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2008 CW series trailer!
Posted: 2007-05-27 04:00pm
by VT-16
AT-TEs scaling cliffs? What as all that hoopla about the UT-AT for, then?
I also see Grievous has a proto-superlaser, this might have something to do with an episode name that accidentally got leaked on Anthony Daniels' website some months back. I think it was about stopping something, possibly a ship.
Posted: 2007-05-27 04:06pm
by Ender
interesting style change
Posted: 2007-05-27 04:11pm
by VT-16
Reminds me of Shrek, in a way. At least it looks better than the first series. Ich.
Now I found Daniels' quote:
"Just finished another recording session on Clone Wars - Chapter 11- "Destroy Malevolence". Thrilling stuff!"
I have a feeling Malevolence is a CIS warship that's armed with that superlaser in the trailer.
Posted: 2007-05-27 04:20pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Looks promising.
Posted: 2007-05-27 04:23pm
by Bounty
Was that a blocky B-wing or just a ship that lost a wing?
The CGI looked a bit off, to be honest. Are they going for the cartoon's sharp-edged style or did the money run out?
Posted: 2007-05-27 04:50pm
by Covenant
Bounty wrote:Was that a blocky B-wing or just a ship that lost a wing?
The CGI looked a bit off, to be honest. Are they going for the cartoon's sharp-edged style or did the money run out?
I'm sure they're trying to replicate the cel cartoon's style. It's extremely obvious that Yoda and Mace and especially Obi Wan are designed that way, and it features others from the cartoon done in their original style.
Posted: 2007-05-27 04:59pm
by Anguirus
AT-TEs scaling cliffs? What as all that hoopla about the UT-AT for, then?
To be fair, they weren't that great at it.
Posted: 2007-05-27 05:31pm
by VT-16
They were being shot. -__-
Posted: 2007-05-27 05:38pm
by Jim Raynor
This looks cool, and I'm looking forward to it.
I remember when the style of the previous
Clone Wars series was revealed, a lot of us griped about how it should have been CGI. The CGI here isn't great, and actually resembles video game cutscenes from a few years ago. Still, it looks a lot better than the hand-drawn
Clone Wars series. I was able to get past the art and enjoy that last series anyway, so I don't think looks will be a problem for me this time around if the show is good.
You guys see those Clone troopers getting excited as a few battledroids came in, immediately shooting down one of their men? And Grievous has a superlaser? Brushfire spec ops my ass.
Posted: 2007-05-27 05:41pm
by VT-16
Yeah, Grievous is picking off Venators left and right. 8D
Posted: 2007-05-27 06:27pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
VT-16 wrote:Reminds me of Shrek, in a way.
Has more resemblance to the style featured in the recent CGI
TMNT movie, I think.
Posted: 2007-05-27 06:54pm
by Count Dooku
That looked pretty awesome! I personally can't wait!
Posted: 2007-05-27 07:25pm
by Jack Bauer
Looks promising indeed. I like how they're brining back the V-19s and Delta-7s. Those were my personal favorites of the CW era ship designs.
Posted: 2007-05-27 07:40pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
I will be interested in some serious capital ship combat. That's probably all I'd look for.
Posted: 2007-05-27 07:57pm
by CaptHawkeye
For some reason, my browser won't load the page fully. So I can't actually see it yet. I'll try Firefox. (I normally use slimbrowser.)
There we go.
VT-16 wrote:Yeah, Grievous is picking off Venators left and right. 8D
Wha... what?
Oh well, on the brightside, at least i'll be seeing a lot more Venator action. No Victory class here!
As for the AT-TE's, yet more pure canon info to show how vastly superior Star Wars armor is to modern armor. It's always nice to have!
Posted: 2007-05-27 08:43pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
CaptHawkeye wrote:As for the AT-TE's, yet more pure canon info to show how vastly superior Star Wars armor is to modern armor. It's always nice to have!
The TV shows aren't G-Canon, though. For the time being, they'll be placed in a temporary classification known as T-Canon, until the guys at Lucasfilm figure out where they should put them. I guess you could consider that right now they hover between but outside of both G- and C-Canon.
Posted: 2007-05-27 09:00pm
by CaptHawkeye
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:The TV shows aren't G-Canon, though. For the time being, they'll be placed in a temporary classification known as T-Canon.
Meh, it was just bonus info anyway.
I read a little about it. I like how the show is going to concentrate on the Clone Wars in general and not on the series characters alone. They'll have episodes with nothing but Clone Troopers or a single Jedi. The concept is bleeding with awesome.
Posted: 2007-05-27 11:57pm
by Darksider
I saw this on a big screen at Celebration IV today.
They had the producer and the art director do a Q and A.
They claimed they are going for a sort of half and half between the CW cartoon series and the movies for the visual style, but th feats of the Jedi and such will be purely movie based. there will be none of the Uber-mace style wanking.
Posted: 2007-05-28 12:52am
by Stark
So will we have half hour swordfights?
Posted: 2007-05-28 01:35am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Stark wrote:So will we have half hour swordfights?
What is this? A Japanese anime?
Posted: 2007-05-28 01:39am
by Stark
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:
What is this? A Japanese anime?
Ahem, I saw ROTS! Oh wait, I guess it was 'half hour swordfight intercut with other stuff'. Like 'And now back to Mustafar... yes... they're still banging their swords together. And back to the action elsewhere!'
EDIT - and since I've seen the trailer now... I like the content, it looks great, but I'm not a fan of the hair. Obi-Wan's beard looks like a spongecake glued to his face. Next to non-cartoony stuff like the shiny, reflective clonetrooper armour it looks wierd.
And the light-tonfa chick was on the page with the video. It made me sad.
Posted: 2007-05-28 02:00am
by Ritterin Sophia
Stark wrote:And the light-tonfa chick was on the page with the video. It made me sad.
Stark, don't even talk about that, I've learned something from the internet, if you talk about something a company makes that's utterly retarded, they go online and search out more retarded shit related to it, do you
want lightbows?
Posted: 2007-05-28 03:17am
by Lord Relvenous
General Schatten wrote: do you want lightbows?
As mentioned in a previous thread, Lightbows have been created in the Star Wars universe. Yes it is as stupid as it sounds. Actually it is even more stupid than that. It is used by an armless man that loads and fires it with the Force, and he uses the bolts to deflect blaster bolts, because he is a bodygaurd. Yes, it is that stupid.
Now onto the topic at hand. Does anyone know if they will incorporate the same time system for the episodes? I haven't read much so I don't know.
Posted: 2007-05-28 04:55am
by Shroom Man 777
The climbing ATs reminded me of the Starship Trooper series.
Posted: 2007-05-28 05:08am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Shroom Man 777 wrote:The climbing ATs reminded me of the Starship Trooper series.
The overly huge bug? *squashes flat a bug*