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Some kick-ass Star Wars LEGO projects
Posted: 2008-04-07 08:19am
by Ted C
AFAIK, these are not kits: people figured these out on their own. ... cubes.html
Posted: 2008-04-07 08:29am
by Bounty
I'd pay good money for those steampunk ships.
The Venator, I think, is a professional piece; either a concept for a big kit à la the ISD or a display piece for Lucasarts.
ETA: It's a display piece for LEGO events, built by a
master builder:
FBTB: How did the planning come about for your contribution to this year's celebration? Did you have an idea to build that particular model; was it decided by a group? Was there a proposal process?
EV: Because we already had the ISD building tournament planned and in place, there would not be the space to have another interactive event like the 10-foot tall Yoda model or a demonstration build like the Naboo Starfighter. Still we wanted to have a big model presence. It was decided a group of us; the SW Brand Managers, Project Managers, Exhibit Designers, the Public Relations group and me to replicate the space battle over Coruscant in the opening of Episode III by stringing up dozens of the ARC fighters, tri-fighters and Jedi starfighter/vulture droids sets among unique large scale models of the Republic Star Destroyer, the Trade Federation battleship and General Grievous' flagship, the Invisible Hand. Turns out that trying to build all of those at a scale of say 4 to 5 feet would blow our budget so we went instead for a single larger model.
Posted: 2008-04-07 09:11am
by Ghost Rider
Good stuff, and the Venator is fucking awesome.
Posted: 2008-04-07 10:23am
by CaptHawkeye
I've seen that Venator before elsewhere. That would make a CRAZY building kit. Massive, expensive, and masochistic. But christ knows i'd buy it. Fuck my fucking geek hobbies!
Posted: 2008-04-07 04:14pm
by Darth Servo
Found this amusing little tidbit on that site.
Posted: 2008-04-07 04:55pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Both the Han Solo in Carbonite and the Venator are kits comissioned by LEGO and/or Lucasfilm so they aren't quite the same as kits built by people just for the hell of it.
Posted: 2008-04-07 05:36pm
by Aquatain
I find the details on the Porphyrion Assault Frigate to be the most impressive.