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Geonosian Fighter evolve into TIE Interceptor?

Posted: 2002-08-13 12:35pm
by Talon Karrde
I found this on Doug Chian's Jedi Council page at I found this interesting. It looks like he's saying that the TIE Interceptor design could have derived from the Geonosian Fighter or perhaps a droid starfighter of the Trade Federations. What do you think? It's quite possible considering Palpatine (Sidious) played a part on the Seperatist part of the Clone Wars. Here's the link... ... 10219.html

Posted: 2002-08-13 01:45pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Considering the fact tht the Geonosians were really the ones for designed the Death Star, I wouldn't doubt if they designed other Imperial weapons of war. But it sucks though....I always imaginged the Death Star to be designed by an Imperial genius or someone like that. lol

Posted: 2002-08-13 01:49pm
by Mr Bean
Like Bevel Lemlisk :D
Furthmore TIE Fighters where first and TIE/IN where mearly a Faster more manvrable and more powerful verison of the TIE/IN

The Slant Wing was copied from TIE/Bombers at it was much better in an antmosphere and elminated the Blind spot to the sides that TIE/Fighters had

Posted: 2002-08-13 01:54pm
by RayCav of ASVS
I think poor Doug's demonstrating yet one more reason to be fired

Posted: 2002-08-13 02:16pm
by Raptor 597
Yes, yes RayCav considering Sienar Fleet Systems manufactured and designed the Twin Ion Engine Fighter Line.*Shakes head* Again, trampling over Offical EU said Mr. Chiang

Posted: 2002-08-13 02:26pm
by Master of Ossus
I think that this is giving further credence to my assertion on another thread (which DumbShit rejected), that parity of technology means parity of design. Doug is saying that as technology evolves in SW and better balances are found, designs become more and more similar to one another. What do we know about the Geonosian fighter? It is highly maneuverable, relatively well protected, and relatively lightly armed. A TIE interceptor has all of these, except that it has moderate armament, instead of light armament. Thus, the designs could be similar. This makes sense with all technology.

Posted: 2002-08-13 03:21pm
by Doomriser
I think Doug Chiang should be researching the design lineage of Star Wars vessels and the EU in general instead of pulling more designs out of his ass. The entire concept of the TIE Fighter was developed by Sinear Fleet Systems and their Twin Ion Engine, hence the name TIE Fighter. This is from the recent info in "Holonet News." You can check back issues yourself if you don't believe me. The TIE Interceptor is just a pumped up TIE with different wings. It is remotely possible that the wing idea was taken from the Genosian centre.

Heck, it is even possible that the Genosians were the ones responsible for SFS's ion engine development. But this kind of continuity fix shouldn't be necessary. It really pisses me off that paid SW designers don't even know their own universe, while the fans do.

Posted: 2002-08-13 03:30pm
by Cpt_Frank
I think DC likes to fuck around with the fans, he wants to demonstrate his power to disregard the EU, that's why we didn't see any dreadnoughts in AOTC, and that is also why we won't see any VicStars or Republican TIE fighters in EIII.

Posted: 2002-08-13 03:34pm
by Raptor 597
:lol: @ Doomriser. Yeah, it is quite pitiful that they can't design a completely new instead of stealing from the EU and screwing over the SW continuity. Bastards*coughs*

Posted: 2002-08-13 03:51pm
by SirNitram
The Droidstarfighters make the same noise, have the same shape... I think they'll evolve into our lovable TIEs.

Posted: 2002-08-13 04:22pm
by Talon Karrde
Honestly, I don't see a whole lot of continuity wrongship here. Think about it. Just because the TIE Interceptor was "influenced" by the design of the Geonosian Fighter, doesnt mean they had to design it. SFS could simply have adapted the fighter design. This is no way implies the Genonosians constructed the TIE Interceptor.
So therefore what Doug says is true, "from a certain point of view." :D

Posted: 2002-08-13 08:38pm
by Akm72
Captain Lennox wrote::lol: @ Doomriser. Yeah, it is quite pitiful that they can't design a completely new instead of stealing from the EU and screwing over the SW continuity. Bastards*coughs*

The more Doug pisses all over the established EU, the happier I become!
Sienar Fleet Systems and Kuat Drive Yards, etc, can now step asside, to make way for the true cannon; 'Commerce Guild', 'Corporate Alliance' and 'Techno Union'. But it's not difficult to combine the EU with the films though; it's easy to assume that SFS and KDY are simply subordinate parts of larger corporate alliances.

Posted: 2002-08-13 08:52pm
by Wicked Pilot
Cpt_Frank wrote:I think DC likes to fuck around with the fans, he wants to demonstrate his power to disregard the EU, that's why we didn't see any dreadnoughts in AOTC, and that is also why we won't see any VicStars or Republican TIE fighters in EIII.
First of all, we really don't know if DC is even familiar with EU. He doesn't have to be, he designs models, not scripts. Second, DC constructs the ship models using GL's specifications and ideas of what it should look like, not his own. Third, what DC says on the website is not official. He could say that TIE Fighters were designed by banthas, and it would make no difference. He is not a Star Wars author, he simply draws and constructs ships.

This whole thread is a waste of time and effort. There are people like KJA who are destroying the EU, and you all get mad at what a visual designer says on the starwars website. DC's answering fan mail during his lunch break does not constitute officiality, nor does it warrant the flames you are giving him.

Posted: 2002-08-13 08:57pm
by Raptor 597
He could say that TIE Fighters were designed by banthas, and it would make no difference.
They are?!?! OMG! AHHHH*dies* :shock: :P

Posted: 2002-08-13 09:33pm
that's why we didn't see any dreadnoughts in AOTC, and that is also why we won't see any VicStars or Republican TIE fighters in EIII.
Republican TIE fighters? Whatever happened to Z-95 Headhunters?

Posted: 2002-08-13 09:51pm
by Jack Lain
Well, at least they are trying to show a continuity of ideas. As he states on that page, they are attempting to de-evolve the ships we see in the OT. That's not such a bad thing. Better than seeing things that do not fit the image of Star Wars or look like ships from some other Sci Fi show.

Posted: 2002-08-13 10:05pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
SPOOFE wrote:
that's why we didn't see any dreadnoughts in AOTC, and that is also why we won't see any VicStars or Republican TIE fighters in EIII.
Republican TIE fighters? Whatever happened to Z-95 Headhunters?
Whatever did happen to the Z-95s, and the CLoakshape fighters, and the Y-Wings (they predate the Rebellion, if we are to buy into official sources), Dreadnaughts, VSDs, Nebulon-B Frigates, Juggernaughts, T.I.E. Fighters (the ones that came before TIE/ln), and all the other pre-OT ships?

I'll tell you whats happened, tossed aside by the GL/ Lucas Film think-tanks who say "Hey we can make the Juggernaught go here, or we can invent the AT-TE! AT-TE it is!" It is extremly doubtful that GL & Co. will implement the EU ship designs into the next movie, they instead create a parade of new craft, much to my dismay, might I add. I've always wanted to see my favorite EU ships fly into battle, but we all know that that aint gonna happen, saddly. We'll always have our dreams though, I suppose.

Posted: 2002-08-14 01:11am
by Cal Wright
First off, anyone who claims they can watch Star Wars and immediately make a better X-Wing truely exhibits a lack of sense. Sure you can do it. Come on though, instead of being in awe, he was already thinking of how much better HE could make it! It's in one of his interviews. Either Insider or on Star Naboo Starfighter? Moving along.

Personally, it's been pointed out, he is really just following Lucas' lead on this one. GL comes in and says 'I invisioned this when I was writing.' Then everyone gets to work. That he's even considering anything is amazing in itself. However, everyone keeps whining about how thier precious EU isn't fully included in the prequels. Here's a tip kids, the EU is not George Lucas's vision of Star Wars. It's the vision, which he's stated, of other Sci-Fi authors and officials at Lucasfilms. They have to get permission for things like Chewies death and so on. I personally love Victory-Class Star Destroyers, Y-Wings, and would give anything to see a Star Destroyer, but then again, seeing new stuff is just as enjoyable.

Posted: 2002-08-14 01:55am
by Subnormal
The EU is just commerciallized lisenced Fan Fic and no one gets that.

Posted: 2002-08-14 02:27am
by His Divine Shadow
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Considering the fact tht the Geonosians were really the ones for designed the Death Star, I wouldn't doubt if they designed other Imperial weapons of war. But it sucks though....I always imaginged the Death Star to be designed by an Imperial genius or someone like that. lol
I don't think the geonisians did deisgn the DS at all, because in Rogue Planet wich happens before AOTC we have this happening:

Pg. 39: Tarkin could not take his eyes off the slowly rotating sphere, with its massive core-powered turbolaser now revealed. 'Ah' he smiled. 'always a weapon. Have you shown this to anybody?

(ref: Rogue Planet)

Pg. 39: "It's a dream, but an achievable dream, given certain advances in hypermatter technology. An implosion core with a plasma about a kilometer in diameter could power an artificial construct the size of a small moon. A couple of large asteroids for fuel... Common enough still in the outer fringe systems..."

(ref: Rogue Planet)
This is Tarkin and Sienar, head of Sienar Fleet Systems, talking.

Posted: 2002-08-14 02:32am
by His Divine Shadow
Akm72 wrote:The more Doug pisses all over the established EU, the happier I become!
Why? There's nothing wrong with it.
Unless you're one of those people who had their pre-conceptions shattered like glass.
Sienar Fleet Systems and Kuat Drive Yards, etc, can now step asside, to make way for the true cannon; 'Commerce Guild', 'Corporate Alliance' and 'Techno Union'. But it's not difficult to combine the EU with the films though; it's easy to assume that SFS and KDY are simply subordinate parts of larger corporate alliances.
Bull-shit, KDY made the Acclamators, for the Republic.

Posted: 2002-08-14 02:34am
by His Divine Shadow
countdooku wrote:The EU is just commerciallized lisenced Fan Fic and no one gets that.
No it's not, and you don't fucking get that.

Godamn how I hate these screwups who can't deal with the bloody facts, just shove it if you don't like Star Wars.

Posted: 2002-08-14 03:09am
by Subnormal
Then what the FUCK is it. It isn't written by George Lucas now is it, IS IT. THEN IT IS COMMERCIAL FANFIC, The authors didn't make the universe they just "expand" it away in their own little dream worlds. It is Liscenced Fan fic, and there should be no debate about that.

Star Wars Kicks Ass but the EU sucks it's just a bunch of Sci Fi authors writing liscensed fan fic so they and GL can make money,

Trekkies are Gay, and the rest I don't have an opinion on.

Posted: 2002-08-14 03:17am
by Subnormal
Your probably the type the run around criticizing GL because of the Poggle the Lesser having the DS plans, and GL ruining Dark Horses version of how Boba was born. You probably think, god I hate Lucas because he fucks everything up that is in the EU. This brings the point the GL CAN'T SCREW UP HIS OWN GALAXY. He says what happens, not some EU baffoon, if he says it happens his way you have to listen. THE WHOLE EU IS FAN FIC AND YET NO ONE WANTS TO BELIEVE IT. Poor deluted minds, GL has even said publicly that the EU isn't his universe it's the authors, saying the real star wars and his universe is the movies.

Posted: 2002-08-14 03:18am
by His Divine Shadow
Then what the FUCK is it. It isn't written by George Lucas now is it, IS IT. THEN IT IS COMMERCIAL FANFIC, The authors didn't make the universe they just "expand" it away in their own little dream worlds. It is Liscenced Fan fic, and there should be no debate about that.
It's fucking Star Wars, this dumbass fanfic distinction of your is nothing but a made up concept that annoys the shit outta me since it's nothing but infantile mud slinging at the EU by fanboys who are pissed because it doesn't fit their pre-concieved notions.

See what GL thinks your definition:
After Star Wars was released, it became apparent that my story – however many films it took to tell – was only one of thousands that could be told about the characters who inhabit its galaxy. But these were not stories I was destined to tell. Instead they would spring from the imagination of other writers, inspired by the glimpse of a galaxy that Star Wars provided. Today it is an amazing, if unexpected, legacy of Star Wars that so many gifted writers are contributing new stories to the Saga.
Looks like he doesn't agree with you.
Star Wars Kicks Ass but the EU sucks it's just a bunch of Sci Fi authors writing liscensed fan fic so they and GL can make money,
And the EU is fine, the quality may suck in some places but it doesn't affect the whole.
Trekkies are Gay, and the rest I don't have an opinion on.
And why the fuck did you bring that up?