are going to say, was he always so good, and look at Clones, and realize yes."
Lucas also told me that he and Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson have become good friends, commiserating with each other in Australia and New Zealand on their shoots about making their two series. "Essentially, Peter is making three three-hour movies out of one book," Lucas said. "And I'm making nine two-hour movies from one book." Of course, Lucas wrote his own book, but the mythology harkens back to Lord of the Rings. "We discuss it a lot because they are similar in nature," said Lucas.
I must say that I've met a few of my heroes in my lifetime and some of them have been disappointments. But George Lucas turned out to be refreshingly candid and enormously pleasant. We don't seem him in New York very often; I hope once Star Wars wraps for good he'll come here more often. And so, yes, "The Force" is with him!
(Emphasis mine)
Posted: 2003-01-17 09:52pm
by Crown
That has to be a miss-quote, since he specifically said (or I interpreted that way?) at the begining of the article, that after EpIII he is going to abandon Star Wars...
(after 2005, which is the release date of EpIII, unless he does go all Peter Jackson on us)
What critisism from Hayden

Posted: 2003-01-17 10:34pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Crown wrote:
What critisism from Hayden

No, critisism ABOUT Hayden. Y'know, like "damn, he's an awful actor, even when he's not reading those stupid lovey-dovey lines".
Posted: 2003-01-18 02:22am
by Clone Sergeant
This comes from the
EXCLUSIVE: LFL Clarifies Fox Interview with George Lucas
Wed, Jan 15, 03 01:30:10 PM EST
We posted yesterday about an interview by Fox News with George Lucas (see Holonet article). In the interview many sharp eyed Star Wars fans noted this statement:
"Essentially, Peter is making three three-hour movies out of one book," Lucas said. "And I'm making nine two-hour movies from one book."
We contacted LucasFilm for a comment and a LucasFilm Spokesperson had this to say:
As many fans are already aware of, there are going to be just 6 movies. Unfortunately, George was misquoted in the interview about number of movies in the Star Wars series. Currently LucasFilm is in preproduction for Episode 3, the last Star Wars movie."
Well folks, there you have it. It was fun to speculate about the possible change in story arc, but it looks like 6 is all we are going to get from George.
We can dream but Episode 3 is the last Star Wars movie

Posted: 2003-01-18 01:01pm
by Kurgan
At one time Lucas planned to make more than six movies, and he hinted at this and even said so in several sources (which are on the 'net if you look hard enough) then he simply changed his mind.
His current story is that he's done after Episode III, period. But who knows... he might change his mind again, or let somebody else make movies after he's retired or died (though for now it seems he doesn't want anybody else to after Episode III).