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Death Star questions

Posted: 2007-06-13 04:39am
by Adam Reynolds
Could Coruscan't planatary shield stop the death star's superlaser?
Although if this was the case, the Death Star would be useless against the core worlds.

Also on a somewhat related note, what would be required to stop a death star with conventional forces.

Re: Death Star questions

Posted: 2007-06-13 04:45am
by Ritterin Sophia
Adamskywalker007 wrote:Could Coruscan't planatary shield stop the death star's superlaser?
NO, Grand Moff Tarkin said that Alderaan's shielding was as powerful as any in the Empire, this woulf include Coruscant.
Also on a somewhat related note, what would be required to stop a death star with conventional forces.
Considering it's the size of a small moon it would be a safe bet that a fully functional Death Star (Despite what Palpatine said, the DS2 couldn't be fully operational since we saw nor heard of any shielding, which the first Death Star had) would be equipped with a Planetary Shield and would require either another Death Star or any number of Eclipse or Sovereigns.

Posted: 2007-06-13 04:57am
by Galvatron
What would a BDZ-level bombardment do to the Death Star?

Posted: 2007-06-13 05:12am
by Ritterin Sophia
Galvatron wrote:What would a BDZ-level bombardment do to the Death Star?
With or without the shielding? I doubt it could survive without it, but if it takes them weeks even with torpedo spheres to penetrate a planetary shield, just think how long it will take with hundreds to thousands of HTL's returning fire.

Posted: 2007-06-13 05:30am
by Starglider
General Schatten wrote:I doubt it could survive without it
I don't. Melting the top few metres of a planetary crust is equivalent to vaporising what, a metre or so of durasteel armour off the outer surface of the DS1? A uniform BDZ level bombardment probably won't even severely damage the surface defences. The main armour belt is kilometres thick, even if you could sit there pouring fire into one spot with no return fire an ISD is going to take at least hours, probably days to drill through to the vitals.

Posted: 2007-06-13 05:59am
by Lord Revan
Starglider do you realize that melting the crust to x meters is low end for BDZ (high end being what comes when you take into account water and all the strutures and such (remember that core worlds are not immune to BDZs when not shielded))