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How would you like to see Jar Jar die in episode III?
Posted: 2002-08-08 01:43pm
by Next of Kin
Let's hear your ideas folks. Now don't make me puke by suggesting Jar Jar should get into a lightsaber duel or die honorably by saving someone else. Let's be realistic. I'd like to see him walk down some sort of avenue at the beginning of the movie, slip on some bantha poodoo, and crack his noggin' in two. For the rest of the movie of everyone would forget that he actually existed. How's that for realism?
Posted: 2002-08-08 01:45pm
by Mr. B
The very first Star Destroyer shooting him with all it's 200GT glory.
Posted: 2002-08-08 01:46pm
by Next of Kin
The very first Star Destroyer shooting him with all it's 200GT glory.
I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Good one Mr. B!
Posted: 2002-08-08 01:48pm
by Stravo
Anakin's first kill as Darth Vader.
Posted: 2002-08-08 02:07pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Chopped to pieces in the middle of a three-way lightsaber duel between berserk anakin, windu, and donku
Posted: 2002-08-08 02:09pm
by Dark Primus
Have GL shot him on the set.
Anyone seen the fan made movie where Jar Jar gets shot?
It was short but i laughed my ass off after watching it.
Posted: 2002-08-08 02:29pm
by Talon Karrde
Have him fall off the his hovering senate platform for his stupid clumsiness. I can just see him standing up, "I propose that we......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted: 2002-08-08 03:04pm
by Enforcer Talen
lmao. that would be awesome, karrde.
Posted: 2002-08-08 03:07pm
by consequences
whatsa this? looksa interesting to readsa. titlsa "portal"(head explodes)
Posted: 2002-08-08 03:07pm
by starfury
a stormie kicks him under a AT-AT conveniently moving forward to crush the seperatist forces, he just happens to be right under there.
BTW, I think there was a picture of something resembling my scernario.
Posted: 2002-08-08 03:15pm
by NecronLord
You know the EU story of tarkin landing on the protestors somewhere,
Emperor; for killing that, thing I am going to make you an admiral, no I need something better. Arise Grand Moff tarkin !
Posted: 2002-08-08 04:30pm
by Sea Skimmer
Crushed by the landing gear of a landing Accumulator.
Posted: 2002-08-08 05:43pm
by Next of Kin
Alright how about this scenario:
Mace Windu and Yoda are discussing what's to be done with Anakin. Jar Jar Binks waltzes into the room and blurts out "Meesa Ja Ja Binks Okeeday!". Instantaneously, Mace draws his lightsabre and with Jedi precision he proceeds to slice Binks into tiny cubes. When finished Mace declares 'Damn! That sucka was gettin' to me!"
Re: How would you like to see Jar Jar die in episode III?
Posted: 2002-08-08 06:02pm
by Eleas
I want Yoda to kill him. I can see it before my eyes.
The rubbery form of a Gungan senator ambled into the room and, upon seeing its resident, stopped.
"Master Yoda! Meesa Senator Jar-Jar Binks! Hee-lo! Meesa muy muy happy seein yousa!"
"Hmmm. Jar-Jar. Remember I do." Yoda raised his head to regard him. The ancient eyes were piercing. "Creature of the Dark Side, you are."
"The darken side, mesa?"
The wizened Jedi Master nodded grimly. "Yes. Kill you I must."
"Mesa, dady Yoda?" Jar-Jar found himelf backing off uncertainly. "But... but... meesa luv all Jedi! Meesa luv you too!"
Hobbling closer to the stricken Gungan, Yoda's lips thinned in determination.
"For that, painful your death will be."
"Ye gads!" wailed the pathetic one. "Mesa gonna die!"
"Pushed me too far, you have," Yoda intoned in a low, ominous voice. His gnarled hands crackled with Force Lightning. The Gungan, turning to run, didn't see the bundle of corrupted energy that lashed toward him. But he felt it. He fell to the ground screaming like only a Gungan could, and he didn't stop screaming for a long time.
Eventually, the tortured shrieks of the creature ceased. Stepping out of the compact, billowing smoke, Master Yoda let the last vestigues of the Force Lightning recede.
"Sith am I become. Now, wicked robes I must find."
Posted: 2002-08-08 07:04pm
by Needa
MMmmm I would like to see Jar Jar fried by Palpatine with his lightning attack.
Then we should hear something like: O my god! They killed Jar Jar! You ********!
No, forget that. No one is gonna miss him anyway
Posted: 2002-08-08 11:52pm
by Jadeite
I only have one preference concerning his death: screaming. loudly.
Posted: 2002-08-09 12:04am
by Talon Karrde
I personally would like no screaming. The less I have to hear from Jar Jar the better.
Posted: 2002-08-09 12:49am
by Mr. B
Talon Karrde wrote:
I personally would like no screaming. The less I have to hear from Jar Jar the better.
Maye be he will be spaced. No one can hear you scream in the cold of space.
Posted: 2002-08-09 02:13am
by Lusankya
Transported accident. It kills two birds with one stone:
1) Jar Jar is dead
2) In the aftermath, transporters are removed from the empire. Thus we have canon proof that SW does have transporter technology and refuses to use it for idealogical reasons, and nothing those damn trekkies can say about it could constitute an effective argument.
Or, more realistically, the evils of the transporter are exposed when a transporter goes haywire and creates a million Jar Jar clones. Then we get to see him die over and over and over and over.....
Posted: 2002-08-09 02:29am
by Typhonis 1
And since there are a million Jar Jar clones clones are declared evil and banned
Posted: 2002-08-10 06:12am
by consequences
banned, they would probably be shot on sight.
Subtlety, gentlemen, is always the best approach
Posted: 2002-08-12 04:24pm
by Patrick Degan
We really don't have to see the actual moment of Jar-Jar's death. Just a quiet scene where Palpatine is settling into his new Imperial throne room and camera looks past his throne to the wall behind him, where Jar-Jar's head is mounted.
Posted: 2002-08-12 04:31pm
by Doomriser
Howabout the million Jar Jar clones invade and defeat the Federation?
I want to see Jar Jar and everyone on Naboo including Amidala to die in a giant BDZ.
Posted: 2002-08-13 02:06am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
How I would want Jar Jar to die? Painfully. Agonizingly. EXCRUCIATINGLY. Maybe we should let him feel our pain.
Posted: 2002-08-13 02:21am
by Master of Ossus
Maybe he should be tied up and forced to watch the "Happy Little Elves" from the Simpsons for a while. Alternatively, his ears could be cut off and it explained that that is the Gungan equivalent of emasculation. Bad times.