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AoTC nominated for Razzies
Posted: 2003-02-10 07:32pm
by Joe
Does anyone else think this is a little unfair? I mean, AoTC isn't the most stellar picture ever made, to be sure, but there were many far worse movies that came out this year (Spider-Man comes to mind but for some reason is a sacred cow among critics).
Posted: 2003-02-10 07:47pm
by Darth Fanboy
Have no fear, Swept Away, Nemesis, and Maid in Manhattan will win all the razzies.
EDIT: WHAT? THeyve got AoTC but not Nemesis, obviously these guys are more interested in turning heads than going after bad films. Replace Nemesis with "Crossroads" but I wont be offended at hayden Christansen "winning" an award
Posted: 2003-02-10 07:53pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Well you've got to admit, some of Anakin's lineswereprett terrible. But that hardly means they should be nominated for all those awards. But worst picture? Who shoved a koala bear up their ass? Some people are just jerks I tells yas.
Posted: 2003-02-10 07:54pm
by Superman
What???? AotC is better than Spiderman? You're joking right?
Posted: 2003-02-10 07:56pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Superman wrote:What???? AotC is better than Spiderman? You're joking right?
Hardly. Spiderman was one of the most boring movies I've seen in my life, 'cept for Titanic. AOTC IMO was a much better film, despite the love scenes being no more romantic than mayonaise growing hair in the sun.
Posted: 2003-02-10 08:00pm
by Jason von Evil
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Superman wrote:What???? AotC is better than Spiderman? You're joking right?
Hardly. Spiderman was one of the most boring movies I've seen in my life, 'cept for Titanic. AOTC IMO was a much better film, despite the love scenes being no more romantic than mayonaise growing hair in the sun.
Silence you fool, no one must find about Project Hairy Mayo!
Posted: 2003-02-10 08:03pm
by Joe
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Well you've got to admit, some of Anakin's lineswereprett terrible. But that hardly means they should be nominated for all those awards. But worst picture? Who shoved a koala bear up their ass? Some people are just jerks I tells yas.
Some of Tobey Maguire's, Kirsten Dunst's, and Willem Dafoe's lines were pretty terrible too. In fact, if GL were to put a villain as unreletingly cheesy as The Green Goblin into one of his movies, he would take even greater heat for it than he did for Jar Jar.
There are clearly movies of lower quality that have come out this year, but that won't do;
Star Wars must be bashed.
Posted: 2003-02-10 08:06pm
by Defiant
Except for the ultimate cheese overdose when Anakin professed his "love" for Padme, AotC was pretty decent. It was much better than TPM.
Posted: 2003-02-10 08:08pm
by Jim Raynor
What are you guys talking about? NEITHER Episode II or Spider-man deserve the Razzies.
Frankly, I think this is all a crock of shit. The prequels might not have lived up to the hype so far, but all the SW-bashing that's taken place since TPM is quite unfair. Most of the people bashing the prequels are disappointed hardcore fans, people trying to prove their "serious scifi fan credentials" (as Darth Wong put it), or snobbish critics who put down anything that's not boring arthouse crap. They completely ignore the fact that many normal people enjoyed them. I'll admit that AOTC had its flaws, but how in hell is it the worst film of the year? And not 1, not 2, but SEVEN Razzies?!
Posted: 2003-02-10 08:08pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Durran Korr wrote:Some of Tobey Maguire's, Kirsten Dunst's, and Willem Dafoe's lines were pretty terrible too. In fact, if GL were to put a villain as unreletingly cheesy as The Green Goblin into one of his movies, he would take even greater heat for it than he did for Jar Jar.
There are clearly movies of lower quality that have come out this year, but that won't do; Star Wars must be bashed.
Well we are talking about a comic book here, cheesiness comes with the package. But I have no temptations at all to try to remember nor go watch Spiderman again to remember those lines, so I'll take your word for it. And yes, there've been movies quite literally
hundredsof times worse than Star Wars that hav ecome out this year. Need an example? Kangaroo Jack. From the fucking second I saw that idiot CGI fucker singing I said to myself "Movie industry must be damn fool desperate if they're gonna try to pull this shit passed any half-witted American in the whole of the US." And thank god I was right.
Posted: 2003-02-10 08:11pm
by Jim Raynor
Durran Korr wrote:Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Well you've got to admit, some of Anakin's lineswereprett terrible. But that hardly means they should be nominated for all those awards. But worst picture? Who shoved a koala bear up their ass? Some people are just jerks I tells yas.
Some of Tobey Maguire's, Kirsten Dunst's, and Willem Dafoe's lines were pretty terrible too. In fact, if GL were to put a villain as unreletingly cheesy as The Green Goblin into one of his movies, he would take even greater heat for it than he did for Jar Jar.
There are clearly movies of lower quality that have come out this year, but that won't do;
Star Wars must be bashed.
I liked Spider-man, but I completely agree with what you say here. GG's "We'll meet again, Spider-man!" and Aunt May's "Deliver us from EEEEEEVIL!" were easily as bad, if not worse than the crappy pickup lines used in AOTC.
Posted: 2003-02-10 08:30pm
by HemlockGrey
Spider-man was fantastic, but had some Wincing Moments.
"Deliever us...from EEEEVIL!"
"We'll meet again, Spider-man!"
"I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-man!"
I sincerely hope Daredevil is better. It should be.
Posted: 2003-02-10 08:32pm
by Master of Ossus
That's ridiculous. My friend bought a "Spiderman" DVD, and the entire editing staff took the day off just to make fun of it. My best line was "Peter, I am your best friend's father."
I honestly cannot believe that they nominated AotC for it.
Posted: 2003-02-10 08:38pm
by Admiral Drason
Three words, "The Country Bears"
Posted: 2003-02-10 09:08pm
by Stravo
In defense of Spiderman which I enjoyed immensely because it captured the spirit of the comic book perfectly. If I were doing a Spiderman movie I could not have done any better. Let's remember the roots of the story, its a comic book. There WILL be cheesy lines, there WILL be whince worthy moments and that's what makes it so DAMNED good. I felt like I was readng the comics when I was a kid.
Watch Batman and Robin....HORRID HORRID adaption of a comic book. They tried to be cheesy and whince worthy and went WAY TOO FAR.
Posted: 2003-02-10 09:10pm
by Stravo
BTW: Fireplace scene in AOTC EASILY worthy of a razzie. I have the DVD and I skip over this scene every time.
Posted: 2003-02-10 09:11pm
by Durandal
Oh for fuck's sake. I liked AoTC. I wasn't expecting Anakin to be suave or smooth. He sounded like what he probably was: an 18 year-old kid trying to pick up his first crush with sappy shit he's seen on TV. Come on guys, we've all been there. And, Padme acted like exactly what she was: a hot piece of ass who was so annoyingly ramrod-straight that she couldn't bring herself to think of her own happiness and fulfillment without feeling guilty, thus making her unfuckable for all intents and purposes.
Come to think of it, Anakin and Padme's romance didn't really make up a big enough chunk of the film to be really that annoying; certainly not Jar-Jar-level. For every minute of Anakin casually letting slip to Padme that he's had sexual fantasies about her since before he knew what a boner was (that'll get her, kid, just like in the pornos!), there were two of things flying, shooting, exploding, dueling, whatever. The Geonosis ground battle was one of the best ground action scenes I've ever seen. And even Anakin's pathetic pick-up lines were more than compensated for by Padme's scantily-clad onscreen presence. Who says you have to listen to that little sap? Just stare at Portman the whole time, and quit your bitching.
Posted: 2003-02-10 09:12pm
by Darth Wong
I liked Spiderman. I also liked AOTC. The Razzies are jumping on an anti-Star Wars bandwagon, started primarily by people in their 20s who are HURT and OFFENDED that the films were made to be family-friendly, not "teen angst" friendly.
PS. I defy anyone to find romance lines in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" which are NOT cheesy. Yet no critic would ever dare say that.
Posted: 2003-02-10 09:27pm
by Darth Balls
Yet another reason why 'I' don't recognize 'The Academy Awards' as a credible award/organization/whateverthehelltheyare.
Posted: 2003-02-10 09:30pm
by Silver
Darth Wong wrote:I liked Spiderman. I also liked AOTC. The Razzies are jumping on an anti-Star Wars bandwagon, started primarily by people in their 20s who are HURT and OFFENDED that the films were made to be family-friendly, not "teen angst" friendly.
PS. I defy anyone to find romance lines in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" which are NOT cheesy. Yet no critic would ever dare say that.
Hell, in one early scene Romeo wonders at why his current girlfriend won't "... ope her lap to saint-seducing gold." And people call him a master of romance?
Posted: 2003-02-10 11:51pm
by Macross
Darth Wong wrote:I liked Spiderman. I also liked AOTC. The Razzies are jumping on an anti-Star Wars bandwagon, started primarily by people in their 20s who are HURT and OFFENDED that the films were made to be family-friendly, not "teen angst" friendly.
I agree, the Razzies are operating more out of spite these days then anything else... They did the same thing with The Phantom Menace. Afterall they did nominated Sofia Coppola (daughter of Francis Ford Coppola) for Worst Supporting Actress for her role in The Phantom Menace.
In case anyone is curious, she had no lines and she played one of Amidala's handmaidens...
Posted: 2003-02-11 12:18am
by Jim Raynor
Macross wrote:Darth Wong wrote:I liked Spiderman. I also liked AOTC. The Razzies are jumping on an anti-Star Wars bandwagon, started primarily by people in their 20s who are HURT and OFFENDED that the films were made to be family-friendly, not "teen angst" friendly.
I agree, the Razzies are operating more out of spite these days then anything else... They did the same thing with The Phantom Menace. Afterall they did nominated Sofia Coppola (daughter of Francis Ford Coppola) for Worst Supporting Actress for her role in The Phantom Menace.
In case anyone is curious, she had no lines and she played one of Amidala's handmaidens...
Holy crap, I didn't know they actually stooped so low as to nominate someone with no lines.
Posted: 2003-02-11 12:22am
by Ghost Rider
That's a new low...just because her name(probably)
As for the AoTC vs Romeo...I still give it to R&J if for nothing else...the scene/act where Romeo commits suicide(he actually comments upon Juliet's body still being WARM, after three days.)
Posted: 2003-02-11 12:40am
by neoolong
Macross wrote:Darth Wong wrote:I liked Spiderman. I also liked AOTC. The Razzies are jumping on an anti-Star Wars bandwagon, started primarily by people in their 20s who are HURT and OFFENDED that the films were made to be family-friendly, not "teen angst" friendly.
I agree, the Razzies are operating more out of spite these days then anything else... They did the same thing with The Phantom Menace. Afterall they did nominated Sofia Coppola (daughter of Francis Ford Coppola) for Worst Supporting Actress for her role in The Phantom Menace.
In case anyone is curious, she had no lines and she played one of Amidala's handmaidens...
That's like the Worst Extra Award. How stupid can they get.

Posted: 2003-02-11 12:49am
by Darth Fanboy
The Razzies are grabbing for press and attention. You think they're going to get any notice for telling everyone that Swept Away was the shittiest movie of the year? No because everyone already knows that. By going after AoTC they get a load of attention for going after a movie that made a lot of cash, sold a lot of tickets, and has a loyal fan base. Striing a little controversy that might get them on the news programs.