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Palpatine and the Galactic Population.
Posted: 2008-10-29 08:17am
by OmegaRed
How did the Galactic population, during the Galactic Empire view Palpatine? Did they see him as wierd? especially considering the way he dressed and the hood he always wore. Or did they just see the sith robes as a way of covering up his scars from the "Jedi rebellion"?
It's just something I've always wondered, considering Palpatine during the old republic wore various robes of different colors. Then you look at his reign during the Galactic Empire, and he wears all black etc.
Re: Palpatine and the Galactic Population.
Posted: 2008-10-29 08:52am
by Bluewolf
If I remember correctly, Palpy was viewed as the kind frail old man of the Empire who just wanted peace. A lot of propaganda tried to portray this and war was something that the Empire was forced to do due terrorist rebels.
Re: Palpatine and the Galactic Population.
Posted: 2008-10-29 09:08am
by Ghost Rider
RoTJ novel states they viewed him as pretty much a kindly old man, and literally the heart of their empire.
Re: Palpatine and the Galactic Population.
Posted: 2008-10-29 09:28am
by Bilbo
One would expect in a galactic society with millions of worlds how someone dresses would be about the last thing that anyone would comment or care about.
Re: Palpatine and the Galactic Population.
Posted: 2008-10-29 11:53am
by Samuel
This is the previous leader, Chancellor Valorum:
I think robes are normal for the position. And given the fact that Palpatine was disfigured... well, that is when he started to wear the hood.
Re: Palpatine and the Galactic Population.
Posted: 2008-10-29 01:07pm
by Lord Revan
first of his the emperor no one is gonna comment on his dressing style and it could considered that plain and simple looking robes were symbolic gesture to throw away the corruption and decadence that plagued the final years old the Old Republic.
after all dark plain robes don't one a sith, anymore then plain brown ones make one a jedi and as it's said it's perfectly normal for Palpatine to hide his injuries when in public.
as it was said, Palpatines public image was pretty much how he was orginally decribed in the ANH novelization, a kind old man, who "controlled" by politiacian and burocrats for their gains and only few (who had intrest at keeping it a secret) knew the thruth about Palpatine.
Re: Palpatine and the Galactic Population.
Posted: 2008-10-29 06:52pm
by Samuel
"If only the Fuhrer knew" sums up how the population felt about Palpatine. Lucas modeled him after Hitler in that way, although there are massive differences in just about everything else.
Re: Palpatine and the Galactic Population.
Posted: 2008-10-30 06:19am
by Lord Revan
we should also consider that "Emperor is packing a lightsaber" is used as a SW equilevant of "and *insert appropiate farmyard animal here* fly", really there was probably nothing odd about Palpatine's wardrobe from the PoV of your typical emperial citizen (those who knew the thruth were either high in the imperial or rebel hierarcy).
Re: Palpatine and the Galactic Population.
Posted: 2008-10-30 06:27am
by charlemagne
It's also possible that the general public wouldn't even care. Look at the KOTOR games, where the whole Jedi vs. Sith thing is only seen as a civil war between different force "religions".