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Is there a complete list of "Travissties"?

Posted: 2007-12-19 03:04pm
by Straha
Alright, having read through the "Worst EU Author" thread I was astounded by one thing. According to it, and I'm not doubting it, Traviss has the Jedi conspiring with Palpatine to extend the clone wars. This combined with the "brush war conflict" brain tumor idea and the massive reduction in scale of the size of armies has me wondering. Is there a complete list of what Madame Traviss has fucked up in the EU?

Posted: 2007-12-19 04:59pm
by Desdinova
I can't say I've read any of her work, having been long since turned off to it by the reviews it's received here and elsewhere, but I've been quite curious about one of these points as well.

In what abortion of a book does she suggest that the Jedi conspire with ol Darth Chuckles?

Posted: 2007-12-19 05:01pm
by Crazedwraith
Poe does have his Travissty site but I believe that's more details of Traviss wanting to garotte people.

The conspiracy thing is from the Insider short story 'Odds'

Posted: 2007-12-19 05:39pm
by Lord Poe
Check your PMs, Straha.