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Republic Commando questions

Posted: 2007-03-18 01:29am
by Sarevok
I just finished Republic Commando. It's an awesome game and turned me, a hater of prequel era, into a fan.

I have some questions about the ending.

1 ) What happened to Sev ? Does he die ?

2 ) What is the ultimate fate of Delta squad ? Did they execute Order 66 ?

Also did anyone else feel sympathy for the clonetroopers ? After playing the game I realized the real tragedy of the clone wars were them not the Jedi that got slaughtered in Order 66. The Jedi had it coming. Clones on the other hand were doomed from birth, ageing twice as fast as normal and forced into a life of slavery. The Republic has some serious ethical issues.

Re: Republic Commando questions

Posted: 2007-03-18 02:53am
by PayBack
Sarevok wrote: Also did anyone else feel sympathy for the clonetroopers ? After playing the game I realized the real tragedy of the clone wars were them not the Jedi that got slaughtered in Order 66. The Jedi had it coming. Clones on the other hand were doomed from birth, ageing twice as fast as normal and forced into a life of slavery. The Republic has some serious ethical issues.
I suppose the questions are, which is better? Living a short life dedicated to service and soldering, or never existing at all (which they wouldn't have otherwise).

Plus isn't it worth the suffering of *cough* 3 million clones who would otherwise never have existed to save a million planets worth of population?

Re: Republic Commando questions

Posted: 2007-03-18 03:25am
by Ritterin Sophia
Sarevok wrote:I just finished Republic Commando. It's an awesome game and turned me, a hater of prequel era, into a fan.
Good, just remember not to fall into the Wankery of the Clones.
1 ) What happened to Sev ? Does he die ?
Ultimately, his fate is unknown (As are the fates of the others) and he is listed as MIA.
2 ) What is the ultimate fate of Delta squad ? Did they execute Order 66 ?
Unknown, however, the best example of Clones not carrying out Order 66 was a group of Clone Commando's helping Jedi escape, their fate is unknown, however it can be assumed they suffered horrible deaths considering they were delivered into the hands of Executor Lord Vader by the 501st "Vaders Fist".
Also did anyone else feel sympathy for the clonetroopers ? After playing the game I realized the real tragedy of the clone wars were them not the Jedi that got slaughtered in Order 66. The Jedi had it coming. Clones on the other hand were doomed from birth, ageing twice as fast as normal and forced into a life of slavery. The Republic has some serious ethical issues.
Some of the Clones were let go because their injuries were so grievous that not even the medical advantage of having genetically identical soldiers and 'spare parts' could overcome, and some others were allowed to retire, like a number of the Alpha-class ARC Troopers did. But, yes, I do feel that of all the people in Star Wars, the clones got the worst end of the deal, however, their being used for war did help them, before the Jedi took command, Clones would be destroyed for even minor defects, which ultimately lead to a problem where the Null-class ARC Troopers (Twelve Enhanced Jango-Clone Prototypes that were physically and mentally superior to even the Alpha-class ARC's and the Clone Commando's, with photgraphic memories, and named after Mandalorian Heroes, they are the True Kings of Clone Wank) were about to be destroyed and Mereel (N-7, named after Jaster Mereel) stole Kal Skirata's (One of Jango's hand picked Mandalorian trainers) blaster and threw it to Ordo (N-11, and the de facto leader, hint: he's named after the coolest Mandalorian in KotOR) who threatened to kill the Kaminoan who was in charge of the Cloning Operation (This was eight years before Geonosis, making the group the equivelant of four year olds), it was determined that only Kal Skirata could control the six (The other Half of the batch died entirely in incubation) and he assumed control.

Funny Convo between Kal and Ordo:
"Where'd you store the ordnance?"
"Half at the safe house and half under Fixer's bed."
―Kal Skirata and Ordo

PS: Why, yes, I'm a Clone Fanboy, how'd you guess?

Posted: 2007-03-18 07:56am
by Cykeisme
Republic Commando is a great game. Over the years I've played all the way through it probably six to eight times, in a couple of sittings each time.

Sev's fate is unknown. He may have been killed, or he may have survived.. and if it is the latter, we don't know if he escaped or was captured.

There's a little Java game for mobile phones called "Republic Commando: Order 66". It's hardly canon or even official by any standard, but in that game, you start off with the remainder of Delta Squad (sans Sev), and hunt down a number of Jedi.
Take it as you will.

By the way, there was a comic book where Luke finds a stranded Clone Trooper who was once under Shaak Ti's command. Considering his chronological age and his apparent physical age (plus he'd been living alone in the wilderness for decades), it seems to suggest that the accelerated aging slows down at least somewhat.. perhaps after puberty.

Btw, here's something interesting (I may post a new thread wtih screenshots). There were two different capital ships at Kashyyyk at the end of Republic Commando. The one that Delta Squad helps destroy is a Recusant-class destroyer, but earlier on, there is an entirely different ship spotted, that I've never seen elsewhere. It's a long, brown capital ship with a bow that looks like a hooked beak.

Posted: 2007-03-18 10:34am
by Darth Tanner
It's a long, brown capital ship with a bow that looks like a hooked beak.
I think its called a Geonosian Assault Frigate, at least it is in the Warlords mod so I assume it has some more cannon background to it somewhere.

Republic Commando was a great game, I played straight through it over the weekend a couple of weeks ago. Its a pity it's been so long with no news of a sequel, Imperial Commando would be great.

Although I hate those pesky SBD's why will they NOT DIE!

EDIT: Also on the fate of Sev, if you use your sniper scope to look to the left of your gun turret at the end of the game you can see Sev in his turret just sitting there, so he must be alright.

Posted: 2007-03-18 02:26pm
by Cykeisme
Interesting.. the only two instances of this mysterious brown ship are in Republic Commando, where it remains unnamed.. and in a mod.
I'm going to email the Warlords guys and ask 'em where they got the design from.. I wonder where its official origin is.

It's possible its inclusion in RC is a gaffe.
Late in the game development, the dev team was supplied the design for the Recuscant-class destroyer. They may have replaced the model used at the endgame (scrambling to reactivate and man the defenses), but not at the much earlier portion where you see it arriving in the distance.
Darth Tanner wrote: Also on the fate of Sev, if you use your sniper scope to look to the left of your gun turret at the end of the game you can see Sev in his turret just sitting there, so he must be alright.
It's a gaffe.

They simply forgot that you had line of sight to the other two turrets, so they didn't script any actions for the other squad members after the destroyer explodes; Sev simply sits there, while the other two instantaneously vanish from their seats in their turrets.
You can see Scorch sitting in the turret anticlockwise from you, then he instantly vanishes and teleports into the Geonosian egg-nest area.

Admittedly it would be cool if they scripted them getting off the turrets and going through the doors back into the building.. then perhaps we see a storm blaster fire coming back out through Sev's door as he radios the distress signal.

That's one of the tiny sub-handful of unpolished instances in a great game.

Posted: 2007-03-18 04:12pm
by VT-16
I think the mystery RC ship has CIS markings on it if the game files are accessed or something. I think I saw it on a Geonosian land map, so it was present at the start of the CW as well.

Posted: 2007-03-18 05:04pm
by Darth Tanner

Warlords calls it a Pinnance Frigate

Warlords Data File

wiki wrote:Geonosian Dreadnaught

Produced by the insectoid Geonosians, among the founding races of the Confederacy, the dreadnought Pinnance is the strongest ship in the Separatist movement. It is the largest Geonosian ship ever produced and is capable of challenging even the mammoth Pride of the Core. Sonic-ball, missile, tractor-repulsor, and laser weapons all line its crafted hull. It is capable of dealing with almost any threat.
This wiki description of a (or possible 'the') Pinnance however seems to be of something completely different altogether.

Posted: 2007-03-18 06:01pm
by VT-16
Have you found any RC in-game shots of it? Warlords is riddled with fanon, so I wouldn't trust it too much.

Posted: 2007-03-18 06:04pm
by Anguirus
The core ship seen on Utapau in RotS is named by the novel as part of a Geonosian Dreadnought, so I don't think it's related to that frigate-thing.

I presume the Dreadnought is a somewhat larger and scarier TF Battleship. Which makes some sense, since the Geonosians designed the battle droids and may have worked on their ships as well.

Posted: 2007-03-18 06:52pm
by VT-16
I begrudgingly accepted McEwok's position that the novel does not explicitly describe the core ship headquarters after reading those portions, if only to leave the SW wiki article alone. =/

But this might actually stand a chance of being that kind of vessel.

EDIT: Found ingame footage: ... c_ship.JPG

Posted: 2007-03-18 10:25pm
by Anguirus
Um...ok? But I don't really care about Wookieepedia (or McEwok) and will gladly take the novel at its word. That brown ship is cool and all, but I can't see what possibly connects it to the Geonosian Dreadnought.

Posted: 2007-03-19 01:27pm
by VT-16
will gladly take the novel at its word
But that's the point, it doesn't identify the headquarters with the Geonosian dreadnaught.

Either way, I just thought this looked like something the Geonosians might build.

Posted: 2007-03-19 06:17pm
by Anguirus
"General Grievous stood wide-legged, hands folded behind him, as he stared out he reinforced viewport at the towering sphere of the Geonosian Dreadnaught. The immense ship looked small, though, against the scale of the vast sinkhole that surrounded it."

Care to point out a different sphere-shaped immense ship parked in a sinkhole on Utapau that Stover could POSSIBLY be referring to? And at any rate, it's explicitly a spherical ship whether or not it is THE spherical ship from the film, so it doesn't fit as our brown pointy frigate thing.

Posted: 2007-03-20 08:28pm
by Hot Hands Harry
EDIT: Found ingame footage:

+++ ... c_ship.JPG

That looks like a ship in the SW Art of RotS. The Paddle Wheel Ships. The round section is the dead give away. In the art the round part glows when the ship is in space and the captions says it was to give it a old sea feel.

Going by this picture I get a scale of 150m. So it’s a Corvette.

It does have the colors of a Genoises ship the same as the fighter. So I would propose that all paddle wheel ships from SW Art of RotS are Genoisen ships. I can find at least two of them and they look much larger then this one. They might be the Genosion Dreadnought. Much like the concept art of a ImpStar became the Victory.

Posted: 2007-03-20 09:56pm
by Anguirus
Does it matter to anyone else that the only canon appearence of the Geonosian Dreadnaught explicitly describes it as a sphere?

(And that a corvette is on the other end of the shipbuilding spectrum from a dreadnaught? Though there is the "Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser" in the canon.)

Posted: 2007-03-21 04:14am
by VT-16
Care to point out a different sphere-shaped immense ship parked in a sinkhole on Utapau that Stover could POSSIBLY be referring to?
I only read the Norwegian version ages ago, but Grievous was in his own ship looking out, apparently. And there is no corresponding scene in the film, since events were different. Obi-Wan meets Grievous seemingly immidiately after the group leaves the command center. And that got McDud going.

Then again, there could be a small lapse in time allowing this to take place.

Either way, the Core ship was identified as a Trade Fed core ship elsewhere, but that could just mean the Dreadnaught was made by the Trade Federation.

Posted: 2007-03-21 08:22am
by Anguirus
Well, I quoted the English passage. Grievous is not in the Dreadnaught, that's correct, but in another intallaton or ship parked on the planet's surface.

However I only see one huge sphere in the sinkhole in the movie. So once again, I have to wonder what you guys think Stover is talking about. The sphere in the movie doesn't look exactly like a Lucrehulk core ship, hence the possibility, strongly supported by the novel, that it's one of these suckers.

But regardless, the Geonosian Dreadnaught is certainly a large, spherical craft. That's going by the only canon description.

Posted: 2007-03-21 08:53pm
by Hot Hands Harry
Does it matter to anyone else that the only canon appearence of the Geonosian Dreadnaught explicitly describes it as a sphere?
Not really. Its just a Core Ship to the Geonosian Dreadnaught. Not the whole GD. Now it could be said that the GD could just be a Geonosian built TF Battleship. A heavily modified version but I could see it. But I could also see a much bigger version of the Geonosian Corvette that was to big to land on a planet so it has a Core ship. The Paddle Wheel ship has a part that a core ship could fit into.
(And that a corvette is on the other end of the shipbuilding spectrum from a dreadnaught? Though there is the "Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser" in the canon.)
Yeah, there is that stupid ship. But the Dreadnaught is not a Dreadnaught it’s a “heavy cruiser” from a down scaled navy. But the CIS seam to use a uniform ship scale for there Navy. So a GD would be bigger then a TF Battleship.

Posted: 2007-03-21 10:37pm
by Anguirus
But I could also see a much bigger version of the Geonosian Corvette that was to big to land on a planet so it has a Core ship. The Paddle Wheel ship has a part that a core ship could fit into.
So it could just be a sphere; it could be similar to a Lucrehulk; or it could attach to a super-biggified version of some brown pointy ship from a video game.

I'll assume they are totally seperate ships until something resembling evidence connects them to each other.

Posted: 2007-03-25 06:20pm
by Cykeisme
The mysterious brown ship is spotted later on over Kachirho on Kashyyyk, and it looks a lot bigger.. will take and post a screenie later today if no one else does.

Posted: 2007-03-25 08:58pm
by Hot Hands Harry
The mysterious brown ship is spotted later on over Kachirho on Kashyyyk, and it looks a lot bigger.. will take and post a screenie later today if no one else does.
Please do. It might be the GD or another Genosion ship.

Posted: 2007-03-26 01:32am
by Anguirus
It might be the GD
Yeah, cause it's totally a SPHERICAL brown ship we are talking about. :roll:

Sorry to be a broken record guys, but you might as well ask if a cylindrical ship is an Imperial Star Destroyer.