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Posted: 2008-04-04 02:18pm
by Lord Poe


Posted: 2008-04-04 02:47pm
by VT-16

My only question was at the end, was the "journo" going to use that strapon on herself or on the "anonymous fanmoose"?

Posted: 2008-04-04 02:59pm
by Tiriol
I liked the sudden appereance of the space worm eating Boba. Reminded me of Something Positive web comic's land crocodile attacks.

Posted: 2008-04-04 03:05pm
by Coiler
Very good job. Funny, and well-made. I felt there was too much low humor, but that was made up for by the excellent analysis of T-canon vs. G-canon.

Posted: 2008-04-04 03:48pm
by Darth Servo
VT-16 wrote:My only question was at the end, was the "journo" going to use that strapon on herself or on the "anonymous fanmoose"?
I knew this would happen.

Posted: 2008-04-04 03:54pm
by Thanas
The dictionary part was hilarious. As was the rest of the video.

Well done. :D

EDIT: you didn't happen to watch this before making the video, did you?

Posted: 2008-04-04 04:01pm
by Xess
Very funny, love the Mando swearing. I'm surprised I contributed enough to warrant a mention in the credits.

Posted: 2008-04-04 04:16pm
by Jim Raynor
Sharon Crevice: Oh Boba, you were magnificent.

Boba: Thanks

Sharon Crevice: Actually, you were all magnificent.

Mandos: Thanks.
:lol: Good job pointing out the massive disparity between Traviss's published fanfic and the G-canon films too. Loved the clips from AOTC and ROTJ.

Posted: 2008-04-04 06:30pm
by Darth Hoth
I can hardly wait for the wanktard fanboys' response... :twisted:

However, I do feel a little sorry for poor Boba, as opposed to the original Traviss creations; he never really asked to be part of all this when the authoress went off the bend, did he? I would imagine him more of an injured professional, outraged/saddened that someone was cashing in cheaply on his reputation and blatantly misrepresenting him.

Or perhaps that's the explanation; the real Boba Fett died decades ago and a brainwashed Mando wanktard stole his armour! :lol:

Posted: 2008-04-04 08:18pm
by wjs7744
Thanas wrote:The dictionary part was hilarious.
Agreed. I got the feeling it was pre-empting something, although as I've tried not to expose myself to this idiocy more than I have to, I couldn't guess what.

Posted: 2008-04-05 12:45am
by Vympel
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fuck me dead that's hilarious and I'm only two minutes in.

Posted: 2008-04-05 01:10am
by Anguirus
Ha! Better than I expected, honestly. It comes across as a little more subtle and clever than your other Traviss videos...which is weird considering it's both more dynamic and more blatantly insulting. What can I say, I'm weird.

Posted: 2008-04-05 02:02am
by Galvatron

Now I've gotta go rub one out.

Posted: 2008-04-05 02:13am
by Shroom Man 777
Was that Kiff?

Posted: 2008-04-05 04:47am
by Lord_Xerxes
Well done Poe. I think you captured all the points very nicely. I especially liked the part where she threatened to rip out Luke's trachea. I'm curious to see what her/her fanboys response is.

I'd almost guarentee that she'll ignore all the blatantly obvious flaws in her logic/writing that were presented and focus soley on the fact that Luke force-chokes her and twists her mind towards sodomy.

One can only hope that whatever outrage/backlash she directs from this will finally bring light to the literary injustices she's done and they'll quitely direct her away from penning anymore EU material.

Or not quietly. I'm fine with either. :twisted:

Posted: 2008-04-05 11:05am
by Shroom Man 777
I love the fact that Lord Poe went with my suggestion of using Johnny Cash music. Might not be a montage of all the Mandos falling into a Saarlac, but it has a wretched woman contemplating self-sodomy. Family fun for all! :lol:

Posted: 2008-04-05 11:08am
by Grand Moff Yenchin
I like how the film is funny and totally crushes the crap on Traviss' Mando wank.

Posted: 2008-04-05 12:24pm
by Ghost Rider
Good times Wayne. I like how you stressed Boba mad Jedi killing skills and the self sodomy bit was just awesome.

Posted: 2008-04-05 12:56pm
by Lord Poe
Glad everyone enjoyed it! Its on Youtube now as well. (For how long is anyone's guess)

This one had more extensive blue/greenscreen it it than I thought it would have. If you watch closely, people aren't always in the right place. Of course, I know the "set" more intimately than a non "The Movies" user, so it probably stands out more to me.

I'm sure Dark Moose is going to call for my lynching after this one. It was designed to be even more over the top than "Talifan!" That Luke is a real bastard about the sodomy stuff, isn't he? Maybe he shouldn't be drinking with Darth Wong anymore! :lol:

Anguirus, loved your comment!

Posted: 2008-04-05 01:27pm
by seanrobertson
Xess wrote:Very funny, love the Mando swearing.
Me, too: "Shut the fuck up'oa, asshole'oa!"

C.U.N.T. was cute, as was the club-shoving mind trick ("I'll be right back!"; "Gaaaah!"). BF's demise was great, too; I was hoping he'd be swallowed, but I didn't see how a Sarlacc might fit into the story. A space slug's the perfect solution! :D

There's so much humor in this, I really can't pick a favorite line or visual. And the sound effects in the Jedi v. Jango flashbacks ... :lol: Lovely! (Wayne, make Jango's head go "boi-ong!" when it's chopped off!)

I also see you're doing a special edition of "The Last Bastion" *pumps fist*! That's awesome. If you're not too far along, maybe I can finally secure a damned microphone and lend my voice to something :?:

Posted: 2008-04-05 01:28pm
by seanrobertson
Lord Poe wrote:Glad everyone enjoyed it! Its on Youtube now as well. (For how long is anyone's guess)

This one had more extensive blue/greenscreen it it than I thought it would have. If you watch closely, people aren't always in the right place. Of course, I know the "set" more intimately than a non "The Movies" user, so it probably stands out more to me.
Honestly, brah, I didn't notice that. As you say, you're so familiar with the program now that you're gonna pick up on teensy stuff lost on the rest of us.

Posted: 2008-04-05 01:59pm
by Lord Poe
Glad you liked it, Sean!

As for the TLB:SE, let's wait and see. THe FX guy has sent me more stuff, but not all of it yet. If he does, then I'll go ahead and do it. I have to replace Captain Kraft, and a new other cosmetic things. I want to make that one whole movie.

Posted: 2008-04-05 04:38pm
by Havok
Holy shit Poe. :shock: I've never seen one of your videos before. :shock: That was the funniest damned thing I've seen in ages. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What did I get credit for though?

Edit: Was it this? That would be cool, but I hope it was my gangbang suggestion. :twisted:


Posted: 2008-04-05 05:01pm
by FA Xerrik
To think I used to believe the crap this woman put out. She seemed pretty legit at first, but I think Hard Contact was really her only good one. I was willing to let it slide up until this drivel she's been putting into the Legacy era. Really good video overall.

Incidentally, Boba Fett actually did kill plenty of Jedi. Check out "Jedi Hunter" on Youtube. I won't link directly, since this thread is for Poe's video.

Posted: 2008-04-05 07:42pm
by Aquatain
Lord Poe - I've been laughing all day of the mental image of that red Mandos with the club up his ass..thanks for that :D