the Death Star was FREE
Posted: 2008-05-30 01:26am
Who knew, right?
Some guy wrote:And the tadpole cannot hop like a frog.You have to pay for both droids AND Clones (clones even more... they are VERY expensive). You have to invest in each to produce a unit that will produce work for you.
This is a 20,000 year old society Kurgan. I'm sure that /at one time/ they had no 'first droid' but the thing to remember is that things are now so advanced that droids supervising other droids is the norm (3PO is a 'human cyborg relations' interpreter, not a butler).
Which effectively is where, once you start a Von Neumann process, sophistication builds geometrically with the expansion of the program through different resource exploitation levels.
/Have to/? Oh my.Look, just because they have droids and a galaxy of materials, doesn't mean that suddenly they have to operate without money or without costs. So I disagree with both of you on that.
How about -want to-.
If you need something and owe no one any debt of labor because you are frankly not worth the cost of your being part of the system, it being /cheaper/ to let you feed yourself with a given allocation of manufactured goods than to try and maintain the round robin of salary:housing:food:work ethic. i.e. For them to GIVE YOU what you want, from a reserve surplus capacity.
Even if it is nothing more than raw materials for the multipurpose mini-factory you have out back your own house.
At which point, it becomes time for a lesson in real-world macroeconomics.
We live in a world so desperately overrun with interdependence that we often forget how much we LOSE to synergy. How much the process itself steals from efficiency.
A man who delivers for Pizza Hut does so because a man who works for Ford Motor Company cannot take the time out of his life to cook his own food. BOTH those men may be dependent on the same third guy whose small factory produces nuts and bolts sufficient to make an automatic oven or a robotic car assembly line work. But the reality of their existence is not that they help each other as part of their own system but rather they are artifacts of distributionist capitalism which seeks to insert more and more make work job categories to support a lifestyle of the megawealthy.
What's the one secret of this elite class? They KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they must /never/ _work_ for anyone. Because they can never be paid what their lifestyle costs, let alone what they are worth.
The less work you do, the more effectively you can allocate that work to other people with a 'percentage off the top' that is effectively free.
What this does is ensure the stupid are enslaved to a system which provides for their every need by refusing to allow them to learn to sustain their own.
In the process, it keeps them too busy to be at each other's throats or demanding more from their employers because, after all, that would be 'wanting more than you are worth'. Just look at all the other little groveling wage slaves.
Comparatively, the Government is the greatest self-exsanguinating vampire of all.
Because they hire private corporations to PRINT MONEY, to a given representative amount equal to but not surpassing the economic value of a market driven society.
To pay for this privilege of having their money printed (something which they could do on their own for pennies per hundred dollars), the Federal Reserve typically donates a precious metal equivalent backing collateral which external (wealthy) private individuals and groups are supposed to match until a given fraction of the existing economic system is created as a kind of guarantee that you are not building on a vacuum.
Except it never happens. Because as soon as the wealthy gain their filthy lucre _from us_, The People whose initial investment capital represents, they loan it right back out, usually to themselves of business investment. Now, nominally, you should never be able to exceed a given fraction of the total reserve that the gold represents. Say 10% but because they take the payments on the initial loans as _their own money_, they can relend that as well. And so on and so one.
Ad infinitum.
The result is exponential growth but also exponential failure. As bad risks or bad luck cause major defaults and THE SAME BANK moves in to recover the property (and destroy lives) while the defaulter on the loan runs away back to his rich friends.
The problem gets to be when such huge amounts of the reserve are in the system that the amount of money exceeds the amount of value in the economics. Suddenly you have massive inflation which is like revving a car on ice. The harder you floor it, the more it spins for nothing as goods are sold undervalue until they become scarce and money cannot buy anything. At the same time that interest on loans accumulates at original values and you get a contraction in the business cycle.
By defaulting on the loan, the real value of the properties is bought up by the banks and distributed amongst the elite classes INCLUDING those who defaulted (that's right, you /engineer/ failure) as 'payment' for removing excess currency in the system because real property has it's own value.
Unfortunately, for the rest of us, the loss of that real property represents the loss of ability to live our owned-as-own lives. And we become dependent on a system of business commerce which functions by harvesting the wealth of the middle classes every once in a while and then using the value of their work to redistribute AGAIN as a function of expanding currencies into 'new markets'.
Which can also be fleeced through artificial currency standards and contractions.
The ultimate reality being that WE DO NOT KNOW how much the Fractional Reserve Lending system is in over it's head at the moment. It may be 200%, it may be 2,000%.
It may be 2 million.
To the government it doesn't matter because it they tell the Federal Reserve (which is NOT a Federal agency at all but entireley privatized) to create 20 billion in accessible capital, it happens. And noone has the oversight to say if it's real money or printed toilet paper.
What we do know is that explosive growth has inspired horrific wars over false representation of poverty vs. wealth and that original growth estimates for the 13 Colonies before the introduction of forced Bank Of England currency systems (what originally led to the Revolutionary War was the insistence upon using BOE currencies) was much more stable and balanced between the value of individual Colonial currencies and the value of the markets they represented _because_ those governments had a vested interest in NOT destroying their own internal economics relative to trade among each other.
That being where the other factors of FRL come in: FRL along with default or fiat currency standards allow you to force someone to buy goods and services from a specific vendor using a designated exchange rate which allows them to suck all your manufactured goods out while contributing NONE of their own.
Profiting simply by taxation and fees.
It is why the U.S. managed to hang on without collapsing throughout the Cold War and why we were twice as ready to fight a nuclear over the Middle East as Europe, because Oil could only be traded in U.S. Dollars and everyone who wanted oil had to have good relations with the U.S. to maintain a stockpile of currency to buy with. i.e. The REAL reserve for the U.S. was in other countries.
Such is the evils of allowing foreign moneychangers (cough, Rothschild) into a society based on free and equal exchange of work, private ownership of REAL property and no debt.
It is exactly what a good Imperial government would want to avoid being subject to in the 'Banking Clans'.
And it is what, among a class of stupid worker drones, represents the ultimate (unending) evil of 'a system' that destroys the value of work as an owned process in trade for it's distribution and division through multiple levels of society.
And the ultimate irony is that it has led to a point where NO JOB has value sufficient to sustain itself and we ALL live under the shadow of a monetary-illusion called debt. And a very real indenturement to a collapsing environment and depleting resources.
Did you have no job but simply an allocation of resources (house, oven, electricity, ingredients, recipe, time) sufficient to keep The System from having to employ a useless Pizza Hut employee, you could make your own Pizza Hut quality pie.
Did you own a tireless droid which expected no payment and could do more things with greater skill than you could anyway, you wouldn't need to worry about how much time you were losing relative to other 'fun' or necessary activities.
And because you did not support The System, the amount of resources wasted (as population overburden) in giving Pizza Boy his own wage slave status would be reallocateable to you.
That is the ultimate definition of risk that is a banking system of currencies rather than energy or resource or work driven 'barter'. Because those who create the process of paying in an abstract format create an insulative system whereby their own wealth depends NOT on the efficiency of work trade at the individual level. But the profligacy of work distribution at the societal one.
Marx was right-
The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.
He just didn't quite have the insight (in 1848) to see the correlation between environmental limits on the appetites of the distributionist capitalist and the intelligent tools which could replace his sheep with something infinitely cheaper than the cheapest slave.
So (for once) was Jesus-
My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations... But you have made it a den of thieves. ... y_Changers
Where our temple is the value of life and 'all things created by it' (money, especially electronic money, does not exist), we don't need Lucas filling our minds with BS economics derived from our worlds' woes. Because, as represented, his world is the ideal. Only his intent to prove our own system's guilt by vapid imitation of the imperfect model by the perfect one is in error.