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New SW Dark Horse Editor = One Big Fucking Asshole
Posted: 2003-02-06 06:48pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Obviously, all of these questions I've brought up about Biggs Darklighter's continuity and the timeline of ANH have stirred the emotions of the masses. Clearly many of you are far more invested in the maintaining the "reality" of the previously published material than I ever imagined.
For my own part, I don't give a rat's a**, uh, er, a flying f***, well, I mean, I can't really get very excited about maintaining a continuity that I feel is not only riddled with errors and contradictions, but also includes so many really silly (and I mean really, truly stupid and awful) stories (sorry, that's just my opinion).
So, lessee, is my count right? That's eighteen votes to chuck all continuity...
Well, thanks for that one small voice of reason, at least. Yeah, if you want to take issue with something I've said on another message board, that other message board is the place to do it.
If you were actually READING that thread (and the other threads there), you'd know that I went out of my way to stir readers up. I wanted to get them talking, and I succeeded.
My opinons of the state of EU continuity aside (and, they are after all, just my opinions), I have NOT done anything or taken ANY action that affects ANY past EU continuity. I asked fans (in an admittedly backhanded way, so as to rile them up) whether they thought it was important for me to stick to the continuity or not.
The poster above who was insulted that I thought I could manipulate fans in such a way as to get them to answer "no, forget continuity," completely missed the way in which I DID manipulate the fans. Did I think I would get an answer other than the one I got? If you think that, then it's MY turn to be insulted. Lawyers aren't the only ones who know better than to ask questions they don't already know the answers to.
You can all relax. The EU continuity is in safe hands (both mine, and Lucasfilm's). Don't worry! Darth Poodle isn't going to let me mess with anything that I shouldn't mess with (as much as I'd LOVE to erase the big green bunny rabbit...).
Randy Stradley, SW Dark Horse editor from Dark Horse Forums
What the fuck is this guy's problem?
Posted: 2003-02-06 07:25pm
by HemlockGrey
Posted: 2003-02-06 07:30pm
by CmdrWilkens
My that's just so wonderfully adult of him.
Posted: 2003-02-06 07:48pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Sounds like someone's aksing for a sacksing.
Posted: 2003-02-06 07:57pm
by Sidious
What an ass.
Posted: 2003-02-06 07:58pm
by Ghost Rider
Eh par usual editor of a popular series.
Half are people...other half think Bob Harras is a guy to emulate.
Posted: 2003-02-06 09:58pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
What a bitch.
Who's Bob Harras, by the way?
Posted: 2003-02-06 10:12pm
by Darth Servo
[Montgommery Burns]
Release the hounds
[/Montgommery Burns]
Posted: 2003-02-06 10:17pm
by Ghost Rider
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Who's Bob Harras, by the way?
Marvel's former editor in chief...we'll just say, a class A sonavuabitch whom I am very glad lost his job. Quesada may not be a God send but so far from some of friends...he isn't a Harras by a long shot...a bit too big headed and loves Jemas a bit much...but nowhere near Harras.
Yes I am small time persay in comic book writing but when I present an idea and it gets accepted, and I write the script... I don't particularly like it being 'redone' by an editor because he can...before it's presented to the penciller.
Posted: 2003-02-06 10:41pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Dave Land was a swell guy.
He still posts on forums and back when he was Dark Horse's SW Editor he used to open threads and openly correspond directly with the fans on what concerned them and what they'd like to see from Dark Horse.
He was a good editor, good to the fans, and a nice guy.
I wish he hadn't stepped down so this bitch could take his place.
Posted: 2003-02-06 10:58pm
by Ghost Rider
Also Dave Land honestly loved Star Wars...that is probably his biggest difference.
Posted: 2003-02-06 11:02pm
by Jason von Evil
Dammit, where's Anti-Asshole Spec-Op team when you need one?

Posted: 2003-02-06 11:48pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Ghost Rider wrote:
Quesada may not be a God send but so far from some of friends...he isn't a Harras by a long shot...a bit too big headed and loves Jemas a bit much...but nowhere near Harras.
Not to mention that Quesada does fucking awesome cover art.
Posted: 2003-02-07 12:20am
by Ghost Rider
Actually I wish he was back to being a penciller.
I have some of his Ash and Azreal stuff...and that I love...him being Editor and Cheif...sorry he has already reneged a couple times and done shit that hasn't boded well.
Like I said he isn't Perlman or Harras...but he does let it get to him and let's Jemas tell him shit no one should listen to.
As to the topic at hand...DH needs someone like Land back because seriously even on a professional basis he's a moron for doing the shit he did.
Posted: 2003-02-07 08:07am
by Sardaukar
this guy seems pretty cool
Star Wars EU continuity is pretty fucked up. They should erase it all and start from scratch, and while there at it, re-write a good portion of the movies too.
Posted: 2003-02-07 08:17am
by Sea Skimmer
Aya wrote:Dammit, where's Anti-Asshole Spec-Op team when you need one?

I got the team from
The Delta Force the original B special forces movie, ready to go.
Posted: 2003-02-07 12:13pm
by Lord_Xerxes
"Sing it with me now, A-SS...HO...LE....Everybody! A-SS...HO...LE!"
Posted: 2003-02-07 03:46pm
by Lord Pounder
There are two types of editor for magazines and comics.
There are those who care what the fans wanna see and who will do his/her best to get that fans that.
Then there are assholes who think they are smarter than the fans and that the fans are dumb sheep who'll buy whatever you put out.
The second editor doesn't keep a job long.
Posted: 2003-02-07 09:00pm
by Macross
Darth Pounder wrote:There are two types of editor for magazines and comics.
There are those who care what the fans wanna see and who will do his/her best to get that fans that.
Then there are assholes who think they are smarter than the fans and that the fans are dumb sheep who'll buy whatever you put out.
The second editor doesn't keep a job long.
I think this also applies to the Television and Movie industry... Case in point, the two most recent Star Trek series...
Posted: 2003-02-08 03:18am
by Slartibartfast