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Dooku and twin lightsabres
Posted: 2007-07-29 01:13am
by Shannon
This is obviously old news, but there are shots out there of Dooku using two lightsabres in AOTC. We don't see this in the canon film, so I ahve two questions:
1. Could they be explained 'in-universe' as editing on the part of our documentary filmmaker or Republic propaganda?
2. What is the canon status of these pics?
Posted: 2007-07-29 01:15am
by DPDarkPrimus
Since the scene was cut and the film is edited in such a way that it doesn't need to exist, I'm going to say that it's non-canon.
Posted: 2007-07-29 04:06am
by Havok
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Since the scene was cut and the film is edited in such a way that it doesn't need to exist, I'm going to say that it's non-canon.
Yes, but aren't GL's note that were never directly used, considered to be in some level of canon? Wouldn't this fall under the same classification?
Posted: 2007-07-29 06:21am
by FTeik
IIRC, there are some quotes in DR or the ROTS-novel, where Dooku considers it bad style to use two lightsabers.
Posted: 2007-07-29 07:54am
by Ritterin Sophia
FTeik wrote:IIRC, there are some quotes in DR or the ROTS-novel, where Dooku considers it bad style to use two lightsabers.
So why did his former apprentice and his acolyte use dual lightsabers?
Posted: 2007-07-29 08:33am
by Surlethe
General Schatten wrote:FTeik wrote:IIRC, there are some quotes in DR or the ROTS-novel, where Dooku considers it bad style to use two lightsabers.
So why did his former apprentice and his acolyte use dual lightsabers?
Because she preferred it that way? The apprentice does not need to be a copy of the master in terms of style and preference.
Posted: 2007-07-29 08:41am
by Lord Revan
General Schatten wrote:FTeik wrote:IIRC, there are some quotes in DR or the ROTS-novel, where Dooku considers it bad style to use two lightsabers.
So why did his former apprentice and his acolyte use dual lightsabers?
because a jedi's (and presumbly dark jedi's also) fighting style is in the end desised by the jedi him-/her-/itself and Dooku's objections towards use of 2 sabers was that it lacked ellagance of the one handed styles (especially his own style) as he was a sob (and specist but that's irrelevant) and it should be noted that Asajj Ventress had been already trained (or had trained herself) in dual saber fighting before she met Dooku.
Posted: 2007-07-30 01:32am
by Darth Fanboy
havokeff wrote:
Yes, but aren't GL's note that were never directly used, considered to be in some level of canon? Wouldn't this fall under the same classification?
I believe if the deleted scene is contradicted by anything canon then it cannot be used, no matter what level of Canon it is IIRC. For example, Shaak Ti was killed in an RoTS deleted scene, however we can't consider her dead because of her upcoming appearance in Force Unleashed, even though Lucas originally had her being killed on the Invisible Hand (in what would have been a bad-ass scene)
Posted: 2007-07-30 01:49am
by Connor MacLeod
I never really know how canon policy will work nowadays. They've rectonned supposedly "inconsistent" stuff before - Hobbie ramming his snowspeeder into Veers's AT AT in the TESB novel, even though it never happened in the movie, and Veers and Hobbie both survived.
I think there was similar stuff with Jedi surviving on Geonsis and supposedly dying (or something like htat.) And a few other retctons
Posted: 2007-07-31 11:14am
by Lord_Xerxes
General Schatten wrote:FTeik wrote:IIRC, there are some quotes in DR or the ROTS-novel, where Dooku considers it bad style to use two lightsabers.
So why did his former apprentice and his acolyte use dual lightsabers?
He must not be to far against them, being as how he gave them to her. (her sith style ones, anyway).