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20 Most Memorable Moments of the Expanded Universe

Posted: 2007-10-06 07:18pm
by Battlehymn Republic
I just found this thread on the Wookiepedia.
20 Most Memorable Moments of the Expanded Universe is a 10-page reference article appearing in Star Wars Insider 83. It was written by Abel Peña and Enrique Guerrero, with illustrations by Joe Corroney.

The 20 Most Memorable Moments
The Death of Chewbacca
Vader Remembers See-Threepio
Enter General Grievous
Heirs of the Sith: Anakin Skywalker Meets Asajj Ventress
The Artistic Fate of Grand Admiral Thrawn
Boba Fett Escapes the Sarlacc
Jacen Solo Descends into the Rings of Hell
Borsk Fey'lya, A Noble End for the Guy You Love To Hate
Luke Duels with Darth Vader for the First Time... Before The Empire Strikes Back
The Death of Ton Phanan
Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul
Luke vs. Lumiya
Luke Skywalker Creates a Jedi Academy
Aayla Secura Appears on the Big Screen
Crix Madine, A Life in Service to the New Republic
Exar Kun Gives in to the Dark Side
The Redemption of Ulic Qel-Droma
The Pregnancy of Mara Jade Skywalker
The Emperor Reborn
Ganner Rhysode, A Hero at the Gates

The Five Goofiest Moments of the Star Wars Mythos
Introducing Jaxxon, The Lepus-carnivorous
The Villainy of Emperor Trioculus and Grand Moff Hissa
Take Your Pick
Ewoks... on Ice!
Han and Luke in Drag?

Personally, I've basically read next to nothing in the EU, just plenty of Wookiepedia articles. And in retrospect, this is filled with a lot of suck. From YV inanities to Palpatine reborn stupidities to Crix Madine killed in Darksaber by a Hutt? Terrible!

Posted: 2007-10-06 07:27pm
by Crazedwraith
I've been re-reading the X-Wing books, and Phanan's death was well done. And some of the others. Ganner and General Greivous (assuming it means Clone Wars Chapter 20 entrance) are pretty nifty. The others not so much.

I don't see what was so artistic about Thrawn's death. He got stabbed in the back.

Posted: 2007-10-06 08:23pm
by Havok
Crazedwraith wrote:I've been re-reading the X-Wing books, and Phanan's death was well done. And some of the others. Ganner and General Greivous (assuming it means Clone Wars Chapter 20 entrance) are pretty nifty. The others not so much.

I don't see what was so artistic about Thrawn's death. He got stabbed in the back.
IIRC it's a reference to his last words; "But It was so artistically done." Or something like that.

I really liked the Vader and C-3PO story it was a nice reminder of when Vader was a cool little kid and not a whiny emo Jedi.

The Vader Maul fight was also well done, and Vader's last words to Maul were along the bad ass lines.

Posted: 2007-10-06 08:40pm
by JME2
No Luke vs. Shimmra? Boo.

Posted: 2007-10-06 08:43pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Any scene with the Eclipse involved was awesome.

Posted: 2007-10-06 10:34pm
by LadyTevar
Luke Duels Vader (pre-ESB)
Yes, I have that novel, first printing.

Jaxxon, the Lepus-Carvivorous
OMG... I remember that one... Big Talking Bunny, helped Han and Chewie out in the Marvel Comics back aroun 79-80. I wonder if we still have that one somewhere. Han gets hold of a lightsaber, and somehow the 'emanations from the saber interfers' with the body of a Rancor-looking beastie rampaging around.
The rabbit had some good lines.

Posted: 2007-10-06 10:39pm
by Peptuck
I find the lack of any mention of the events in Knights of the Old Republic disturbing.

Come on, the Revan reveal was one of the most kickass twists ever.

Posted: 2007-10-07 12:17am
by Noble Ire
Peptuck wrote:I find the lack of any mention of the events in Knights of the Old Republic disturbing.

Come on, the Revan reveal was one of the most kickass twists ever.
That is odd. I remember seeing a similar list with that particular moment included, as it rightfully should be.

I'm not really familiar with all of the events on the list, but I will agree that General Grievous' entry, Maul vs. Vader, and Ganner Rhysode's last stand were all extremely memorable, at least as far as the EU goes. The Vader/C-3PO moment and Thrawn's death are also pretty notable, as is Chewbacca's death, if only for its sheer shock value (although the actual sequence, and the entire book for that matter, could have been handled better).

Posted: 2007-10-07 03:44am
by DrMckay
I'm really only a fan of the X-Wing and young Han Solo trilogy (by AC Crispin)

both seemed particularly well done, Allston, more than Stackpole, although he had his moments. (And Kevin J Anderson can go fall into a dark, spike-filled pit somewhere. Sun Crusher, my ass.)

The following is spoiler-ific, but-well-no shit.

here goes.

Memorable moments from those books for me would be:

*Young Han Solo Series:

-Meeting Chewie in the Beginning of Hutt Gambit,

-Winning the Falcon from Lando in "Rebel Dawn"

-any chapter with Boba Fett in it.

-Bria Tharen's last stand on Topwara, in "Rebel Dawn"

-Fett telling Han about Bria's death, with the request that he inform her father, as he had promised her.

*Stackpole's X-wing books:

-Corran Horn telling Luke Skywalker he doesn't want to be a Jedi, and has a duty to the Lusankya prisoners, in "Kyrotos Trap"

-Wedge and Booster Terrik financing and plotting the Bacta War in "Bacta War"

-in "Isards Revenge:" when Wedge kills the Isard clone, and Iella Wessiri shoots the real one.

-Booster Terrik beating the fur off of Borsk Fel'ya in "Isard's Revenge"

*Aaron Allston X-wing books:

-any scene with Janson in it. "Yub Yub! Commander!"

-Kell Trainer dealing with the ramifications of his father's and then his-cowardice, in "Wraith Squadron."

-The Face/Phannan comic duo

-Phannan's death and Face dealing with it- reading Phannan's final thoughts and will. I'll always remember the line: "The account doesn't need balancing." in "Iron Fist"

-the Antillies/Janson prank-wars. (whole series)

-Wedge's mutiny of no rank aboard Mon Remonda in "Solo Command"

-Lara Notsil's/Gara Petothel's decisions about loyalty in "Iron Fist," and "Solo Command"

-Janson's comments in "Starfighters of Adumar" upon meeting the planet's people: (and I paraphrase_)

"I am sooo glad the people on this planet like to smile and shake hands."

"Why's that?" asks Wedge.

"Well, what it their way of greeting visiting dignataries was to throw paint?"

*sigh* "Point taken."

-Wedge's speech at Iella's door.

Posted: 2007-10-07 04:36am
by Adrian Laguna
I love the Clone Wars cartoon, most of my favourite Star Wars moments are from there.

-Anakin Skywalker shows himself to be one bad-ass starfighter pilot.

-"Mount up!" (it's one of the most retarded but awesome things ever)

-Mace-Windu taking on a droid army by himself is half-a-dozen awesome moments one after the other.

-The battle in the Mon-Calamari homeworld.

-General Grievous's first appearance, I just love the way he smashes people's heads into the ground.

-There's the scene where a Separatist leader in his defensive works convinces himself nothing short of a multitude of Jedi can defeat him.
Sentry Droid: "Jedi in sight."
Leader: "How many? A thousand?"
Sentry Droid: "Two"
Leader: "Two!?"
*Anakin & Obi-Wan kick ass, Clone troops drop from orbit*

-The attack on Courascant has at least a dozen awesome moments.

-Anakin Skywalker killing Separatist scientists with pure force power.

Posted: 2007-10-07 06:27am
by Dooey Jo
The most memorable moments of the EU are the twelve pages of A Death Star is Born.

Posted: 2007-10-07 09:16am
by Shroom Man 777

As for the Clone Wars cartoon, come on, the ARC troopers! They were the most badass bunch in the whole CW cartoons! Especially that clone going CQC against the SBDs!

Posted: 2007-10-07 10:51am
by Typhonis 1
I thought one good memorable moment was from Traitoer. Wherer Jacen is told the Forc is neither light or dark, that that distinction comes from within.

Posted: 2007-10-07 10:51am
by JME2
Dooey Jo wrote:The most memorable moments of the EU are the twelve pages of A Death Star is Born.
The most memorable page of those twelve for me is Tarkin choking on his coffee and Palpatine thinking Vader's using a Force Choke. :)

Posted: 2007-10-07 01:18pm
by Lord Revan
I have to agree that Revan's reveal should be there.

and how is
Aayla Secura Appears on the Big Screen
an EU moment, sure the character orginated from the EU, but as far as I can she's appeared only in AOTC and ROTS, unless there's an EU movie I've missed.

Posted: 2007-10-07 05:39pm
by Adrian Laguna
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Heheheheh.

As for the Clone Wars cartoon, come on, the ARC troopers! They were the most badass bunch in the whole CW cartoons! Especially that clone going CQC against the SBDs!
There are also things like,
Commander Fordo: Forward! Keep up the pressure on the right!
Clone Trooper: Sir, what about our left flank?
Commander Fordo: The Jedi have the left!

The shot of the Droid troops dropping on the planet from orbit.

The first shot of the space battle above Courascant, you see fighters racing up into the skies, and as they're clearing the atmosphere you see a vast starfield... that turns out to be hundreds of thousands of capital ships.

"Sir, the ship is lost."
"Then it's time to get a new one."

Anything Mace-Windu does, the man is compressed and personified badass.

Posted: 2007-10-07 07:51pm
by CaptainChewbacca
I think the single goofiest, most abhorrent thing from the SW EU is 'Lord Nyax'. Come on, turning Logan Ismaren into some sort of Weapon-X reject with lightsabers coming out of his knees and elbows?!

BTW, I'm pretty sure Lucasfilm ordered that Jaxxon never be included in any new SW EU.

Posted: 2007-10-08 10:12am
by Warsie
Erm....where was Thrawn's Death mentioned? I remember that, that was sad; the way Zahn portrayed it....I thought of it like the way Vader died when be became "good" again. Pellaeon's reaction to it made me sadder.

But yeah Ton Phanan dying was good and sad; that was one of the few portions of EU thst made me genuinely sad, some of the others being Myn Donos being sad and in a depression after he lost his squadron; Gara Pethrothel's cognitive dissonance, the death of all the Caridans, the death of the Stormtroopers from radiation poisoning from fixing the damaged DS protoyype reactor, etc.

Posted: 2007-10-08 10:37am
by Ender
GGiving it some thought myself, I can't help but notice that Allston has written most of the moments that actually moved me. Phann's death is beautifully done.

Posted: 2007-10-08 12:05pm
by Tsyroc
Darth Maul vs. Black Sun. -- Maul crippling the whole organization by himself.

Posted: 2007-10-08 02:25pm
by Darth Massacrus
The single passage from Labyrinth of Evil were Count Dooku's private thoughts on Sidious mention for the first time the name of Sidious' Sith Master: Darth Plagueis. That was one of the best EU revelations I've seen so far.

Posted: 2007-10-08 04:13pm
by RogueIce
When did Vader fight Maul? I am confused... :?

Anyway, for me Ton Phannan's death actually hit me harder than Chewie's death did. I mean yeah, it sucked that Chewie died, but Allston wrote Phannan's death so much better: I was actually tearing up the first time I read it, and I have never done that (before or since) when simply reading a book. Chewie's death was just...meh.

Posted: 2007-10-08 04:17pm
by Ghost Rider
RogueIce wrote:When did Vader fight Maul? I am confused... :?
It was in the first issue of Star Wars tales. Essentially it's a non canon event where some Dark Side Cultists make a Darth Maul clone(complete with all his abilities and doodads!) and they go at it.

Vader wins by stabbing himself and impaling Maul as well.

Posted: 2007-10-08 06:49pm
by Gandalf
From Dark Lord, set just after Ep3.
Glancing at him, Vader gestured to his face and black-cloaked body, then gestured in similar fashion to Sidious. "Look at us. Are these the faces of victory?"

Posted: 2007-10-08 07:17pm
by Molyneux
Crazedwraith wrote:I've been re-reading the X-Wing books, and Phanan's death was well done. And some of the others. Ganner and General Greivous (assuming it means Clone Wars Chapter 20 entrance) are pretty nifty. The others not so much.

I don't see what was so artistic about Thrawn's death. He got stabbed in the back.
Er...actually, he was stabbed in the heart, from the front. Pretty good muscles on those Noghri...