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non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-12 10:57am
by Lord Revan
ok I've had been working fan-design(aka my own design) ship and while thinking of a back story for the ship, I started thinking is there any species that have no force-users (or even any connection to the force), note that species like the vong wouldn't count as they got IIRC rather strong connection orginally but it was severed.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-12 11:25am
by Lusankya
The Ssi-ruuk from Truce at Bakura can't use the force. They know about it, and like the idea, but none of them can sense it.

Someone else might be able to fill you in on the details. I haven't read the book in a long time.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-12 12:15pm
by Darth Raptor
It's important to remember how incredibly rare Force sensitivity is. It's entirely possible that there are simply no Ssi-Ruu who are known to sense the Force. Out of a galaxy with how many countless quadrillions of people, you get a Jedi Order with a few thousand members at its height? The Force is hella rare, and because of that, it's nigh-impossible to "prove" its absence from whole species. It only becomes a Thing when a species goes galactic in range and numbers, which the Ssi-Ruuk have not.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-12 12:55pm
by Lord Revan
I'm well aware that it's impossible to successfully "prove" that a species has no force users what so ever, what I'm asking is species who are "known" in universe to not have any force users (and thus can't be Jedi/dark Jedi).

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-12 02:44pm
by Tiriol
The Ssi-Ruuk have already been mentioned above.

The Yuuzhan Vong are a rather obvious choice, but the OP disqualifies them.

The spider-like Charon have no known examples of Force-users among them (as per WotC's Ultimate Alien Anthology; the same source also notes that the insect-like, regenerative Bartokk species lack Force-users as well.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-12 05:32pm
by Bob the Gunslinger

Anyway, up until the prequels, it seemed like the Force was something that was out there for everyone. Some people were much more receptive to it, like artistic talent, but, like painting or drawing , just about anyone could learn some basic proficiency if they practiced and work at it. At least to me, it seemed like the Force would have to be universal to be the basis of a "religion", rather than just a "mutant gene" a la X-Men.

I suppose you could create a race that has never had any Force users. Force knows, there's enough crazy crap in the EU to justify anything. I suggest you call them "Genoshans".

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-12 06:14pm
by Adam Reynolds
Bob the Gunslinger wrote: Anyway, up until the prequels, it seemed like the Force was something that was out there for everyone. Some people were much more receptive to it, like artistic talent, but, like painting or drawing , just about anyone could learn some basic proficiency if they practiced and work at it. At least to me, it seemed like the Force would have to be universal to be the basis of a "religion", rather than just a "mutant gene" a la X-Men.
That could still be true even with the concept of midichlorians. Qui-Gon stated that without midichlorians life could not exist, implying that everyone has a level of midichlorians in their bodies and that even someone who was not a Jedi could still have some affinity for the Force. However the higher the levels are, the higher the affinity is. In a way this would still be similar to your analogy, a naturally skilled artist isn't arbitrarily born that way, his genes have an effect on his natural talent.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-13 02:09am
by Havok
Yoda further implies that the Force flows through inanimate objects such as trees, rocks and space ships. You could maybe take that as the Force being something that goes much deeper than just microscopic organisms like midis and may have effects that go down to the atomic level, in which case, nothing and no species would be completely Force free.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-13 03:33pm
by Lord Pounder
I'm going to get grief for mentioning this but I'm pretty sure there was mention in The Planet of Twilight that the Hutt race had never produced a Force user, the one in that book had had his Force ability artificially enhanced by those grolsch insect thingies.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-13 04:40pm
by DesertFly
I know who you're talking about. Wookieepedia says that Beldorion was a Jedi long before he went to Nam Chorios and fell to the Dark-Side, with references to several Essential Guides that I don't have available to check. He is the solely-known Hutt Jedi, though.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-13 07:26pm
by nightmare

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-13 07:50pm
by Molyneux
Adamskywalker007 wrote:
Bob the Gunslinger wrote: Anyway, up until the prequels, it seemed like the Force was something that was out there for everyone. Some people were much more receptive to it, like artistic talent, but, like painting or drawing , just about anyone could learn some basic proficiency if they practiced and work at it. At least to me, it seemed like the Force would have to be universal to be the basis of a "religion", rather than just a "mutant gene" a la X-Men.
That could still be true even with the concept of midichlorians. Qui-Gon stated that without midichlorians life could not exist, implying that everyone has a level of midichlorians in their bodies and that even someone who was not a Jedi could still have some affinity for the Force. However the higher the levels are, the higher the affinity is. In a way this would still be similar to your analogy, a naturally skilled artist isn't arbitrarily born that way, his genes have an effect on his natural talent.
Can...can we just throw our hands up and say, "We don't know what the fuck Lucas was thinking, screw the midichlorians" at this point?

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-13 08:57pm
by Lord Revan
Well the species that orginally got me wondering about was the Zeltron, as (if wookieepedia is correct) their culture would seem rather odd to have Jedi come from (though I did some wiki reserch and it would seem there's at least 1 jedi and 1 sith/dark jedi that comes from that species, though the articles are so short I can't tell how much they followed Zeltronian culture (if at all))

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-14 02:15am
by Darth Raptor
What is it about Zeltrons that makes them seem like incredible Jedi and, corollary; why must we willfully perpetuate the asinine Planet of Hats trope?

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-14 04:33am
by Darth Yoshi
Probably the assertion that Zeltrons are by nature too easygoing and hedonistic to be "proper" Jedi. Although why their pheromones work on everybody else is beyond me.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-14 07:44am
by Lord Revan
Darth Yoshi wrote:Probably the assertion that Zeltrons are by nature too easygoing and hedonistic to be "proper" Jedi. Although why their pheromones work on everybody else is beyond me.
well you're correct why I wanted use a zeltron (though in this case I want to use it, so that they have reputation in the galaxy not it's not something you are by being born a zeltron).

As for you other question, alot species we know are either near- or pseudo-humans so Zeltron phermones should affect near-humans (a category zeltrons themselves belong to) and it's not unreasonble to suggest that pseudo-humans (like Twi'leks for example) might affect somethings humans or near-humans are.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-10-14 09:26am
by Darth Raptor
Assuming for a moment we're in a bad story wherein everyone from X is like Y, it's not totally incompatible. The kind of detached, impersonal relationships are pretty in line with Jedi philosophy, and by all accounts they're a pretty mellow people; slow to anger and even slower to take up arms- which they still have, as they're not pacifists by any means. Sounds like workable Jedi material to me.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-12-13 07:06pm
by Solauren
What if several thousand years ago, someone genetically engineering Yssalamari into a humanoid shaped species? They lack there 'Force Bubbles', but can't touch the Force either.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-12-14 12:42pm
by open_sketchbook
Ewoks, apparently.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-12-14 05:21pm
by Shadowtraveler
The Hutts.

(With the exception of Planet of Twilight, but that doesn't count because the book was supposedly horrible.)

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-12-15 08:46am
by Solauren
open_sketchbook wrote:Ewoks, apparently.
It's been stated in support material that Ewok magic (shown in the cartoon) is actually Force based. That would make Logray and Teebo force-users.

Re: non-force user species?

Posted: 2008-12-16 01:28am
by Alien-Carrot
I always assumed that the midicloirains let us communicate with the force, not that they actually generate it.

This would be more compattible with the canon sources.

And Qui-Gon's exact quote was,

"Midi-chlorians are a microcopic lifeform that reside within all living cells and communicates with the Force."


"Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force."

My theory is that midiclorians are the starwars equivilant of midochondria, without which, most life on earth could not exist.

My knowledge of biology is limited, so i dont know if there are any lifeforms on earth that dont rely on midochondria to metabolize adenosine triphosphate.