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Who erased Kamino from the Jedi Archives.
Posted: 2003-02-12 09:45pm
by Clone Sergeant
Posted: 2003-02-12 09:49pm
by Darth Wong
Interesting but unlikely. I still Dooku probably erased the files 10 years earlier. It does have the benefit of explaining why the planet has not been "rediscovered", but if Kamino is a highly isolated, insular society, that problem might solve itself.
Posted: 2003-02-12 09:53pm
by Joe
Interesting; the stuff about Anakin and Palpatine having a larger relationship than was let on in EpII seems interesting and plausible. However, I don't think that Anakin did it. I mean, Dooku may not be a Jedi, but I'm sure he had the capability to pull it off, maybe through one of his mindless idiot proxies.
Posted: 2003-02-12 09:59pm
by Admiral Johnason
Porbably Dokuu or a slicer he hired.
Posted: 2003-02-12 10:07pm
by Darth Servo
His theory has the little problem of the fact that the order for the clones had to be placed 10 years before AOTC and any Jedi who might look into that would discover Kamino prematurely. Therefore Kamino had to have been erased from the archives 10 years before AOTC when Anakin was still an ignorant kid.
Besides, the main support for his theory is the presence of the word "in" in one of the Lucas quotes, as opposed to "was in". Seems like semantic nitpicking to me.
Posted: 2003-02-12 10:44pm
by Zaku-chan
Darth Servo wrote:His theory has the little problem of the fact that the order for the clones had to be placed 10 years before AOTC and any Jedi who might look into that would discover Kamino prematurely. Therefore Kamino had to have been erased from the archives 10 years before AOTC when Anakin was still an ignorant kid.
Indeed. The theory holds up quite well but for this little piece of info.

Posted: 2003-02-13 12:45am
by Crown
Am I missing something? Jedi master Sofi-dias places the order 10 years ago, he dies 10 years ago, Dooku leaves the oder 10 years ago. Isn't this just a bit all too coincidetal. Either Sofi-dias died naturally and Dooku impersonated him to the Kaminos, and then latter deleted the archives. Or Sofi-dias is real, he place the order, Dooku kills him, and then deletes the archive. Right?
Posted: 2003-02-13 12:55am
by Ghost Rider
Nope...pretty much the common held theory with the facts at hand.
Like everyone said the problem with Anakin is 10 years ago he was some snot nosed brat.
And since they don't mention any true specifics...we don't know if he wasn't on Tatooine or just inducted into the Jedi Order.
Posted: 2003-02-13 01:21am
by Darth Fanboy
They say onlya Jedi could have done such a thing, Or maybe a Sith with knowledge regarding the process? The Dooku theory is much mor elikely but i'm subscribing to the conspriacy theory that Palpatine did it himself.
Posted: 2003-02-13 04:35am
by Boba Fett
It would be highly illogical!
10 years ago Jango was hired on one of the moons of Bogden for the cloning job by Tyr-"anus".
To ensure the cloning operation remain hidden the location must have been deleted from the start.
At that time Anakin was about 10 years old.
Posted: 2003-02-13 05:10am
by vakundok
Very unlikely at best.
"only a jedi could have done such a thing" - is Anakin a jedi at all or he is just a learner?
I think most likely it was Sofi dias. He placed a secret order and assured it to remain a secret.
Which confuse me is that that Jango was hired by Tyranus and in the novelization Dooku was welcomed on Coruscant as Tyranus. So it seems that a jedi and a sith worked together.
Posted: 2003-02-13 05:20am
by Robert Treder
vakundok wrote:Very unlikely at best.
"only a jedi could have done such a thing" - is Anakin a jedi at all or he is just a learner?
I think most likely it was Sofi dias. He placed a secret order and assured it to remain a secret.
Which confuse me is that that Jango was hired by Tyranus and in the novelization Dooku was welcomed on Coruscant as Tyranus. So it seems that a jedi and a sith worked together.
In the movie, he's Tyrannus too. Sifo-Dias died (perhaps murdered in secret by Dooku) and Dooku placed the order, posing as Sifo-Dias (because Dooku didn't have the power to place such an order, but Sifo-Dias did). Dooku also around this time erased Kamino from the database, so as to be sure that the Jedi don't stumble across the clones while they're in the oven. He then left the order, returned to his homeworld of Serenno, and took on his family's ducal title and the money that went with it. He then sowed the seeds of the Confederate Rebellion.
That's my take.
Posted: 2003-02-13 05:21am
by Darth Fanboy
lemme run by a conspiracy theory.
Sofi Dias and say Jedi Master Dooku fall into conspiracy with Palpatine and his supporters because of a mutual belief that the Republic is vulnerabe to attack. Thus they form a plan to create this clone army just in case. Either Dias or Dooku erases the archive to cover it up. However when Palpatine begins the foundations for his plans to take over the government, basing it on a weak and beureaucratic system. Dias starts to have reservations and his killed by Dooku, who then takes the name Tyrannus.
Either Dias has reservations, or perhaps Dias and Dooku fought to become the Sith Apprentic to Lord Sidious. There could be only two and Sidious/Palpatine wante dthe stronger Jedi to be his new apprentie. After all he was hard pressed to replace Darth Maul.
Posted: 2003-02-13 06:36am
by vakundok
I like this conspiracy theory!

Especially the version in wich the misleaded Sifo and the newly sith Dooku (Tyranus) work together. Maybe Sifo had no doubts at all and was killed just to hide the process from the Jedi Order.
Posted: 2003-02-13 07:14am
by Lord Pounder
Interesting throey but as pointed out above flawed. Maybe there will be an EU novel that willy clarify all of this?
Posted: 2003-02-13 08:37am
by Peregrin Toker
Maybe the Kaminoan government ordered the erasure from the record??
After all, Kamino is not a part of the Republic nor a member of the Seperatist confederacy, to perhaps the Kaminoan leaders were willing to pay a high price for utter neutrality.....
The Kaminoans might, after all, be the SW equivalent of Switzerland.
Posted: 2003-02-13 09:47am
by vakundok
It sounds like bribing a jedi ...
Unlikely. And we do not know whether the public has acces to the jedi archives or not.
I think a producer goes hiding only if it is its largest customer's wish.
Posted: 2003-02-13 11:20am
by Kuja
Ghost Rider wrote:Like everyone said the problem with Anakin is 10 years ago he was some snot nosed brat.
He still is.
Re: Who erased Kamino from the Jedi Archives.
Posted: 2003-02-13 08:24pm
by Kamakazie Sith
I seriously doubt this.
It was either Dooku, or Sidious.
Posted: 2003-02-13 10:40pm
by Darth Yoshi
Dooku's the more likely candidate. Sidious may be good at hiding, but I doubt even he will be able to erase the archives from under the Jedi's collective nose. Dooku, on the other hand, being one of the Jedi, can move more freely, and with less scrutiny on him.
Posted: 2003-02-14 08:11am
by Lord Pounder
Maybe Palpy has corrupted more than one Jedi. Maybe he has several agents inside the order and thats how the Order falls so easily.
Who Erased Kamino?
Posted: 2003-02-14 11:04am
by Biddybot
It was that gnarly old bat of a librarian, Jocasta Nu, who erased Kamino. Dooku, and then Palpatine, have been working on her for years, and she's long been fully under their control. She's also been the one allowing them access to the Sith Holocrons stored in the Jedi Archives. Bet she and Dooku used to have the odd romp, too, back when he was still around.
Re: Who Erased Kamino?
Posted: 2003-02-14 11:12am
by Darth Servo
Biddybot wrote:It was that gnarly old bat of a librarian, Jocasta Nu, who erased Kamino. Dooku, and then Palpatine, have been working on her for years, and she's long been fully under their control. She's also been the one allowing them access to the Sith Holocrons stored in the Jedi Archives. Bet she and Dooku used to have the odd romp, too, back when he was still around.
Its scarry, but that theory actually makes a bit of sense.

Re: Who erased Kamino from the Jedi Archives.
Posted: 2003-02-14 01:01pm
by jegs2
I think he may be right. Either way, we'll know next Christmas...
Re: Who Erased Kamino?
Posted: 2003-02-14 01:05pm
by Kuja
Biddybot wrote:It was that gnarly old bat of a librarian, Jocasta Nu, who erased Kamino. Dooku, and then Palpatine, have been working on her for years, and she's long been fully under their control. She's also been the one allowing them access to the Sith Holocrons stored in the Jedi Archives. Bet she and Dooku used to have the odd romp, too, back when he was still around.
Huh. I like this idea. It explains why she was so contrary.