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On Force Lighting and Its Effects (Movies)

Posted: 2008-05-07 06:19am
by Havok
This is my take and observations on Force Lightning that we see in the movies.

-Anakin in AOTC is the first person in the saga to be subjected to Force Lightning. Count Dooku is the Sith that attacks him. He takes a 4 second burst. He is visibly thrown into the wall and takes 46 seconds to awaken and 43 more seconds before he is able to battle again.

-Strangely, Palpatine is the second person we see subjected to FL. It is by his own hand from Windu deflecting it back at him. Palpatine is subjected to 34 seconds of continuous FL. During this time, he is able to have a conversation and debate Windu and the Jedi's actions to Anakin.

-Mace is the third person we see subjected to FL, and the first by Palpatine/Sidious. Mace endures 16 continuous seconds of FL. He seems to be conscious the entire time. I don't think unconscious people scream.

-*Yoda is the fourth person we see get hit by FL. He takes a 1 second hit and is thrown back hard into a wall. He takes 49 seconds of movie time, where a scene of Anakin and Obi-Wan dueling is cut to, to wake up, but only 21 seconds if you count the time from him being knocked out to the time he opens an eye. If you remove the inter cut scene which, it is just the time it seems like it takes for Palpatine to walk over to Yoda and begin gloating. Otherwise Palpatine just sits in his chair for about 28 seconds during the inter cut scene.

-The next person to endure FL is Luke in ROTJ. It is from Sidious and first he takes 7 seconds of intermittent strikes, before he takes 22 seconds of continuous lightning. He then is subjected to 22 more seconds of lightning for a grand total of 51 total seconds, the most we see anyone subjected to, which leads to...

-Vader, the final person hit with FL, takes 8 seconds of lightning from Palpatine. Not all the lightning is directed at Vader as Palpatine is being hoisted up and is firing uncontrolled.

-On Maintaining Consciousness
So from the above I gather that Force Lightning, no matter how strong, doesn't seem to knock you unconscious. The two that lose consciousness are Anakin and Yoda. In each of their cases they are thrown HARD into walls along with being hit by the lightning. Yoda seems to be thrown back by the sheer force of Palpatine's attack, while Anakin seems to be thrown by the Force by Dooku in concert with getting hit by the lightning. I chalk up their getting knocked out to the head trauma that they endure and not the lightning because...

Luke, who endures the most lightning, is very awake and conscious and is able to plead with Vader for help. Mace, while incapacitated like Luke was, is screaming during his duration and does not lose consciousness. Palpatine endures over half a minute of lightning, which is obviously causing him great pain and disfiguring him, but is still able to have a coherent conversation. Immediately after he is subjected to the lightning, he is again able to summon it and then, other then his disfigurement is fine.

Vader, who is dependent on his electrically run suit for life, and who has a skeleton laced with metal, is the unknown in this situation. After he is struck by the lightning, he continues to breathe indicating that that function of his suit is still working, but we are not sure if he is conscious or not as we don't see his face until later on the flight deck of the DSII.
However after watching the scene several times again tonight, and based on the body position Vader takes, he seems to be looking down the shaft, possibly contemplating all his mistakes or finally realizing he is free of Sidious, I believe Vader is quite conscious.

-On Force Lightning Users
In the movies we see two people project FL. Dooku and Palpatine. I think that it is reasonable the believe that Sidious has more control, and has lightning that is more powerful due to the fact that he is the Master and from what we know of Palpatine he is loathe to teach any one all his tricks. My problem with this is. that I personally can't imagine a way that Palpatine could limit how strong Dooku's lightning is. My only answer, is that Palpatine is a much more powerful Force user then Dooku to begin with, so any power he uses will be stronger.
The movies give some insight as Yoda was able to deflect Dooku's first strike of Lightning easily and then able to absorb his next strike with little more effort then the deflection. However he was not able to absorb or deflect Palpatine's initial attack and then later was only able to absorb so much until he "overloaded" granted Palpatine was firing quite a bit more lightning than Dooku did. Still I do think it is safe to say Palpatine had the stronger lightning of the two.

-On The Variable Strength Of Force Lightning
Based on what we see, I believe that FL can be adjusted to variable strengths, which is an obvious statement if you have seen the movies.
The first clue to this is the "glow" factor.
In ROTS and ROTJ we see two separate people, Mace Windu and Darth Vader, struck with FL so intense that their bones "glow" through their bodies.
Mace Windu as far as we know has no metal or prosthetics in his body, while we know that Vader has had extensive cybernetic enhancements.
We also know that Anakin, before receiving extensive implants did not "glow" when hit by FL in AOTC. Yoda and Luke, both enhancement free, except for Luke's hand, also did not "glow" when struck by FL.

What this leads me to believe is that Mace was hit with about as powerful of FL as can be conjured. Palpatine, after witnessing Anakin's betrayal, was about as excited as he could possibly be and unleashed his absolute full power on Windu. His accompanying words of "Unlimited Power!" and his gleeful delivery gives more credence to this as he knows that he can finally "cut loose" so to speak, after so many years of maintaining his charade. This full power unleashing caused Mace to "glow" with the full power of Palpatine's lightning. Keep in mind however, that as strong as it was, Mace did not at any time lose consciousness.

I believe that after Windu, Yoda, was struck with the second most powerful blast of Force Lightning. As we see in the film, Yoda is slammed back from Palpatine's 1 second burst. Yoda in AOTC was easily able to deflect Dooku's initial attack with the same amount of forewarning as he had from Sidious. Here however Yoda was completely overcome. I think that Yoda was unprepared for the sheer amount of strength difference from Dooku to Sidious. Note though that he did not "glow". This however can be attributed to the very short nature of the Emperor's attack and not necessarily the power level of the lightning attack. Also, Yoda does not writhe in pain as Luke and Mace do, but again, this can be attributed to the short burst and his loss of consciousness from his very hard impact with the wall.

Next I have two people getting hit with the same strength blast. Luke and Vader in ROTJ.
Now Luke's situation is unique as he is the only one of this group to be subjected to what I feel are different strength FL blasts.
At first when Sidious attacks him, he clearly is just "toying" with him, while he gloats over his final and utter victory. Absolute eradication of the Jedi, and absolute control over the Galaxy. However when he speaks the words "Now, young Skywalker, you WILL die.", he switches into another gear.
Here is where I feel we see the true nature of Force Lightning and what it is actually for, but I will touch on that later.
At this point, I feel that the FL the Emperor is using is almost as strong as what Yoda endured and slightly less still then what Mace endured for two reasons.
Reason number one; The Emperor does not have the added emotional jolt of his first taste of true victory as he did with Mace or the joy he showed of destroying his greatest enemy in Yoda nor the franticness and excitement of fighting for his life.
Reason number two; He really wants to draw out and enjoy Luke's death. He destroyed his first DS. He is the one person that he fears. He tried to revive his hated enemy in the Jedi. He is Yoda's final student. he was hidden from him for 18 years.
So for those two reasons, I feel that Sidious may be holding back just a bit, or is just not emotionally charged enough to deliver the kind of attack Yoda, and certainly not Mace, received. This is why Luke does not glow, and this is why Luke is not hurled back like Yoda.
Vader, when he turns on the Emperor is subject to this lightning as well. I feel it is possible that the Emperor amped up the voltage once he realized what Vader was doing, but I feel that fear is not going to make the lightning stronger at all as fear in ones self makes you weaker with the Force, not stronger. Now Vader does "glow" here, but as I cited earlier, he has extensive cybernetics throughout his body as well as metal either grafted onto, or actually replacing, his bones. This is what I believe causes Vader's "glow" and not just the sheer power of the FL as it did with Mace.

Now, strangely again, I feel this is where Palpatine belongs in this power ranking, attacking himself. In the fight with Windu, Sidious has his lightning turned on himself. Palpatine obviously needs to keep the lightning strong enough to hold Windu at bay, but he also needs to keep it weak enough that it does not cause himself serious harm or damage him more than he is willing. Also, during this 34 second lighting onslaught Palpatine has to convince Anakin to come to his aid, so he has to be able to speak and be coherent enough to counter Windu's arguments as well. Palpatine also holds and maintains the level of FL to the last possible second when he finally believes he has convinced Anakin to betray the Jedi and serve him in order to save his wife.
There are two things I feel this example establishes, one which I mentioned earlier. Palpatine's superior control of the power level of his FL, also shown in his attack on Luke in ROTJ, and an obvious resistance to his own power.
As for the strength of the FL, Palpatine shows no sign of the "glow" that Mace is about to exhibit, nor does he writhe in pain as Luke does.

Last we have Anakin, while still a Padawan, being hit with the FL from Dooku. While Dooku is a formidable and powerful opponent, Yoda clearly has no trouble dealing with his FL even when it was an unknown. Obviously, no "glow", in Anakin this first time, although there is some pain shown, but not much more than what Palpatine endures and not nearly as much as Luke or Mace. he is knocked out, but again, this can be attributed to the impact with the hanger/cave wall.

-On The Use of Force Lightning
Based on what we have seen and I have stated above, I do not believe that Force Lightning is an effective lethal offensive weapon. In the movies, we see no one die from being struck with Force Lightning, even though we see arguably the strongest Dark Sider, in Palpatine, ever, using it at it's full strength.
In the most extreme case, Mace, the lightning was used to dole out severe punishment and pain, but death was ultimately caused by a Force Push out the window.
We see a freshly minted Jedi, albeit probably the strongest ever, able to with stand almost a full minute of FL and then very shortly after drag a 250lb+ cyborg kilometers through the DSII and then casually fly away with no more than a broken sweat.
We see a 60 year old man endure half a minute of FL who is then able to rise and continue his duties as ruler of the galaxy.
We don't even see a loss of consciousness without an added impact from either a Force push (Dooku V Anakin, AOTC) or the sheer overpowering of the initial impact of the first strike, throwing them into a wall (Sidious V Yoda, ROTS).
My conclusion is that the true nature of Force Lightning is a very effective and insidious torture weapon/tactic to be used against Jedi and other Force users, that the Sith have adapted into a weapon of terror and fear, but one that isn't very effective at killing.

-Some notes.
I didn't mention resiliency of the Jedi and Sith and their use of the Force to help against the FL, because I figure it is a given.

I made this based solely on a Jedi Vs Sith situation. I have no doubt that FL would rip a regular person a new one. ;)

I based this solely on the movies. I did not take any EU into consideration at all. Nor did I take the novels, as they didn't provide times that I could use, It also seemed dishonest to use the novels for added information when the bulk of my info is from the movies.

Feedback is encouraged and very welcome.

*I didn't include Yoda's first encounter with Dooku as the second person we see get attacked by FL because he first deflects the lightning and then absorbs it. For this same reason I didn't include his battle with Sidious in the Senate chambers as he does this again and it gives no evidence of how Force Lightning effects one when it hits as intended.

Posted: 2008-05-07 07:38am
by Darth Fanboy
I would note that as far as Force Lightning and the movies go, Yoda is the only one who deflected Force Lightning without his lightsaber. Mace Windu and Obi Wan Kenobi each used their lightsabers when faced with Force Lightning.

Posted: 2008-05-07 07:54am
by CaptHawkeye
It should also be noted that Dooku was actually able to partially control Anakin in the air with lightning. The blast didn't just push Anakin back, it lifted him up and threw him 20 feet into the wall at his side. As shown here.

Posted: 2008-05-07 08:06am
by The Spartan
Two things jump to my mind when considering Dooku's FL. The first is that he wasn't trying to kill Anakin (Sidious wanted him alive after all) and possibly, at that point, not trying to kill Obi Wan or Yoda, per se. The second, and possibly related thought, is that he valued finesse over brute force. So he might have only been using just enough force to remove them from the fight.

Oh, one other thought occurs to me. The force lightning throwing people around might be a combination of lightning and push so they may be distinct entities that are, at times, combined for some reason or another. Perhaps one flows naturally from the other, so to speak, during training and it takes practice and additional training to seperate them?

At any rate this is just speculation on my part off the top of my head after having not seen the movies or read the novels in several months so my memory may be a bit hazy on some of the finer details. Feel free to rip anything I've said to shreds should my thinking be flawed.

Posted: 2008-05-07 08:10am
by 18-Till-I-Die
In the movies we see two people project FL. Dooku and Palpatine. I think that it is reasonable the believe that Sidious has more control, and has lightning that is more powerful due to the fact that he is the Master and from what we know of Palpatine he is loathe to teach any one all his tricks. My problem with this is. that I personally can't imagine a way that Palpatine could limit how strong Dooku's lightning is. My only answer, is that Palpatine is a much more powerful Force user then Dooku to begin with, so any power he uses will be stronger.
I think this is pretty much a given. Palpatine is a phenomenally powerful Force user, indeed a few years later, with some study and a younger clone body, he was able to summon Force Storms...which appears to be unprecedented amongst Sith and Jedi.

Also about the "did not lose consciousness" thing...i dont think that's a very good metric to use. So far everyone who got hit with Force Lightning has been a Force user and, as we've seen, they have fucking absurd durability, superhuman actually. They can fall hundreds of stories, survive within inches of molten lava (which should be instantly fatal), and take damage and injuries that should be mortal wounds if not immediately deadly. When someone says they're "Strong In The Force" i dont think they're kidding...i think they're being literal. Look at Windu, he was able to beat robots made of some hella strong SW metal to death WITH HIS BARE HANDS...don't get me started on Anakin, if anyone else had been that injured no amount of cybernetics would have saved them. I think these people protect themselves internally with the Force somehow (pure speculation, but i think i have a case), so simply not losing consciousness, to me, is not very unusual or conclusive of anything when referring to Force users.

Posted: 2008-05-07 09:48am
by Sarevok
Regarding force lightning throwing people around something occurred to me.

We know that Force users are rarely able effect one another with telekinesis because of innate ability to resist Force powers. What if the lightning stuns Jedi and temporarily removes their ability to resist telekinesis ? This leaves them stunned for a moment and vulnerable as a droid or mere human to telekinetic attacks.

Posted: 2008-05-07 12:04pm
by Terralthra
Truce at Bakura also has a medical droid telling Luke about the damage the lightning caused to his skeletal structure.

Re: On Force Lighting and Its Effects (Movies)

Posted: 2008-05-07 02:00pm
by nightmare
havokeff wrote:Vader, when he turns on the Emperor is subject to this lightning as well. I feel it is possible that the Emperor amped up the voltage once he realized what Vader was doing, but I feel that fear is not going to make the lightning stronger at all as fear in ones self makes you weaker with the Force, not stronger. Now Vader does "glow" here, but as I cited earlier, he has extensive cybernetics throughout his body as well as metal either grafted onto, or actually replacing, his bones. This is what I believe causes Vader's "glow" and not just the sheer power of the FL as it did with Mace.
Do you also believe his skull bone was replaced by durasteel in spite of looking like a normal human skull while his metal implants do not while fluorescent?

Fluorescence is material dependent rather than caused by electricity itself. So it bears to be noted that we have observed such effects from FL in a normal human body (Mace), and it looks very similar. If Vader's suit had any effect on the fluorescence, it is likely that we should be able to observe a distinct difference. It's electromagnetic spectroscopy. So what do we see? A distinct difference in parts of Vader's body, likely to be attributed to non-original parts. Hence we can conclude that the fluorescence we observe in the now identified as likely original parts is probably *not* caused by material difference.

Your confusion is understandable, given that metals conduct electricity with far less resistance than flesh. It's possible that Vader's injuries from the force lightning was extended (or limited) due to his non-original parts. It is also possible that the 'glow' was extended somewhat over his human body larger than it otherwise would have. But the matter is that the force lightning could, by itself, cause that 'glow', because it was likely not amplified.

Vader's suit probably carried a strong power source. It is reasonable that we should expect such a power source to be securely contained. Even if the casing was damaged by the force lightning and thereby releasing an even stronger power throughout Vader's body, the FL must in such a case have been strong enough to break containment by itself. Would the containment be weaker than a human body? Hard to believe, if you ask me.

Posted: 2008-05-07 02:15pm
by Illuminatus Primus
It'd be nice if we saw them use a bone-glow blast on a non-Force sensitive, just so we could establish its baseline intensity or yield. Anyone got a calc on the explosion by Dooku's FL in the Geonosian hangar?

Posted: 2008-05-07 02:20pm
by Illuminatus Primus
I don't see how Windu died if the FL and/or the Force push on him didn't cause trauma. As documented in the other thread, Jedi can survive impact at terminal velocity.

Re: On Force Lighting and Its Effects (Movies)

Posted: 2008-05-07 02:32pm
by Havok
nightmare wrote:
havokeff wrote:Vader, when he turns on the Emperor is subject to this lightning as well. I feel it is possible that the Emperor amped up the voltage once he realized what Vader was doing, but I feel that fear is not going to make the lightning stronger at all as fear in ones self makes you weaker with the Force, not stronger. Now Vader does "glow" here, but as I cited earlier, he has extensive cybernetics throughout his body as well as metal either grafted onto, or actually replacing, his bones. This is what I believe causes Vader's "glow" and not just the sheer power of the FL as it did with Mace.
Do you also believe his skull bone was replaced by durasteel in spite of looking like a normal human skull while his metal implants do not while fluorescent?

Fluorescence is material dependent rather than caused by electricity itself. So it bears to be noted that we have observed such effects from FL in a normal human body (Mace), and it looks very similar. If Vader's suit had any effect on the fluorescence, it is likely that we should be able to observe a distinct difference. It's electromagnetic spectroscopy. So what do we see? A distinct difference in parts of Vader's body, likely to be attributed to non-original parts. Hence we can conclude that the fluorescence we observe in the now identified as likely original parts is probably *not* caused by material difference.

Your confusion is understandable, given that metals conduct electricity with far less resistance than flesh. It's possible that Vader's injuries from the force lightning was extended (or limited) due to his non-original parts. It is also possible that the 'glow' was extended somewhat over his human body larger than it otherwise would have. But the matter is that the force lightning could, by itself, cause that 'glow', because it was likely not amplified.

Vader's suit probably carried a strong power source. It is reasonable that we should expect such a power source to be securely contained. Even if the casing was damaged by the force lightning and thereby releasing an even stronger power throughout Vader's body, the FL must in such a case have been strong enough to break containment by itself. Would the containment be weaker than a human body? Hard to believe, if you ask me.
This is the kind of feedback and comments I was looking for. Thank you.

No, I didn't really consider a full replacement of the skull, but possibly a lacing of it similar in style as Wolverine in Marvel Comics has.

So what you are saying is that you feel Vader was hit with the same strength of FL as Windu. The "glow" factor we see in Vader is not due to the metal conducting the electricity more efficiently.

I suppose that could be worked into my "theory".
Palpatine, when Vader betrayed him, experienced for the first time in 20 years what I called the "franticness and excitement" of fighting for his life, only this time he loses, but it produces the strength in the lightning that we haven't seen since he was first able to really cut lose on Mace in ROTS.

Posted: 2008-05-07 02:34pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Of course the EU has multiple incidents of total-frying by single bursts of FL and many unconsciousness events.

Posted: 2008-05-07 02:49pm
by Havok
Illuminatus Primus wrote:I don't see how Windu died if the FL and/or the Force push on him didn't cause trauma. As documented in the other thread, Jedi can survive impact at terminal velocity.
Shit. I didn't mean to leave that in. I didn't want to start ANOTHER "Mace is dead. No he isn't." debate, and I was going to leave his fate ambiguous, but it was 4 AM when I was proofreading and I forgot to take it out. Sorry.

Posted: 2008-05-07 02:52pm
by Havok
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Of course the EU has multiple incidents of total-frying by single bursts of FL and many unconsciousness events.
Well I am certainly not as well versed in the EU as you or Publius, and didn't want to have an incomplete listing of incidents so I went with what I know, which is the movies.

Please feel free to add EU accounts.

Posted: 2008-05-07 02:57pm
by Terralthra
Truce at Bakura wrote:Surgical droid Too-Onebee set the control board and then swiveled to face Luke. Slender, jointed limbs waved in front of his gleaming midsection. "Now you, sir. Please step behind the scanner."
"I'm all right." Luke leaned his stool against the bulkhead. "Just tired." Artoo-Detoo bleeped softly beside him, sounding concerned.
"Please, sir. This will only take a moment."
Luke sighed and shuffled around a man-high rectangular panel. "Okay?" he called out through it. "May I go now?"
"One moment more," came the mechanical voice, then clicking sounds. "One moment," the droid repeated. "Have you experienced double vision recently?"
"Well..." Luke scratched his head. "Yes. But just for a minute." Surely that little spell wasn't significant. As the diagnostic panel retracted into the bulkhead, a medical flotation bed extended itself from the wall beside Too-Onebee. Luke backstepped. "What's that for?"
"You're not well, sir."
"I'm just tired."
"Sir, my diagnosis is sudden and massive calcification of your skeletal structure, of the rare type brought on by severely conductive exposure to electrical and other energy fields." Energy fields. Yesterday. Emperor Palpatine, leering as blue-white sparks leaped off his fingertips while Luke writhed on the deck. Luke broke a sweat, the memory was so fresh. He'd thought he was dying. He was dying.
"The abrupt drop in blood minerals is causing muscular microseizures all over your body, sir."
So that was why he ached. Until an hour ago, he hadn't had a chance to sit still and notice. Deflated, he stared up at Too-Onebee. "But it's not permanent damage, is it? You don't have to replace bones?" He shuddered at the thought.
"The condition will become chronic unless you rest and allow me to treat you," answered the mechanical voice. "The alternative is bacta immersion."

Posted: 2008-05-07 03:01pm
by Havok
Darth Fanboy wrote:I would note that as far as Force Lightning and the movies go, Yoda is the only one who deflected Force Lightning without his lightsaber. Mace Windu and Obi Wan Kenobi each used their lightsabers when faced with Force Lightning.
Well deflection, with a lightsaber or not, wasn't really of that much importance to what I was observing. As I note at the end, I was looking for incidents where the lightning struck as intended.
Although the ease of nullification/dispersal that Obi-Wan showed against Dooku as opposed to what Mace did, which was actual deflection back against Palpatine, could be used in order to more firmly establish Palpatine as having much stronger FL then Dooku, but I think that is beating a dead horse. :wink:

Posted: 2008-05-07 03:07pm
by Havok
Terralthra wrote:Truce at Bakura also has a medical droid telling Luke about the damage the lightning caused to his skeletal structure.
Again, as I noted at the bottom of my OP, I did not take the EU into account at all. Whether for immediate or after effects.

Posted: 2008-05-07 03:11pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Palpatine of Naboo painfully rendered High Councilor Jedi Leia Organa Solo unconscious with a single blast of Force lightening (his control appears to have sufficiently fine that despite Dark Empire showing her to be surrounded with a corona of lightning during the assault, he avoided harming her child in utero at all). In Empire's End, Palpatine of Naboo renders Leia Organa Solo unconscious yet again (also incapacitating C-3PO) without harming the now infant Anakin Solo. Ysanna Jedi neophyte Rayf (son of the Chief Okko) was killed by a single blast of Palpatine of Naboo's Force lightening. It must be qualified that each burst noticably physically strained Palpatine, its possible he was abnormally amplifying its intensity with a cost to his own vitality, or it is simply possible that the normal cost of full-power FL was too great for his defective clone body. He also severely wounded (probably fatally, though there is a possibility that his death was caused or aggrivated by deliberately forcing Palpatine of Naboo's life-essence into himself) and temporarily incapacitated Jedi Knight Empatojayos Brand with another burst (he however remained conscious - able to speak - and was several minutes later able to summon his repulsorlifts to float and seize the infant Anakin Solo and able to summon his concentration and use of the Force necessary to block Palpatine's possession of Anakin and to forcibly confine him within himself). The oddly described "black lightening" of Kyp Durron (under the influence and aid of Sith Lord Exar Kun) incapacitated Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and subjected him to a sustained out-of-body experience.

Posted: 2008-05-07 04:44pm
by Feil
It's pretty obvious that whatever force lightning is, it's not electricity- otherwise the user would take damage, too. Most notably, his fingers would vaporize, and that would settle things pretty effectively.

Posted: 2008-05-07 06:58pm
by BountyHunterSAx
Anybody care to venture an explanation for why Palpatine's reflected force-lightning in RotS caused his face to look scarred, deformed and haggard, but his force lightning in RotJ caused no visible marring on Luke Skywalker who was subjected to it directly?


Posted: 2008-05-07 07:00pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Its a combination of direct physical damage and destruction of Palpatine's Sith alchemy mask.

Posted: 2008-05-07 07:52pm
by Darth Fanboy
THe pair of Darth Bane books have many instances of Force Lightning, including IIRC at least one body that was completely charred.

And what about Luke Skywalker's "Electric Judgment"? I don't rmemeber the NJO well enough to talk about that but it was supposedly quite powerful as well.

In the Clone Wars comics, during a battle with the Kiffar, Dooku is able to defeat four Kiffar at once with just one blast of FL. When he walks away to deal with Quinlan Vos, there is a visible pile of bodies on the floor.

In the Clone Wars Cartoon, Dooku knocks out Ventress, who awakens later and is apparently not suffereing from any lingering damage, as she wakes up and duels Dooku again.

Re: On Force Lighting and Its Effects (Movies)

Posted: 2008-05-08 12:23am
by tim31
havokeff wrote: -Mace is the third person we see subjected to FL, and the first by Palpatine/Sidious. Mace endures 16 continuous seconds of FL. He seems to be conscious the entire time. I don't think unconscious people scream.
Just to clarify, yes they can. People who have been stung on the torso by box jellyfish(portugeuse man o' war) have been known to scream after being knocked out with anesthetics. A sting like that would probably be the same sort of pain level as FL, I'd wager.

Posted: 2008-05-08 01:03am
by AK-047
I am under the impression that Vader was conscious the entire time after throwing the Emperor down the shaft, although his only motions were simple teetering while clinging onto the railing for support. Also, his breathing becomes ragged and uneven afterwards, suggesting to me that his suit was failing and that he was having serious trouble using it. I believe the effect of the lightning on Vader was more intense than others because of his largely cybernetic body and his biologically weakened state.

Posted: 2008-05-08 01:13am
by BountyHunterSAx
Want to throw in a note here, that if you watch the instances of Mace Windu being hit by force-lightning and Palpatine being hit by his own force lightning (The two other times we see Palpatine in action other than RotJ), they seem very directed and on target with only an occasional stray bolt going off in a different direction.

On the other hand, 20 years later in the Emperor's Throne Room, when Palpatine uses the FL against Luke Skywalker it seems to be flying out in random directions - hitting Luke just as often as an number of other objects in the area. So perhaps despite having had the longest duration of being FL-assaulted, the intensity of the blast was significantly less.