QuentinGeorge wrote:The minority source is in error, not the majority.
No source is any more authorative than any other, and a single source labelling her "Empress" is enough to conclude that she was referred to as such, at least by one individual.
Asswipes or not.
Another canonical source, and several such sources of the same rank, claim explicitly that she was "Empress in all but name." Now is the most reasonable, sensible resolution to claim that she was crowned Empress? Or that her effective powers and perogatives as dictator of the post-Endor Empire proper made her functionally identical to a
de jure Empress, though she neither claimed nor was granted the title?
Anyway, having a list of "Galactic Emperors" that not only included dubious matters such as Isard, but also Thrawn and Pestage, etc. is not very helpful or intelligent or informative. It does not inform readers about the powers or characteristics of the Galactic Emperor, and a list of
de facto Emperors the majority of whom were military dictators,
de facto regents, and strongmen does nothing to assist the reader of the nature of the office of Galactic Emperor. These individuals are NOT significant to an understanding of the office of Galactic Emperor occupied by Palpatine of Naboo, and in many cases their position and powers are described in contrast to Palpatine. In Isard's case, it represents a transition to a stratocratic state from a merely militaristic one.
A list of Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom will not display George IV, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as King while he was Prince Regent, nor should it include Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Oliver Cromwell. Should Grand Admiral and
Reichspräsident Karl Dönitz be listed on a page describing the Nazi office of
Führer und Reichskanzler or
Führer des Grossdeutschen Reichs? No, because even if he was "
de facto"
Führer, he is not important or relevent to discussing that office.
In several cases the described "Emperors" do not even occupy a similar position of power relative to the Galactic Emperor Palpatine. General Paltr Carvin, for example, was merely apparently the chairman or president of the three-man Tribunal (presumably somesort of presidium or council empowered to act on behalf of the larger Cabal/Emperor's Ruling Circle since Pestage's ouster). The Tribunal would be the collegial head of state, invested with the Imperial powers and perogatives, but taking such a fact and declaring the Tribunal's chairman and first-among-equals to be "
de facto" Emperor is misinformative and stupid. Ysanne Isard was a uniformed military officer as Director of Intelligence, and her assumption of a de facto regency signaled a major transition of the Empire to a military dictatorship. Post-Isard the Emperor's Ruling Circle
collegially executed power, and during Thrawn's campaigns they nominally exercised a power-sharing agreement with Thrawn - who officially speaking as Supreme Commander was inferior in rank to them. To take his informal power base and conflate it to "
de facto" Emperorship is misleading. Carnor Jax was nominally apparently only chairman of his Interim Ruling Council - which probably was probably collegial regent, and derived significant power informally by posturing as Dark Lord of the Sith (implicit heir to Vader's and Palpatine's personal prestige and authority).
This is saying nothing of the fact that Wookieepedia's stupid portrayal of the Dallaist/Pelleaonist zombie Empire as a the direct legitimate continuation of Palpatine's Empire.
Face it, having a page talking about Galactic Emperors, having a list of them where the vast majority were not even nominally Emperors and in most cases whose powers never resembled that of Palpatine nominally or actually, and who were merely head of state of the Empire is misleading and stupid. Poor scholarship on their part.