Palpatine's Dark Jedi
Posted: 2007-11-25 09:35pm
It seems to me that the Emperor had his own grandiose schemes, and he wasn't much of a Sith traditionalist. Maybe I've been reading too many AU stories, but it seems that he behaved rather unorthodox for a Sith, including perhaps not following the Rule of Two to the letter. Though he had a lot of acolytes, adepts, Hands, and inquisitors who weren't true Sith, but rather 'Dark Jedi', and so maybe he could have gotten off on a technicality, I doubt the long-dead spirits were very happy with what he was doing. After all, his Empire was not a Sith one, and he implemented some non-Sith policies such as technocracy, the rule of fear through not the Force but military and technology, and anti-alien bigotry.
So I was wondering about Palpatine's legions of Dark Side users. First off, why did he organize them in the decentralized way that he did, other than for the fact that EU writers come up with new super-secret groups every other game or comic? I guess it would be to have a bunch of rival orders running about, carrying out dirty works in his name, competing with each other in some sense.
Second, while the government and the military certainly had clear strongmen who organized to act as his successors (Ysard, Hissa, Thrawn, Zsinj, Daala, the list goes on), why wasn't there ever a clear Sith/Dark Side figure to serve as Sith Lord after Palpatine? Well, besides his clone self, but that doesn't count. I'm aware that most of them were dead, and the EU writers of say- Dark Empire- would have no idea about Jerec and his followers or Jax and his guardsmen or the Prophets were to come, but still. I'm surprised that there was no Dark Side character powerful enough to unite the Dark Jedi remnants and assert their authority as heir to the throne or superwarlord. Certainly, groups such as the Shadow Academy did become quite a challenge against the NR and NJO, but it appears that until the Legacy era, the Dark Side Force users just kind of end up becoming the Imperial Remnant's version of Old Republic Jedi- they're around, alright, but with some exceptions they're fully subordinate to the state.
So those are two questions, and here are two ideas- One, could and should there have been a Dark Side successor to Palpatine and Vader? I think that Jerec, as always, was a strong contender, but unfortunately he chased after the Valley of the Jedi and ran afoul of Kyle Katarn. I think now that the EU for that era has been almost fully laid out, we can posit an Infinities AU where Jerec, Carnor Jax, Lumiya, and most of the Dark Side remnants that we know about (other than the always-reclusive Prophets) join together.
And for a less canon idea- what if Vader wasn't the highest in command as far as a Dark Sider went? Certainly he would have been dark Lord of the Sith, and Palpatine's most loyal hatchetman, but I kind of like the idea that instead of Vader rubbing shoulders against politicians such as Tarkin, or even civilian courtiers such as Xizor, maybe his position as closest to Palpatine was challenged by another Dark Side user. Perhaps it could be Galvetron's hypothetical “Prince Jerjerrod”, but what I have in mind is someone who is physically close to Palpatine- perhaps his true bodyguard and personal protector, who stays in Coruscant (or wherever) at the Emperor's side, while Vader goes around doing Palpatine's dirty work. What I kind of have in mind is perhaps a Carnor Jax who is stronger, knows some Sith stuff, though isn't really one. He could be dressed in a blood-red version of one of those freaky old-school sci-fi armors that the Byss mages war in Dark Empire- all large and spiky, with a cloak underneath.
So, thoughts and opinions?
So I was wondering about Palpatine's legions of Dark Side users. First off, why did he organize them in the decentralized way that he did, other than for the fact that EU writers come up with new super-secret groups every other game or comic? I guess it would be to have a bunch of rival orders running about, carrying out dirty works in his name, competing with each other in some sense.
Second, while the government and the military certainly had clear strongmen who organized to act as his successors (Ysard, Hissa, Thrawn, Zsinj, Daala, the list goes on), why wasn't there ever a clear Sith/Dark Side figure to serve as Sith Lord after Palpatine? Well, besides his clone self, but that doesn't count. I'm aware that most of them were dead, and the EU writers of say- Dark Empire- would have no idea about Jerec and his followers or Jax and his guardsmen or the Prophets were to come, but still. I'm surprised that there was no Dark Side character powerful enough to unite the Dark Jedi remnants and assert their authority as heir to the throne or superwarlord. Certainly, groups such as the Shadow Academy did become quite a challenge against the NR and NJO, but it appears that until the Legacy era, the Dark Side Force users just kind of end up becoming the Imperial Remnant's version of Old Republic Jedi- they're around, alright, but with some exceptions they're fully subordinate to the state.
So those are two questions, and here are two ideas- One, could and should there have been a Dark Side successor to Palpatine and Vader? I think that Jerec, as always, was a strong contender, but unfortunately he chased after the Valley of the Jedi and ran afoul of Kyle Katarn. I think now that the EU for that era has been almost fully laid out, we can posit an Infinities AU where Jerec, Carnor Jax, Lumiya, and most of the Dark Side remnants that we know about (other than the always-reclusive Prophets) join together.
And for a less canon idea- what if Vader wasn't the highest in command as far as a Dark Sider went? Certainly he would have been dark Lord of the Sith, and Palpatine's most loyal hatchetman, but I kind of like the idea that instead of Vader rubbing shoulders against politicians such as Tarkin, or even civilian courtiers such as Xizor, maybe his position as closest to Palpatine was challenged by another Dark Side user. Perhaps it could be Galvetron's hypothetical “Prince Jerjerrod”, but what I have in mind is someone who is physically close to Palpatine- perhaps his true bodyguard and personal protector, who stays in Coruscant (or wherever) at the Emperor's side, while Vader goes around doing Palpatine's dirty work. What I kind of have in mind is perhaps a Carnor Jax who is stronger, knows some Sith stuff, though isn't really one. He could be dressed in a blood-red version of one of those freaky old-school sci-fi armors that the Byss mages war in Dark Empire- all large and spiky, with a cloak underneath.
So, thoughts and opinions?