SW:TOR announced. Looks like crap
Posted: 2008-10-22 01:26am
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I haven't checked G&C, but I bet they have a thread there. So this one is about the SW implications of this game. Thus the title has multipurpose: Both the graphics and plot look like a steaming pile of crap.
Seriously, listen to this shit
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I haven't checked G&C, but I bet they have a thread there. So this one is about the SW implications of this game. Thus the title has multipurpose: Both the graphics and plot look like a steaming pile of crap.
Yeah, wooh, them Sith are just misunderstood. Sure the Sith later kill all those Jedi babies, but in all fairness the baby was being kind of a dick. Fuck, Satan was cast out of heaven so you can be a good guy in Hell's Faction without moving over to heaven cause you have a chip on your shoulder, right?Indeed, BioWare went to great lengths to make the ostensible villains sympathetic, going into the LucasFilm and LucasArts archives and researching the Great Hyperspace War for background on the Sith. "The Sith were literally chased out of the galaxy by the Jedi," explained Erickson. "You had an entire culture and people who were pushed out of known space. So you get these guys who come back and have a big chip on their shoulder. So if you're playing on their side as a good guy, you're not going to just go run over to the Republic, because the Republic tried to wipe out your entire people."
Seriously, listen to this shit
Yeah. Apparently the writer's havebeen working on this for years. YEARS. And this is what they came up with? Fuck I can do better than that with the "go to random page" option on TVTropes and 45 minutes.So what is the setting for this massive epic? The Old Republic takes place 300 years after the events of the original Knights of the Old Republic games, or about 3,600 years before the events of the films. While story elements from the first two games will "definitely play a role," much has changed since the end of KOTOR II. The old Sith Empire, which had been banished into deep space after nearly being exterminated by the Galactic Republic, has reemerged. Its return came in the form of a massive sneak attack by its huge fleet reminiscent of the Cylons' fiery return in Battlestar Galactica.
A brutal war ensued, which saw the Sith's elite armies conquer dozens of worlds in the Outer Rim and sack the Republic's capital planet Coruscant. Pacifist factions within the Republic forced the signing of a treaty, leading to a fragile peace across the galaxy. Those same factions blamed the Jedi for the Republic's drubbing by the Sith, forcing the relocation of the decimated Jedi Council from Coruscant to Tython, the Jedi's homeworld.
As the game begins, the interstellar Cold War is thawing, and players will find themselves at ground zero as a new conflict begins to flare up. "Players get to come in and take the roles of heroes--or villains--at this pivotal moment where we're starting to go back into a big galactic war," promised Erickson.