Thoughts?20 Most Memorable Moments of the Expanded Universe is a 10-page reference article appearing in Star Wars Insider 83. It was written by Abel Peña and Enrique Guerrero, with illustrations by Joe Corroney.
The 20 Most Memorable Moments
The Death of Chewbacca
Vader Remembers See-Threepio
Enter General Grievous
Heirs of the Sith: Anakin Skywalker Meets Asajj Ventress
The Artistic Fate of Grand Admiral Thrawn
Boba Fett Escapes the Sarlacc
Jacen Solo Descends into the Rings of Hell
Borsk Fey'lya, A Noble End for the Guy You Love To Hate
Luke Duels with Darth Vader for the First Time... Before The Empire Strikes Back
The Death of Ton Phanan
Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul
Luke vs. Lumiya
Luke Skywalker Creates a Jedi Academy
Aayla Secura Appears on the Big Screen
Crix Madine, A Life in Service to the New Republic
Exar Kun Gives in to the Dark Side
The Redemption of Ulic Qel-Droma
The Pregnancy of Mara Jade Skywalker
The Emperor Reborn
Ganner Rhysode, A Hero at the Gates
The Five Goofiest Moments of the Star Wars Mythos
Introducing Jaxxon, The Lepus-carnivorous
The Villainy of Emperor Trioculus and Grand Moff Hissa
Take Your Pick
Ewoks... on Ice!
Han and Luke in Drag?
Personally, I've basically read next to nothing in the EU, just plenty of Wookiepedia articles. And in retrospect, this is filled with a lot of suck. From YV inanities to Palpatine reborn stupidities to Crix Madine killed in Darksaber by a Hutt? Terrible!