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Dark Horse Legacy comics
Posted: 2008-02-08 05:49pm
by Battlehymn Republic
Well, now with issue #19, the second or so of the Star Wars Legacy story arcs is complete.
Has anyone been reading these comics? How bad is it as an artifact of the EU? Is it at least superior to LOTF or even NJO?
I personally thought that the issue itself was a lame ending to the arc (18 is actually better). Overall, though, the series isn't bad, as I consider it to be no more than an attempt to reboot Star Wars while remaining in continuity. It's dumbly entertaining enough, and some aspects (the Skywalker being a screw-up, Imperial Knights, Galactic Alliance Core Forces) are creative enough.
Posted: 2008-02-08 06:08pm
by VT-16
I like it as a continuation of the saga. I only hope it really sticks to its premise that these people are decendants of some movie characters, but will not necessarily be making their choices all over again.
The plot-twist in issue 19 was unexpected and made a previously-established character slightly more interesting. I also liked Cade and Syn's reunion, which seemed more heartfelt and touching than most scenes I've seen with the authors previous work (this is the guy who gave us Quinlan Vos after all).
Looking forward to the fleet battle(s) next issue, since I think Stradley said there would be both a flashback to the Battle of Caamas (though he called the planet "Caamus") and a new one for the two-parter story.
Posted: 2008-02-09 12:46pm
by Havok
It's pretty good, unlike KOTOR which has been boring me to tears. (P.S. Word balloons on comic book covers are HORRIBLE!)
I haven't read the LOTF series, although I have the first couple of books, so I can't directly compare them. It is better than the NJO for the most part.
The artwork is really nice. It's a realistic style that suits the darkness of the series well. I could have done without the Sith...AGAIN, but at least they are trying to work it into a semi-decent story, instead of making it the point of the story as they seem to be doing with LOTF.
The other upside (I hope) is that the lack of LOTF Mando-wank and HAR HAR I'ma Sith, Jacen, means they are wiped out and dead.
What I like about Cade, is that while he is a screw up, it is by his own choice. He shows the same strength of character that Luke had, but he has been so put off by his "legacy" and the treatment of the Jedi in the last couple of centuries that, he just doesn't use it unless he absolutely has to. His power itself is inline with the Skywalker tradition of being the redeemer or savior, his is just a little more direct as a healer.
The only thing I am really down on are the BORING ASS ship designs. Aside from the
Mynock, and I think one other, they just have no imagination and are just "OOOO!!! It sorta looks lie a TIE or a Star Destroyer!!".
Star Wars:
Dark Times, is IMO the best SW comic going right now.
Posted: 2008-02-09 12:57pm
by VT-16
The KOTOR comics gave us the Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship, which makes it cool, in my mind. It's also one of the few times we see a battle on a city world (Taris) which predictably takes alot of time to conquer.
Posted: 2008-02-09 11:11pm
by Darth Massacrus
havokeff wrote:
The only thing I am really down on are the BORING ASS ship designs. Aside from the Mynock, and I think one other, they just have no imagination and are just "OOOO!!! It sorta looks lie a TIE or a Star Destroyer!!".
Those are the Empire's ships. They're entitled to be boring. The GA's Scythe battlecruisers and frigates, on the other hand, look awesome (kinda like a cross between the KOTOR Hammerheads and the Mon Cal cruisers)
Posted: 2008-02-10 11:14pm
by Darth Fanboy
Darth Massacrus wrote:
Those are the Empire's ships. They're entitled to be boring. The GA's Scythe battlecruisers and frigates, on the other hand, look awesome (kinda like a cross between the KOTOR Hammerheads and the Mon Cal cruisers)
Do you see the humor in what you just posted? Havokeff is pointing out how he is unimpressed because the ship designs look like things we have already seen before. Then you went and pretty much confirmed what he said by pointing out how these GA designs look like
things we have already seen before!
Posted: 2008-02-11 12:29am
by Darth Massacrus
Yes, I do see the humor in it. However, combining two ship designs into something new is at least better than simply coming up with a different Star Destroyer design.