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Traviss's True Colors. Uh, what...?
Posted: 2007-10-31 04:18pm
by Mange
Has anyone picked this one up yet? While not a single more page of Traviss's writings will enter this house, one can't help to react to some of the spoilers which have leaked.
According to the thread over at TFN, there is mentioning of Order 65 as well as Order 66. According to the thread, Order 65 among other things orders the GAR to detain the Supreme Commander / Chancellor if a majority of the Senate finds him unfit to issue orders. Order 66 is also outlined. Now, while it makes sense to have a command continuity if the Supreme Commander is incapacitated, would Palpatine accept such a threat to his position? I also challenge the notion that the Chancellor was the Supreme Commander of the GAR as the ROTS novelization makes it explicitly clear that Palpatine only became Supreme Commander in the last few days leading up to the execution of Order 66 and that it was the duty of the Jedi Council to lead the GAR:
ROTS novelization pg 254 (softcover) wrote:[Anakin] "The constitutional amendment bringing the Jedi under the Chancellor's Office naturally includes troops commanded by Jedi. Palpatine is now Supreme Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic."
+ ... 14/p6/?148
Posted: 2007-10-31 04:22pm
by Lord Relvenous
With Palpatine's control of the Senate, I can't even see this "Order 65" being ratified, let alone implemented. Palpatine just wouldn't allow it.
Posted: 2007-10-31 04:29pm
by Galvatron
Good God, she's hot.
Posted: 2007-10-31 04:35pm
by DarthShady
Lord Relvenous wrote:With Palpatine's control of the Senate, I can't even see this "Order 65" being ratified, let alone implemented. Palpatine just wouldn't allow it.
Of course he wouldn't,he is not stupid,why allow something that threatens his position of power and all that he has built?
Posted: 2007-10-31 05:04pm
by Shadowtraveler
Lord Relvenous wrote:With Palpatine's control of the Senate, I can't even see this "Order 65" being ratified, let alone implemented. Palpatine just wouldn't allow it.
Yes he would. He's just the kind of person who'd do that because the people who could use it against him are in his pocket.
Remember, Palpatine's the kind, humble politician who became supreme ruler of the Republic out of necessity.
Posted: 2007-10-31 05:11pm
by Battlehymn Republic
Obviously, this only exists because it's a law that will lie dormant in the books for years before it resurfaces in the New Republic during the Confederation-GA War, upon which Darth Cadeus and the Sith will use it to their advantage. This means that Palpatine truly was a visionary capable of seeing past the seas of decades, and that he's coming back to wreak havoc upon the galaxy once again! You read it here first!
Posted: 2007-10-31 05:24pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Galvatron wrote:Good God, she's hot.
Listen, Galvatron, we know you're a necrophiliac, you don't need to remind us every time someone talks about your current cadaver squeeze.
Posted: 2007-10-31 05:50pm
by VT-16
why allow something that threatens his position of power and all that he has built?
Because that will be yet another alibi for him to gain further sympathy. "See, it wasn't just the Jedi,
I had to follow the rules too!"
Posted: 2007-10-31 07:30pm
by NecronLord
Honestly, I don't mind Order 65, it makes sense; if 66 is in a manual somewhere, it would need to be squirreled away and coached in innocuous language and distractions. Not "Lord Sidious wants you to kill the mother fucking jedi, because he hates them."
The characters all being mandolorian and such is much suckier. Instead of Republic Commandos, they're actually Mandalorian Commandos.
Posted: 2007-10-31 08:46pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
The order does make sense, but it feels odd. Why would Palpatine have such rule in existence? Already, if I recall, Order 66 was already hardwired into the clones without the Jedi's knowledge. What does this, rather redundant order do? Try to arouse the Public's sympathy by engineering an Order 65 incident to demonise the Jedi should the need arise?
Posted: 2007-11-01 01:18am
by Mange
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:The order does make sense, but it feels odd. Why would Palpatine have such rule in existence? Already, if I recall, Order 66 was already hardwired into the clones without the Jedi's knowledge. What does this, rather redundant order do? Try to arouse the Public's sympathy by engineering an Order 65 incident to demonise the Jedi should the need arise?
The Jedi aren't mentioned, but the Senate only which is why this order doesn't make much sense as the text of Order 65 excludes the Jedi.
Anyway, it would've been better if they followed what has been established in the higher canon from the beginning (that the Jedi, not Palpatine, directed the GAR).
Posted: 2007-11-01 01:41am
by TC Pilot
Battlehymn Republic wrote:Obviously, this only exists because it's a law that will lie dormant in the books for years before it resurfaces in the New Republic during the Confederation-GA War, upon which Darth Cadeus and the Sith will use it to their advantage. This means that Palpatine truly was a visionary capable of seeing past the seas of decades, and that he's coming back to wreak havoc upon the galaxy once again! You read it here first!
What are you talking about?
Posted: 2007-11-01 03:28am
by VT-16
Traviss possibly using this in her next LOTF novel. :P
Posted: 2007-11-01 08:42am
by Vympel
What are you talking about?
He's mocking the tendency of the EU to filch from the prequels material that they didn't have access to before the movies came out. Like variants of the Eta-2 Actis appearing in the GFFA decades after Endor because RotS just came out.
Posted: 2007-11-01 10:59am
by TC Pilot
Ships suddenly appearing can be justified, to an extent. But there's no justification for an "Order 65" to pop up in the Galactic Alliance. That would be idiotic in the extreme.
Posted: 2007-11-01 11:04am
by Teleros
TC Pilot wrote:That would be idiotic in the extreme.
Remind me which author we're talking about again?
Posted: 2007-11-01 11:16am
by Battlehymn Republic
Actually, I'm just making fun of the concept of Wankatine the Farseer.
Posted: 2007-11-01 07:13pm
by Lord Poe
My god, the fucking idiocy at TFN hasn't dampened, it's mutated! I just read this:
dp4m fucking idiot wrote:The ROTS novelization is not a "higher level canon source," except for the parts which exactly occurred in the movie.
He's effectively saying "True Colors" > ROTS novelization!!
Posted: 2007-11-01 07:39pm
by Illuminatus Primus
What, because new qualifications of canon policy or the catagorization of the Holocron have come out, that automatically makes past statements irrelevant?
Posted: 2007-11-01 08:20pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Lord Poe wrote: My god, the fucking idiocy at TFN hasn't dampened, it's mutated! I just read this:
dp4m fucking idiot wrote:The ROTS novelization is not a "higher level canon source," except for the parts which exactly occurred in the movie.
He's effectively saying "True Colors" > ROTS novelization!!
I see dp4m is an idiot as ever.
What will he say next I wonder?
Posted: 2007-11-02 03:46pm
by Connor MacLeod
I've been hearing a few things about the novel. Apparently the "3 million" and "a few million" crop up an awful lot. What's more, I also hear that apparently Traviss may have nixed the entire idea of "non-clone" draftees or recruits. And a bit about the CIS "lying". Though apparenlty this is kind of contradictory on points. Anyone else heard similar things?
Posted: 2007-11-02 04:01pm
by Mange
Connor MacLeod wrote:I've been hearing a few things about the novel. Apparently the "3 million" and "a few million" crop up an awful lot. What's more, I also hear that apparently Traviss may have nixed the entire idea of "non-clone" draftees or recruits. And a bit about the CIS "lying". Though apparenlty this is kind of contradictory on points. Anyone else heard similar things?
Yes, as mentioned in the (as of yet) single review of the novel over at TFN, there is a mentioning of the size of the droid army in chapter 11 (and the poster indicates that it is in the negative sense).
If that is accurate, that shows even more what a self-absorbed person Traviss is. What bothers me more is that Lucas Licensing goes along with it.
Posted: 2007-11-02 04:05pm
by Connor MacLeod
Mange wrote:
Yes, as mentioned in the (as of yet) single review of the novel over at TFN, there is a mentioning of the size of the droid army in chapter 11 (and the poster indicates that it is in the negative sense).
If that is accurate, that shows even more what a self-absorbed person Traviss is. What bothers me more is that Lucas Licensing goes along with it.
LFL is like any company, and like any company they'll have their share of infighting and office politics. They're also prone to human flaws like laziness, disinterest, and lack of concern for detail. The fact that any of that cna have an influence on canon won't make one whit of difference.
AFter all, the "120 km Death Star and fusion reactor" still cropped up in the DK "ultimate visual guide" depsite the fact that other sources say 160 km and hypermatter. And even the DK books for the complete ICS snuck in a bunch of WEG stats (ISD armament for example)
Posted: 2007-11-02 04:21pm
by Mange
Connor MacLeod wrote:Mange wrote:
Yes, as mentioned in the (as of yet) single review of the novel over at TFN, there is a mentioning of the size of the droid army in chapter 11 (and the poster indicates that it is in the negative sense).
If that is accurate, that shows even more what a self-absorbed person Traviss is. What bothers me more is that Lucas Licensing goes along with it.
Connor MacLeod wrote:LFL is like any company, and like any company they'll have their share of infighting and office politics. They're also prone to human flaws like laziness, disinterest, and lack of concern for detail. The fact that any of that cna have an influence on canon won't make one whit of difference.
Of course. It's just sad that these 'retconns' can be used by certain authors as a tool to change concepts etc. which have been established earlier just because they personally don't agree with them. In this case, we have Traviss 'retconning' several out-of-universe sources in order to fit the inane three million clones figure (just as the whole piece of garbage called "Odds" was trying to do).
These 'retconns' don't do anything to add to the Star Wars universe and they, together with the continuity errors which seems to plague the EU as never before, makes the Expanded Universe a garbled mess and it has now come to the point where I'm almost sounding like Darkstar: There's no way in hell that the latest novels etc. deserves the label Star Wars on it.
Posted: 2007-11-03 04:43pm
by Mange
Sorry for the double post, but is it just me or is the response to True Colors much less enthusiastic than what one might have expected? It's much less discussed on for example the official forums and TFN than other recent EU material.