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YV weaponry peircing shields?
Posted: 2008-02-08 12:40pm
by Dark Primus
Long time I read the novels but I don't remember if the Yuuchan Vong weapons could peirce the capital ships shields without overpowering it?
Re: YV weaponry peircing shields?
Posted: 2008-02-08 03:54pm
by Coriolis
Dark Primus wrote:Long time I read the novels but I don't remember if the Yuuchan Vong weapons could peirce the capital ships shields without overpowering it?
IIRC, the Dovin Basals (sp?) could "rip" shields off of starfighters or something of that sort, but couldn't manage the same trick with capital ships.
Posted: 2008-02-10 11:56pm
by FA Xerrik
Additionally, they have those gretchin bugs which I think could eat away at the hull regardless of shielding. There were also big ol' worm things that could perform essentially the same task, like the one which attacked the Jubilee Wheel over Ord Mantell.
Posted: 2008-02-19 09:15pm
by (name here)
They could rip away any shield if the basals were large enough, to the point where the first plan to take coruscant was to rip away the planetary shield. the grechins could slip through shields, i don't know about the worms, but the standard shots were pretty ineffective vs shields.
Posted: 2008-02-19 10:05pm
by Dark Flame
Vector Prime had most of Rogue Squadron quickly eliminated by standard "plasma" shots, IIRC. The plasma would stay on the shield or hull and keep eating away at it.
Posted: 2008-02-20 12:18am
by Anguirus
It wasn't Rogue Squadron, it was Kyp Durron's shitty "Dozen-and-Two."
Posted: 2008-02-20 02:06am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Early on in the NJO series, it seemed as if the New Republic was almost paper to plasma weapons, even though it was mentioned that heavy plasma weapons were equal to the heavy turbolasers in firepower.
Of course, seriously, the entire first half of the series was obsessed about killing Jedi and making the Republic made of a bunch of Emperors with absolutely no clothes.
Posted: 2008-02-20 06:44am
by (name here)
in vector prime, the shields were nearly immune to plasma fire, but then the shields got ripped down and then they were in trouble.
Posted: 2008-02-20 01:02pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
(name here) wrote:in vector prime, the shields were nearly immune to plasma fire, but then the shields got ripped down and then they were in trouble.
THere was also the problem of mass grutchin attack.
Posted: 2008-02-20 03:49pm
by Darth Hoth
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:(name here) wrote:in vector prime, the shields were nearly immune to plasma fire, but then the shields got ripped down and then they were in trouble.
THere was also the problem of mass grutchin attack.
Yes, those things. About as retarded as the "buzz droids" in Ep III. Why do you need metal-eating insect things that still don't get through shields when one plasma shot can destroy the ship with less effort?
Posted: 2008-02-21 11:42am
by FA Xerrik
Capture, maybe? The Yuuzhan Vong displayed a decided interest in Jedi, especially in taking them alive. After all, they DO go through shields. Originally, though, I recall electrifying the hull was sufficient to kill them. Later breeds were resistant. Grutchins were also used as a distraction tactic, they played hell in the fleet commanded by Antilles that was sent to retake Bilbringi near the end of the war.
Posted: 2008-02-21 01:46pm
by Darth Hoth
FA Xerrik wrote:Capture, maybe? The Yuuzhan Vong displayed a decided interest in Jedi, especially in taking them alive. After all, they DO go through shields. Originally, though, I recall electrifying the hull was sufficient to kill them. Later breeds were resistant. Grutchins were also used as a distraction tactic, they played hell in the fleet commanded by Antilles that was sent to retake Bilbringi near the end of the war.
The problem would be that there seems to be no way to direct them; they simply attack, and do not care whether it is an astro-droid or the life-support systems that they devour. They too would produce a kill, not a capture, although a slower one.
do go through shields? How does that work? More biowank... But then at least it makes more sense that they use them at all.
Posted: 2008-02-21 07:51pm
by (name here)
I'm not sure they do go through shields, but it would make sense in light of them destroying the bastion defense lines. The reason they used them vs. the Dozen-and-two was that they are breed to survive a hyper trip, so the last two survivors were expected to die in hyper. one of them did, Kyp survived and brought a voice of reason to the jedi counsel