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How good is this SW Galactic map?

Posted: 2003-01-18 01:18pm
by Dark Primus ... icmap.html

It doesn't look to be fully accurate compare to the map we get in the novels, but close i think.

Posted: 2003-01-18 01:47pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Uhm. They make up a bunch of planets. Seems like an amatuer RPG-based thingy.

It's ok. It isn't that good though.

Posted: 2003-01-18 02:10pm
by Dark Primus
I noticed Imperial space lies in the path of the Yuuzhan Vong conquests.

Posted: 2003-01-18 02:14pm
by Illuminatus Primus
It looks like a combination between what the galaxy would look like at the time of the Thrawn Trilogy combined with some fanmade RPG stuff. Of course the scale of the regions is wrong. The galaxy isn't shaped like that, and the Unknown Regions lie outside the galactic disk.

Posted: 2003-01-18 05:16pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I got this really kick-ass map in SW Insider. When they made the map, they went through every conceivable source to get all of the planets and hyperspace lanes and everything correct. They charted all of the planets based on varying sources. And they even cleaned up contradicting data from sources and made logical explanations as to why the data conflicted. For example, traveling from Planet A to Planet B to Planet C takes X amount of time. However, traveling from Planet A to Planet C takes Y amount of time. So they put other planets and nebula and objects and whatnot to explain why it would take longer or shorter to get from Planet A to Planet C without traveling to Planet B. So all of the sources for the SW galactic layout don't conflict with each other anymore. :D

Posted: 2003-01-18 05:24pm
by Kuja
Hmmm. Besides all the fan-made stuff, not bad. :D

Posted: 2003-01-18 05:30pm
by HemlockGrey
Joe, do you have a scanner?

Posted: 2003-01-18 05:51pm
by Illuminatus Primus
It is too bad there isn't a SW cartography project like the ST one.

Posted: 2003-01-18 08:09pm
by Darth Fanboy
THe reason there is no SW cartography is because with hyperdrive it doesn't really matter unless the planet is mving about like Zenoma Sekot.

I would like to see a mao more like the ones Obi Wan was checking out in AoTC.

Posted: 2003-01-18 08:29pm
by Illuminatus Primus

Posted: 2003-01-19 03:34am
by Pcm979
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:I got this really kick-ass map in SW Insider. When they made the map, they went through every conceivable source to get all of the planets and hyperspace lanes and everything correct. They charted all of the planets based on varying sources. And they even cleaned up contradicting data from sources and made logical explanations as to why the data conflicted. For example, traveling from Planet A to Planet B to Planet C takes X amount of time. However, traveling from Planet A to Planet C takes Y amount of time. So they put other planets and nebula and objects and whatnot to explain why it would take longer or shorter to get from Planet A to Planet C without traveling to Planet B. So all of the sources for the SW galactic layout don't conflict with each other anymore. :D
Is it still available? If so, where? Must check Ebay...

Posted: 2003-01-19 06:53am
by Robert Treder
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:I got this really kick-ass map in SW Insider. When they made the map, they went through every conceivable source to get all of the planets and hyperspace lanes and everything correct. They charted all of the planets based on varying sources. And they even cleaned up contradicting data from sources and made logical explanations as to why the data conflicted. For example, traveling from Planet A to Planet B to Planet C takes X amount of time. However, traveling from Planet A to Planet C takes Y amount of time. So they put other planets and nebula and objects and whatnot to explain why it would take longer or shorter to get from Planet A to Planet C without traveling to Planet B. So all of the sources for the SW galactic layout don't conflict with each other anymore. :D
You talking about the one in SW Insider #65?

Posted: 2003-01-19 07:28am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Fanboy:

I meant this... ... graphy.htm
Site looks okay but the fucking MIDI chased me away faster than any supernova ever could. Any way to deliberately sabotage MIDI playback in Mozilla?

P.S. Thread Split and Move requested.

Posted: 2003-01-19 06:10pm
by Robert Treder
In Opera, you can tell the browser to not play any sound files that are supposed to automatically pop up. I'm sure Mozilla also has this option.

Posted: 2003-01-19 06:15pm
by Kelly Antilles
Robert Treder wrote:
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:I got this really kick-ass map in SW Insider. When they made the map, they went through every conceivable source to get all of the planets and hyperspace lanes and everything correct. They charted all of the planets based on varying sources. And they even cleaned up contradicting data from sources and made logical explanations as to why the data conflicted. For example, traveling from Planet A to Planet B to Planet C takes X amount of time. However, traveling from Planet A to Planet C takes Y amount of time. So they put other planets and nebula and objects and whatnot to explain why it would take longer or shorter to get from Planet A to Planet C without traveling to Planet B. So all of the sources for the SW galactic layout don't conflict with each other anymore. :D
You talking about the one in SW Insider #65?
Sounds like it. I got it too. TOo big to scan on a typical scanner.

Posted: 2003-01-19 06:26pm
by Robert Treder
Yeah, it's pretty good. My problems with it:

Aren't Corellia, Selonia, Drall, Talus, and Tralus supposed to be in the same system? Why does every map indicate that they are lightyears apart? This one has a neat way of showing planets who are in the same system or are very close, as evidenced by its depiction of Mrllst and Fondor, Kiffex and Kiffu, and Troiken and Quermia. Additionally, they show a planet in the same system as Naboo by printing its name under Naboo's. Why didn't it show the "Five Brothers" that way? Similarly, Nar Shaddaa is supposed to be the moon of Nal Hutta, but this map shows them very far apart.
Also, every map since the Essential Guide to Planets and Moons has shown Agamar on it, but no map ever shows Kuan (Maarek Stele's home planet). I thought the Stele Chronicles were cooler than the Farlander Papers.

Our map

Posted: 2003-01-19 07:09pm
by Duath

I'm glad I found this topic. I registered just a few minutes ago and wouldn't have the guts to open a new one rightaway :wink:

Since you're discussing maps of the Star Wars galaxy, I'd like to hear your opinion about the map we've made over the last few weeks. We use it for creating our IRC roleplay plots, which, by the way, do not comply with any of the "official" storylines (yeah, we've started to write our own post-Endor history, that's what roleplay is about, isn't it?).

So, the various symbols and colors shouldn't bother you. I'm just curious what you guys think about the validity of this map in terms of sectors, planet positions etc. It currently displays 536 planets/moons/stations in 51 sectors.

Well, here we go: ... nkarte.htm

Please click "Zur Sternkarte", the map will open in full screen mode. If some of the graphics don't appear, use F5 to refresh.

"Legende" - map key
"Machtverteilung" - distribution of power
"Besitzverteilung" - distribution of planets
"Planetenliste" - list of planets
"Suche" - planet search
"Beenden" - close

All right, have fun :)

Posted: 2003-01-19 07:12pm
by Crix Dorius

My Emperor himself... :shock:

What a honor... :twisted:

Re: Our map

Posted: 2003-01-19 07:18pm
by Robert Treder
Welcome, friend.

You based the map a lot on the Rebellion map, right?
Looks inaccurate in some places, but still good for gaming, I'd assume.
One of the things your map fell for that Rebellion helped spread is the misplacement of the Seswenna Sector. Seswenna is supposed to be the outer rim sector that contains Eriadu, not the sector that contains Coruscant. (ref. Imperial Sourcebook)

Posted: 2003-01-19 07:22pm
by Crayz9000
Here's a map that was done by Marcus Sjöberg from I touched it up a bit and added some planets. (Note that you need an image editor like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop to view it; web browsers will choke on it...

And here's the map featured in the Behind the Magic CD:

Posted: 2003-01-19 07:29pm
by Duath
So far, we haven't used Rebellion as a source for this map, but it might just be that we used sources that described the Sesswenna sector as being close to the core. :? Thanks for the correction though, we'll work in that.
I only wish it wasn't that one article / image you find shows a planet in the outer rim, and the next article you read mentions the same world as being part of the Core worlds... happens more often than not...

Posted: 2003-01-19 07:30pm
by Robert Treder
Awesome, C9K! But is the Empress Teta system really supposed to be in the middle of the Core?

Posted: 2003-01-19 07:32pm
by Robert Treder
Duath wrote:So far, we haven't used Rebellion as a source for this map, but it might just be that we used sources that described the Sesswenna sector as being close to the core. :? Thanks for the correction though, we'll work in that.
I only wish it wasn't that one article / image you find shows a planet in the outer rim, and the next article you read mentions the same world as being part of the Core worlds... happens more often than not...
Yeah, that is a problem. The new map from SW Insider supposedly fixes a lot of these problems. I can scan the map in, but I don't have webspace for it. So if anybody wants it, I can email it to them.

Posted: 2003-01-19 07:38pm
by Crayz9000
Robert Treder wrote:Awesome, C9K! But is the Empress Teta system really supposed to be in the middle of the Core?
It was never specified and never appeared on any map, but it was said to be in the Deep Core, so I kind of picked a spot at random.

Nirauan's also a mistake; it should be nearer the Remnant, IIRC.

Posted: 2003-01-19 07:40pm
by Duath
Actually, I'd be quite interested. All I have is this poster-like map that came with a collectible series called "Star Wars Fact File" (at least back here in Germany). But it's again drawn is such a weird angle that you can't figure out where the planets really are - after all, the galaxy is a 3-dimensional thing. I prefer maps showing it directly from "above".