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Speculation: Are the Red Guards Clones?
Posted: 2003-01-26 04:06pm
by Kurgan
Let's assume for a minute the "worst"...
All stormtroopers are clones, maybe not of Jango Fett, but definately cloned from somebody, including the ones in the classic trilogy.
Is there ANY reason to assume that the Imperial Red Guards (whom we see in AOTC as well) are clones, taken from the Stormtrooper ranks?
I know in the EU they are said to be, but then in the EU its assumed that Stormies are conscripts that are brainwashed, not cloned in some tank on Kamino (after all, the EU clones are grown in spartii cylinders at a super fast rate and have flash brain implants or soul transfers if you're a Dark Jedi and they tend to go crazy unless you've got a furry lizard around. ; ) ).
Did Palpy sneak some finished Kamino clones in without anybody noticing? Did he just replace the non-clones with clones later on under the masks? Are the Guards actually foxy Amazons, who double as Palpy's emergency stress-relieving massage troupe???
What are we to make of this? The mystery will probably never be solved onscreen...
Posted: 2003-01-26 04:21pm
by Nathan F
I would speculate that they are not clones, but ultra loyal troops picked from the officer or commando ranks. That or they are trained from birth to the position.
Posted: 2003-01-26 04:22pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Actually the EU implied they were clones.
Read Crimson Empire. When you reach the end fight scene, where Kanos takes off Jax's helmet, look at their faces.
They're almost exactly the same.
Posted: 2003-01-26 04:30pm
by Kurgan
They might just be twin brothers. ; )
Posted: 2003-01-26 09:37pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
IMO, they aren't clones. How could Palpatine cover up the fact that his personal guards (or even multiple VIP's guards?) were clones? And why would he go through such risky lengths as obtaining clones from Kamino to use as his personal guards when he could simply select elite guards from Coruscant? Just too damned risky for them to be clones before introducing the clonetroopers to the Old Republic.
Posted: 2003-01-26 09:46pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Oh yah, and it's not Imperial Red Guards or Emperor's Guard, or Imperial Guard, or just Royal Guard. It's Imperial Royal Guard. (Points at name.) That's what IRG stands for. My clan.

Posted: 2003-01-26 10:28pm
by Kurgan
That's cool.. but what did they call them before there was an Empire?
"Elite Senate Guard"?
"Chancellor's Personal Guard"? ; )
Posted: 2003-01-27 01:13am
by IRG CommandoJoe

(Jaw drops slightly for a moment.) That's a damned good point! I have absolutely no clue!
Posted: 2003-01-27 01:15am
by Darth Garden Gnome
According to the AOTC:VD, they are the "Red Guard." Which is under Palp's direct authority and no other.
Posted: 2003-01-27 01:19am
by IRG CommandoJoe then they change to the IRG after the Empire comes to power. And that's the end of that chapter!
(Casually throws scarf over shoulder, walks towards the door, and gets caught in fan above.)
Posted: 2003-01-28 06:43pm
by Sardaukar
Ignoring the EU, the Red Guard/Royal Guard don't really seem to be that amazing. They're just formal government security guards. Normal guys standing at doorways for hours. Definately not clones.
Posted: 2003-01-28 08:42pm
by Kurgan
The other thing is.. if the Republic has no formal army (before the clones) where do they come from?
Are they recruited from the same body as the Senate Guard (perhaps a traditional class or group of families... something like the Queen of England's guard or the Pope's Swiss guard.. maybe)?
There very presence in AOTC might mean a revision of their origins...
Posted: 2003-01-28 08:51pm
by Ghost Rider
Well they would change them from being unknown Sun guard origin to there are Republic guards and probably keep the Stormtrooper origin.
Posted: 2003-02-03 07:11pm
by Defiant
Ignoring the EU, it stands to reason that the Emperor would guard himself with people who were more dangerous than average stormtroopers. When I ran my Star Wars rpg (slightly before the first EU stuff came out), I depicted the IRG as 'fallen' Jedi. Then the damn EU stole my idea. I knew I should have gotten that patent!
Posted: 2003-02-03 08:18pm
by Illuminatus Primus
They're not Dark Jedi.
The Emperor wanted them to be the ultimate guards, not power-hungry Dark Side maniacs like most fallen Jedi turned out to be.
Posted: 2003-02-03 08:23pm
by jegs2
Defiant wrote:Ignoring the EU, it stands to reason that the Emperor would guard himself with people who were more dangerous than average stormtroopers. When I ran my Star Wars rpg (slightly before the first EU stuff came out), I depicted the IRG as 'fallen' Jedi. Then the damn EU stole my idea. I knew I should have gotten that patent!
Oh yeah? Well, when I was a kid,
I invented the
Honey-Nut Cheerios musical jingle, only to see a commericial later on that stole my tune in a visious and heinous manner, without paying me a cent!
Grrrrr.... ...shakes fist at General Mills