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Design a weapon

Posted: 2007-06-13 02:56am
by Zirotecha
There is no dumb rules here, just dont exagerrate by putting measurements over an octillion because these weapons are handheld, like a blaster, but not like a turbolaser.

Copy and paste:

Size:(must be handheld)
Damage Type:(Kinetic,lightsaber,blaster,heat,electric, or explosive)
Construction time:(no more than one standard year)
Cost:(no more than $800,000,000)
Special Features:(dont exaggerate)
notes:(Extra info)

Re: Design a weapon

Posted: 2007-06-13 03:00am
by Ritterin Sophia
Zirotecha wrote:Damage Type:(Kinetic,lightsaber,blaster,heat,electric, or explosive)
That's retarded, considering that a blaster is kinetic, explosive, and heat all rolled into one and lightsabers are in some fashion kinetic and heat based.

Posted: 2007-06-13 03:08am
by Zirotecha
Damage types is according to Star Wars New Essencial Guide to Weapons and Technology. Therefore, it is not retarded. Kinetic is like a club, you smash someone with it. Explosive is like a thermal detonator, it makes a big boom. Blaster is energy, not heat. Lightsaber is energy, not heat. Considering heat is generated by energy, that is not its main purpose.

Posted: 2007-06-13 03:16am
by Ritterin Sophia
Zirotecha wrote:Damage types is according to Star Wars New Essencial Guide to Weapons and Technology. Therefore, it is not retarded. Kinetic is like a club, you smash someone with it. Explosive is like a thermal detonator, it makes a big boom. Blaster is energy, not heat. Lightsaber is energy, not heat. Considering heat is generated by energy, that is not its main purpose.
Blaster can physically knock someone off his feet, blasters create shrapnel and craters larger than the bolts when they impact, hits from blasters are called blaster burns and you can see Greedo smoking, ergo, you're a moron. You're right, lightsabers don't cauterize the wounds before the victims of these weapons can bleed, that's why we see blood gushing from Anakin's arm, Dooku's hands, Maul's torso, and Dooku's head and we CERTAINLY never see a blast door being turned into it's molten durasteel before our eyes. :roll: Whether that's it's main function is irrelevant, the fact is they do behave in this manner.

Do you even think before you post?

Edit: Oh great, yet another God Damned newb with the Sith Mantra in his sig, colour me surprised. :roll:

Posted: 2007-06-13 08:43am
by Ghost Rider
Let's break down some of the silliness:
Size:(must be handheld)
So why not say this as the weapon itself in the title? I mean what, are people going to make Nanotech Jedi?

Damage Type:(Kinetic,lightsaber,blaster,heat,electric, or explosive)
Let's try to break this down.

Damage Type makes no fucking sense, have you even passed first year Physics or Chemistry? Hell, High school versions of each class?!

I mean this is akin to rating weapons in real life to Bullets, explosives, Kinetics, heat, flamethrower.

Get terminology right.
Organic? You mean as it is alive or what?

Construction time:(no more than one standard year)
How do you even begin to classify this? I mean given the sheer lack of information on SW on this matter, no one here could come with anything except 1-12 months...and they'd be pulling it out their asses.
Cost:(no more than $800,000,000)
Again, a completely pointless bit, because everyone would pull it from their ass.
Special Features:(dont exaggerate)
Hrmm? So it can't be a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster along with the Ultimate Nullifier?
notes:(Extra info)
Wouldn't this be under special features?

Aside from the topic being borderline spam, you don't give any real parameters and as is smacks of RPG nonsense mixed with wank.

Posted: 2007-06-13 10:56am
by CDiehl
Might I ask an obvious question? Why is the entire OP in bold? Also, was it necessary to explain to us the different types of damage, as though we were a bunch of idiots? I think we're all well aware of what kinetic and explosive damage are. Also, as I understand it, a blaster round is not "energy", but plasma, and lightsabers do generate heat, as when Grievous is spinning his sabers against the floor on Utupau, the spots where they touch the floor melt.

Posted: 2007-06-13 11:11pm
by Zirotecha
Don't blame me. It wasn't my idea to make this. My friend told me to do this since he couldn't enter with his lagging computer.

Posted: 2007-06-13 11:26pm
by Zirotecha
Let's break down some of the silliness:

About the organics part, Yhuuzhan Vong have an Amphistaff that in fact is alive.

Damage type is from Star Wars: the New Essencial Guide to Weapons and Technology and size can vary from a centimeter-large single-use porta-disruptor. Some weapons can take up to a year to manufacture, like an amplifier plasma launcher, the size of a gun but can melt through 10 blocks of durasteel almost instantly. Cost can be immense. a lightweight heavy blaster beam can cost up to $700,000 credits itself! A special feature might be like a concealed mini-dart shooter, somthing preferred by many assassins. Considering these answers, it should be you saying that your own things are bullcrap.

Posted: 2007-06-13 11:31pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Zirotecha wrote:Let's break down some of the silliness:
Yes let's.
Snip Retardery
So you used a flawed classification system and dared to tell me that I was wrong? A blaster can knock a person down, a blaster can explode creating craters bigger than the relatively small bolt, and we can see Greedo's insides frying.
Considering these answers, it should be you saying that your own things are bullcrap.
No, you should be asking yourself if your mother loves you, because she had to have dropped you on your head at least a dozen times.

Posted: 2007-06-13 11:58pm
by Zirotecha
General Scooter, you should ask yourself if you can be significantly smarter. Think before you say. A lightsaber and blaster produce heat, dont they? Is that their primary purpose, to burn to death? NO. Is a blaster supposed to make an explosion? NO. I dont even know what you're talking about. There is no movie, no novel, where it says that a blaster makes an "explosion".

Posted: 2007-06-14 12:04am
by Ritterin Sophia
Zirotecha wrote:General Scooter, you should ask yourself if you can be significantly smarter. Think before you say. A lightsaber and blaster produce heat, dont they? Is that their primary purpose, to burn to death? NO. Is a blaster supposed to make an explosion? NO. I dont even know what you're talking about. There is no movie, no novel, where it says that a blaster makes an "explosion".
Lightsaber uses heat as it's primary purpose? FUCK YES DUMBASS! IT BURNS THROUGH SHIT!

I'm sorry, it appears you haven't seen A New Hope where Han blasts a torso sized chunk of rock out of the docking bay, perhaps you also missed RotJ where a near hit at Leia's arm burned her.

Posted: 2007-06-14 12:07am
by Noble Ire
Zirotecha wrote:General Scooter, you should ask yourself if you can be significantly smarter. Think before you say. A lightsaber and blaster produce heat, dont they? Is that their primary purpose, to burn to death? NO. Is a blaster supposed to make an explosion? NO. I dont even know what you're talking about. There is no movie, no novel, where it says that a blaster makes an "explosion".
Then, if I may ask, what is Han Solo's blaster doing when it knocks a watermelon-sized hole in the side of the Mos Eisely docking port in ANH? What do the stormtroopers' E-11 do to the cell block lift door later in that same film? Why do near-misses from Imperial walkers in ESB and ROTJ send rebel infantry and Ewoks flying? Why do the pistols of the Naboo Guardsmen in TPM shatter battle droids and send them flying backwards? Surely, that's not "heat" or "energy" damage.

Posted: 2007-06-14 12:15am
by Coriolis
Zirotecha wrote:Think before you say.
You first.
A lightsaber and blaster produce heat, dont they? Is that their primary purpose, to burn to death? NO.
Idiot. They don't "burn" things. They simply melt/vaporize their way through objects.
Is a blaster supposed to make an explosion? NO.
If you watch the movies, Solo's blaster shots create explosions in the Tatooine hangar bay that literally take chunks out of the walls.

[edit]Damn. Schatten and Ire beat me to him.

Posted: 2007-06-14 12:51am
by fusion
Zirotecha wrote:Damage types is according to Star Wars New Essencial Guide to Weapons and Technology. Therefore, it is not retarded.
Really, just because it is the NEGWT doesn't mean that it is not a retarded idea.
If your stupidity continues, you will be exterminated and you can be sure of that.

Posted: 2007-06-14 08:25am
by Ghost Rider
Zirotecha wrote:Don't blame me. It wasn't my idea to make this. My friend told me to do this since he couldn't enter with his lagging computer.
You post, it's your stupidity. You're just proving you're a tool while at it. Locking because you have no fucking clue.