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KT = Daala in Revelation?
Posted: 2008-03-04 10:17am
by Revan's Fire
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but upon my reading of Revelation I noticed that there seemed to be a bit of a Mary Sueism with Daala. Now this might be biased because aside from Hard Contact, I've hated everything else she's written, but it seemed to me that the mysterious, enigmatic officer who come to save the day with her tactics that can't be fathomed, and her super 'phase=shifting' weapons, was a bit too ridiculous. And that was before she corpse-snatched Pelleaon.
Is this way off base? Or did anyone else notice this?[/i]
Posted: 2008-03-04 04:23pm
by Darth Onasi
Wait, wait. Phase shifting? Why must the EU drag Star Wars through every sci-fi cliche known to man?
What next? Time travel?
As for Daala.. tactics that can't be fathomed? Since when did she know what a tactic was?
Now all that's left is for her to screw every Mandalorian in sight, have a super Mando-baby and thus fulfill KT's fantasies.
Posted: 2008-03-04 05:24pm
by VT-16
Lol, Daala + Boba = True.
Posted: 2008-03-04 05:25pm
by TC Pilot
Well, Daala has sex with Boba Fett, so yes, it's obviously a Mary Sue.
EDIT - Damn, beaten by a whole minute.
Posted: 2008-03-04 05:45pm
by Darth Onasi
VT-16 wrote:Lol, Daala + Boba = True.
... now I'm really glad I don't read this shit.
Posted: 2008-03-04 06:40pm
by (name here)
Note to self: do not read about recent EU after head trama
Posted: 2008-03-04 10:08pm
by Ryushikaze
(name here) wrote:Note to self: do not read about recent EU after head trama
Note to Eu authors: Do not write EU materials after head trauma.
Seriously, that's just odd. I mean, why Daala, of all people, to bring back and glorify? Especially after how long she's been a non issue in-universe.
Which of course begs the question, what was Admiral McCrazy doing to the whole Vong mess?
Posted: 2008-03-04 11:07pm
by Darth Ruinus
phase shifting?
WTF is going on here?
Posted: 2008-03-04 11:24pm
by General Soontir Fel
Darth Onasi wrote:
What next? Time travel?
They already sort of do that, via "flow-walking" bullshit. Jacen uses it to manipulate Tahiri, who's obsessed with his dead brother.
Which of course begs the question, what was Admiral McCrazy doing to the whole Vong mess?
According to Traviss, she's done a lot of unspecified stuff, which gained her a lot of favors, which is how she assembled her fleet that suddenly showed up.
She's also reunited with her boyfriend who's pined for her ever since she left for Carida, and had at least one kid. According to Traviss, she's now a grandmother.
Fett has been a Stu long before Traviss, but this book takes him to a whole new level. You can see how KT wants us to think he's awesome.
Posted: 2008-03-04 11:29pm
by Mange
I think those indestructible, invincible gloves, oh I'm sorry,
crushgaunts made from the glorious Mando'Fando' iron takes the price.
There's definitely a shifting trend over at TFN. KT's LFL sanctioned revisionism has even caused outrage among some of the Mando'Fando's and scathing criticism from others.
Posted: 2008-03-05 12:56am
by Sidewinder
TC Pilot wrote:Well, Daala has sex with Boba Fett, so yes, it's obviously a Mary Sue.
My sarcasm meter is broken. Did Daala actually have sex with Boba Fett, or are you joking? (Obviously, I haven't read Karen Traviss' recent works.)
Posted: 2008-03-05 02:03am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Never mind Daala having sex with Boba Fett, I'd be more interested if she had sex with some random clone of Jango Fett. Next minute, she'd have a whole harem of Jango Fett type Stormtroopers.
Seriously, does this have to go to the gutter?
Posted: 2008-03-05 02:08am
by Darksider
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:
Seriously, does this have to go to the gutter?
It does as long as they let the mando-whore keep writing books.
They need to give that bitch the boot,
Posted: 2008-03-05 02:34am
by VT-16
why Daala, of all people, to bring back and glorify?
She's the only female officer Traviss can bother to remember?
Posted: 2008-03-05 02:44am
by Darth Hoth
VT-16 wrote:why Daala, of all people, to bring back and glorify?
She's the only female officer Traviss can bother to remember?
She feels some weird kinship with her, both being raving incompetents and egomaniacs who explain away all criticism as sexism?
Posted: 2008-03-05 02:45am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
VT-16 wrote:why Daala, of all people, to bring back and glorify?
She's the only female officer Traviss can bother to remember?
She had to bring back the worst of characters in the entire list of "Bad Characters who ought to be DEAD and should stay DEAD". Did she have some sympathy for that whore because of her deluded feminism?!?
I wish I could say up front to that bitch: "Grow some fucking balls bitch, and go get a fucking life elsewhere but here."
Posted: 2008-03-05 06:48am
by Darth Onasi
Yes it's logical if you think about it.
Everybody hates Daala because she's a raving incompetent loon.
Everybody hates Traviss because she's a raving incompetent loon.
Thus, Traviss turns Daala into the Goddess of All Space and Time and attributes all accounts of her incompetence to sexism, thus validating herself.
Posted: 2008-03-05 07:52am
by VT-16
Now that Traviss has established that Mandalorians are confined to their suits as a matter of cultural pride, you can enjoy the mental image of a 70+ year old Boba Fett, reeking with decades of funk from his suit, screwing a 60+ year old brain-damaged Daala.
Waru has nothing on this.
Posted: 2008-03-05 09:21am
by Darth Hoth
This pair-up is arguably poorer than Anderson at his worst. And did not the old Jedi Academy books establish that Daala remained chaste after being posted to the Maw, in order to honour Tarkin's memory or something akin to that? I could accept it with Vorn, because at least that provided a way of removing her from the mainstream Expanded Universe, but her falling to the Fandalorian charms... doubtful.
Posted: 2008-03-05 11:38am
by CaptainChewbacca
Didn't one of the 'Tales' books reveal that Boba's nuts got dissolved when he was in the Sarlaac, and he's no longer a fully functional man?
Posted: 2008-03-05 11:45am
by Sidewinder
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Didn't one of the 'Tales' books reveal that Boba's nuts got dissolved when he was in the Sarlaac, and he's no longer a fully functional man?
I read that story, which specifically states that Boba's groin protector was NOT compromised by the acid or whatever digestive fluids were in the Sarlacc. However, those fluids did give Boba some kind of cancer, forcing him to spend large amounts of money on treatments.
Posted: 2008-03-05 11:47am
by CaptainChewbacca
Sidewinder wrote:CaptainChewbacca wrote:Didn't one of the 'Tales' books reveal that Boba's nuts got dissolved when he was in the Sarlaac, and he's no longer a fully functional man?
I read that story, which specifically states that Boba's groin protector was NOT compromised by the acid or whatever digestive fluids were in the Sarlacc. However, those fluids did give Boba some kind of cancer, forcing him to spend large amounts of money on treatments.
Oh right, I remember now. His nuts were ok, but he went sterile.
Posted: 2008-03-05 11:59am
by Darth Onasi
Sidewinder wrote:CaptainChewbacca wrote:Didn't one of the 'Tales' books reveal that Boba's nuts got dissolved when he was in the Sarlaac, and he's no longer a fully functional man?
I read that story, which specifically states that Boba's groin protector was NOT compromised by the acid or whatever digestive fluids were in the Sarlacc. However, those fluids did give Boba some kind of cancer, forcing him to spend large amounts of money on treatments.
As a side note, it's a good thing KT wasn't writing for him then, or not only would Fett have escaped the Sarlacc without any consequences, he would've gained super Sarlacc powers making him 40x stronger and have Sarlacc acid breath.
Posted: 2008-03-05 01:54pm
by FA Xerrik
Darth Onasi wrote:As a side note, it's a good thing KT wasn't writing for him then, or not only would Fett have escaped the Sarlacc without any consequences, he would've gained super Sarlacc powers making him 40x stronger and have Sarlacc acid breath.
Except... that would be
fucking awesome. Makes me want to write a preposterous fanfic on the premise.
Posted: 2008-03-05 11:48pm
by PainRack
VT-16 wrote:Now that Traviss has established that Mandalorians are confined to their suits as a matter of cultural pride, you can enjoy the mental image of a 70+ year old Boba Fett, reeking with decades of funk from his suit, screwing a 60+ year old brain-damaged Daala.
Waru has nothing on this.
GOD...... YOU JUST BROKE MY MIND.................