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Something Wicked This Way Comes?

Posted: 2007-07-13 03:50pm
by Alexian Cale
First, hey guys. I'm a new member. I came here because I saw that this is one of the very few logical ones that debates/discusses Star Wars. That you all managed to quantify all the shit about the Star Destroyers given all the inconsistencies speaks of high intellect, and I wish to learn your ways! :p

Anyways, Domuspublica is back up, but I can't find the essay specifically about Palpatine. Does anyone know where I may find a copy? Publius is an excellent writer and I enjoyed it.

Re: Something Wicked This Way Comes?

Posted: 2007-07-13 05:20pm
by Havok
Alexian Cale wrote:First, hey guys. I'm a new member. I came here because I saw that this is one of the very few logical ones that debates/discusses Star Wars. That you all managed to quantify all the shit about the Star Destroyers given all the inconsistencies speaks of high intellect, and I wish to learn your ways! :p

Anyways, Domuspublica is back up, but I can't find the essay specifically about Palpatine. Does anyone know where I may find a copy? Publius is an excellent writer and I enjoyed it.
Greetings. I would try PMing Pubius.

Posted: 2007-07-13 05:30pm
by Connor MacLeod
Publius is in the process of revising and updating his site as Time permits. Like with Mike and Curtis, Publius has a real life and that takes precedence over his site. You can PM him to ask, but I'm sure he'll tell you that its a work in process. I'll just suggest being patient and waiting for him to get around to it :P

Posted: 2007-07-14 01:22am
by Alexian Cale
I appreciate it.


Re: Something Wicked This Way Comes?

Posted: 2007-07-14 09:54am
by Cykeisme
Indeed, the rational quantification of the fantastic technology and the possible underlying physics in SW is one thing this community offers that you can get nowhere else.. same reason I'm here.

Considering Lucas has stated that he wants his universe to be internally consistent, these views should be a critical part of any non-dumb person's enjoyment of the fiction.
havokeff wrote:I would try PMing Pubius.
Teehee, "Pubius" sounds dirty ^_^

Posted: 2007-07-15 04:47pm
by Alexian Cale has been pretty fascinating. I'm a general idiot when it comes to anything mathematical, so quantifying or calculating anything related to Star Wars simply flies over my head. But I like how the debates here aren't strictly math-geared or always about Imperial-class Star Destroyers, but also includes rational discussions of characters and hypothetical situations.

Publius seems to be akin to a demi-god of logic, lol.

Posted: 2007-07-15 06:11pm
by Havok
Alexian Cale has been pretty fascinating. I'm a general idiot when it comes to anything mathematical, so quantifying or calculating anything related to Star Wars simply flies over my head. But I like how the debates here aren't strictly math-geared or always about Imperial-class Star Destroyers, but also includes rational discussions of characters and hypothetical situations.

Publius seems to be akin to a demi-god of logic, lol.
I'm hardly one to point out typos (see Pubius above :wink:),but it is SD.Net. I don't think Mike has started work on SuperStarDestroyer.Net yet. :D

This place, simply put, is the best and greatest Star Wars anything on the internet. Nothing else comes close. The people here are intelligent, funny and VERY attractive. Logic reigns and if you have half a brain, you can learn something almost every time you log on. You do need thick skin sometimes though as the smackdowns can be brutal and harsh.

Usually, when Publius chimes in on a SW topic it's lights out. :wink:

Posted: 2007-07-16 09:39pm
by Alexian Cale
Pfft. I said, therefore, that is what it shall be known as [translation: you embarrassed me, and I hate you. :p]