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Colonisation outside the galaxy?

Posted: 2008-02-22 05:10pm
by Dark Primus
Why hasn't there been major programs made by factions or privately owned corporations outside the various central governments (Old Rep. GE. NE etc) to colonise other galaxies?
I doubt it can be because of lack of economic resources, they do have the technology to travel such far distances.
Could it be because of lack of interests?

And this galactic barrier, preventing the use of hyperspace travel outside the galaxy, is it null and void in recent canon?

I could imagine the SW future in maybe a few thousand years SW galaxy influence might reach to other galaxies, just like Andromeda System's Commonwealth. I think it could have huge potential in story telling if done right.

Posted: 2008-02-22 06:22pm
by VT-16
The existence of any "disturbance" is highly variable in canon.

Posted: 2008-02-22 07:13pm
by TC Pilot
There's no reason to. Much of the galaxy is still ripe for exploitation and colonization. Why travel to a whole new galaxy when there are still wide-swaths of territory to use?

Posted: 2008-02-22 07:30pm
by Lord Relvenous
Also, even with hyperdrive, the distance isn't anything to scoff at. Even more intimidating than the distance would be the possiblity of alerting hostile lifeforms in those galaxies of their colonization and the backlash influencing their current galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong didn't do the galaxy any favors, and i doubt anyone would want to repeat that experience.

Posted: 2008-02-22 08:02pm
by Darth Ruinus
Arent those two dwarf galaxies colonized? The InterGalactic Banking Clan has some stake there doesnt it?

Posted: 2008-02-23 12:25am
by RogueIce
VT-16 wrote:The existence of any "disturbance" is highly variable in canon.
I never got that. How did they expect Outbound Flight to leave with some barrier or whatever? I don't remember it being explained in the novel itself (I have a feeling Zahn simply ignored that*) and I can't recall it being mentioned elsewhere. Was it?

*I wouldn't blame him, especially since Outbound Flight, a project to explore outside the galaxy was mentioned well before that silly "hyperspace barrier" in Vector Prime. Which really, why bother with something like OF if you can't leave? Craziness.

Posted: 2008-02-23 12:32am
by Darth Ruinus
Darth Ruinus wrote:Arent those two dwarf galaxies colonized? The InterGalactic Banking Clan has some stake there doesnt it?
Wait, doesnt Obi-wan pull up a map of the Republic, and 3 galaxies appear? The main galaxy, and 2 small galaxies? Seems to point that it is really a multi-galactic Republic doesnt it?

That is, if indeed 3 galaxies appear, I dont remember much.

Posted: 2008-02-23 07:54am
by nightmare
The Rishi Maze and the other, unnamed satellite galaxy should be much, much closer to the galactic main than any others. The distance involved makes any extra-galactic colonization unfeasible until the main galaxy is running out of space or resources, something that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Posted: 2008-02-23 09:19am
by PainRack
The question is, won't any "modern" colony require constant support from their home planet?

That was the traditional history of colonisation here, and considering the likely different conditions on other planets, it would require much more industrial support before a colony can become self-sustaining and able to manufacture its own ships.

Posted: 2008-02-23 09:23am
by Darth Hoth
PainRack wrote:The question is, won't any "modern" colony require constant support from their home planet?

That was the traditional history of colonisation here, and considering the likely different conditions on other planets, it would require much more industrial support before a colony can become self-sustaining and able to manufacture its own ships.
I seem to recall Publius theorising that World Devastators would be very useful for intergalactic conquest/colonisation, since they are more or less independent in that regard.

Posted: 2008-02-23 12:24pm
by Shadowtraveler
RogueIce wrote:*I wouldn't blame him, especially since Outbound Flight, a project to explore outside the galaxy was mentioned well before that silly "hyperspace barrier" in Vector Prime. Which really, why bother with something like OF if you can't leave? Craziness.
It makes sense, in a way. One of the reasons for Palpatine destroying Outbound Flight is to avoid getting noticed by the Vong too soon. Considering that between then and the Vong War a psuedo-theory about some hyperspatial hurricance surrounding the galaxy emerges amongst the scientific community and an extragalactic survelliance organization is created, it's possible that Palpatine is responsible for perpetuating such nonsense.

Posted: 2008-02-23 03:17pm
by NecronLord
Darth Ruinus wrote:Arent those two dwarf galaxies colonized? The InterGalactic Banking Clan has some stake there doesnt it?
Indeed. Doctor Saxton mentions that their ships are designed to make that run in the Ep3 ICS. It may be the only group with major intergalactic travel, though; It's certainly important enough to the Banking Clan that it put this fact in its very name.

Posted: 2008-02-23 04:10pm
by nightmare
Not if you include the EU. Talon Karrde put up his poles on Rishi. Kamino is supposedly near the Rishi Maze as well, or as claims "A lonely world beyond the Outer Rim and just south of the Rishi Maze". I can't check the movie right now, but it says something to the same extent.

Posted: 2008-02-23 06:46pm
by Darth Ruinus
Besides, it seem doubtfull that only ONE group has whatever engines are needed to reach those 2 dwarf things.

Mmmh, wouldnt that mean the Empire would have had some dealings with those 2 galaxies?

Posted: 2008-02-23 08:44pm
by PainRack
Darth Hoth wrote: I seem to recall Publius theorising that World Devastators would be very useful for intergalactic conquest/colonisation, since they are more or less independent in that regard.
You're assuming that the Devastators won't run out of fuel.

Posted: 2008-02-24 07:35am
by Darth Hoth
PainRack wrote:
Darth Hoth wrote: I seem to recall Publius theorising that World Devastators would be very useful for intergalactic conquest/colonisation, since they are more or less independent in that regard.
You're assuming that the Devastators won't run out of fuel.
If I recall correctly, they were powered by microscopic black holes, which should not be very quick to run out. Or has that since been retconned?

Posted: 2008-02-24 07:40am
by Steel
Darth Hoth wrote:
PainRack wrote:
Darth Hoth wrote: I seem to recall Publius theorising that World Devastators would be very useful for intergalactic conquest/colonisation, since they are more or less independent in that regard.
You're assuming that the Devastators won't run out of fuel.
If I recall correctly, they were powered by microscopic black holes, which should not be very quick to run out. Or has that since been retconned?
That doesnt make very much sense as that would not have a greater power generation capacity or energy density than what we have seen hypermatter to be capable of...

Posted: 2008-02-24 08:19am
by Marko Dash
yes but it has the advantage of helping with the devouring IIRC.

Posted: 2008-02-24 05:23pm
by Publius
The Dark Side Sourcebook explicitly says of Palpatine that "he would journey across the universe, spreading the shadow of his rule, blotting out the stars themselves, and taking his Dark Rule [sic] to other helpless galaxies." This agrees with the theory Maj. Arhul Hextrophon advanced in a guest lecture at the Brionelle Memorial Military Academy, Chandrila, quoted in the Dark Empire Sourcebook:
"With the revelation of the Emperor's possible immortality, a new theory comes to mind. With seemingly no end to his reign, the Emperor could foresee a time when he would want to expand his reign.

"Would a single galaxy be enough for Palpatine the Undying? I think not. The Old Republic had long considered the possibility of contact with other galaxies and made several abortive attempts at it. Palpatine had even secretly destroyed the most recent of these, the Outbound Flight project. According to what we have retrieved from Admiral Thrawn's notes, he led the mission to kill the six Jedi aboard the ship.

"It seems obvious that Palpatine's ultimate goal was the conquest, not just of our galaxy, but of others. What better way to ensure his military supremacy than with these World Devastators? Arriving at world after world, consuming and creating weapons while the battle rages on about them, never lacking for resources or energy... the thought is terrifying."
The chief advantage of the World Devastators as a platform for extragalactic conquest is that they simultaneously serve as a forlorn hope and as a beachhead. If a World Devastator squadron were able to reach another galaxy, it would serve as the ideal initial invasion force, provided that its fuel reserves were sufficient to allow it to make an initial successful assault.

Posted: 2008-02-24 06:55pm
by Coalition
PainRack wrote:
Darth Hoth wrote: I seem to recall Publius theorising that World Devastators would be very useful for intergalactic conquest/colonisation, since they are more or less independent in that regard.
You're assuming that the Devastators won't run out of fuel.
They just eat a few planets, build giant fuel tanks, and keep on going. They might not be as fast as an actual Warship or dedicated Explorer ship, but they offer a large variety in what can be done. They can become the industrial base a colony needs, the Warship defense, Survey platform, orbital manufacturing center, etc.

I forget, can World Devastators reproduce (I am guessing the WD extends its shields outwards, extends a construction gantry next to itself, and slowly assembles a new World Devastator). The new WD will be vulnerable, but its parent can channel some extra material/fabrication systems to junior to help it grow.

Posted: 2008-02-25 12:59am
by Revan's Fire
If I recall correctly, in 4-LOM and Zuckuss' tale in Tales of the Bounty Hunters, Zuckuss hypothesizes that the rebels seek to escape the Galactic plane, in order to regroup their forces, and recover from the devastating defeat at Hoth. I'm not sure, but this seems to be the closest thing to extra-galactic colonization efforts.

Posted: 2008-02-27 01:36am
by Darth Ruinus
Revan's Fire wrote: I'm not sure, but this seems to be the closest thing to extra-galactic colonization efforts.
Yeah, the IGBC already had assets in those dwarf galaxies nearby. And it seems people can travel to that galaxy (maybe the other one too?) if they wanted. Someone here mentioned it above.

Posted: 2008-02-27 11:34am
by Kuja
Revan's Fire wrote:If I recall correctly, in 4-LOM and Zuckuss' tale in Tales of the Bounty Hunters, Zuckuss hypothesizes that the rebels seek to escape the Galactic plane, in order to regroup their forces, and recover from the devastating defeat at Hoth. I'm not sure, but this seems to be the closest thing to extra-galactic colonization efforts.
He was referring to the retreat to Sullust, a star well above the galactic plane (which is why we see the galaxy from the operating room at the end of ESB).

Posted: 2008-02-27 07:00pm
by Pelranius
Could one of the dwarf galaxies possibly be the Unknown Regions? That would do away with the nonsense about the Unknown Regions being part of the galaxy proper.

Posted: 2008-02-27 09:22pm
by (name here)
No, the unkown regions are the northern half of the "eastern" edge of the galaxy proper according to the maps