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I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-17 03:17pm
by TheSpaceman?
I mean conceptually I find it intriguing, but I have a deep-seeded fear that Karen I has her claws in Karen II. I'm worried we'll get another Mando-wank author to contend with, considering they're supposed to be "friends" and they're working on the series together.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-17 05:31pm
by Kartr_Kana
Who's Karen the second and is this "wild space" a new novel or are you talking about the region the maps call wild space?
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-17 06:00pm
by DesertFly
Check out
Wookieepedia sometime. About five seconds there gave me that
The Clone Wars: Wild Space is a novel based on the new TV series, written by Karen Miller.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-17 06:23pm
by TC Pilot
If the description is anything to go by, I'm betting it's going to be crap...
Anyone else a little confused why a book titled after a lawless and unruly part of the galaxy has a legion of Republic soldiers plastered on it?
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-17 06:35pm
by TheSpaceman?
Eh, I like the idea of a book covering Obi-Wan and Bail Organa working together, as we've known they have since ANH.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-19 02:17am
by Saxtonite
TC Pilot wrote:Anyone else a little confused why a book titled after a lawless and unruly part of the galaxy has a legion of Republic soldiers plastered on it?
At first look, yes.
Well they could be a Republic garrison, or part of a patrol/task force or something similar dealing with the pirates and whatnot there.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-19 12:21pm
by TheSpaceman?
I don't know how accurate it is, but the Databank says "In command of the famed 501st Clone Trooper Battalion, Rex and his men were assigned to patrol the most lawless and dangerous sectors of the galaxy within the feared Outer Rim."
So maybe they're on the cover because their job is to patrol lawless sectors of the galaxy.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-19 05:13pm
by Kartr_Kana
Vader's Fist is now the Galactic patrol for the ass end of space? Hmm yeah sounds like their fucking with canon again. I'll wait till the library gets this.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-19 05:28pm
by The Romulan Republic
Kartr_Kana wrote:Vader's Fist is now the Galactic patrol for the ass end of space? Hmm yeah sounds like their fucking with canon again. I'll wait till the library gets this.
Why couldn't their have been a 501st in the Old Republic, and why wouldn't it be stationed in the Outer Rim? That's where many of the biggest battles were fought (Geonosis and the Outer Rim seiges for a start), its where the Confederacy's leadership usually was, and its probably one of the most dangerous regions in the Galaxy. Its also where Anakin was often stationed. Why wouldn't an eleit force of clones be deployed their?
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-19 07:12pm
by Darth Onasi
There's always been a 501st in the Old Republic, I believe they're the ones with the blue markings who followed Anakin in the Jedi purge on Coruscant (which also means a dozen or so of the elite of the elite clones got ass raped by a single youngling, but I digress
Of course it seems like EU wankery has to place the 501st at every single major and minor event in the whole of the clone wars and beyond.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-19 07:34pm
by Saxtonite
Darth Onasi wrote:Of course it seems like EU wankery has to place the 501st at every single major and minor event in the whole of the clone wars and beyond.
I'm not sure about the source, but I believe Battlefront II says parts of the 501st were deployed with many other clone forces and they rarely fought in the Clone Wars as a combined force, later on in the Clone Wars (say, beginning of the Outer Rim Sieges) they started to 'group up' however.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-19 07:39pm
by Coiler
Saxtonite wrote:
I'm not sure about the source, but I believe Battlefront II says parts of the 501st were deployed with many other clone forces and they rarely fought in the Clone Wars as a combined force, later on in the Clone Wars (say, beginning of the Outer Rim Sieges) they started to 'group up' however.
Still, a unit of a few thousand men can't realistically be expected to appear on the majority of warzones in a fight across thousands of worlds, no matter how dispersed they are.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-19 07:46pm
by Saxtonite
Coiler wrote:
Still, a unit of a few thousand men can't realistically be expected to appear on the majority of warzones in a fight across thousands of worlds, no matter how dispersed they are.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-19 08:11pm
by TheSpaceman?
What's the problem with the 501st being under Anakin's command during the war? I don't see any real problem with that, they could have been a part of the 3rd Army all along.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-20 01:44am
by Kartr_Kana
What's the problem with the 501st being under Anakin's command during the war? I don't see any real problem with that, they could have been a part of the 3rd Army all along.
It's not that their under Anakin's command it's that they're in wild space. Which is actually outside of the "outer rim" it's pretty much a single arm of the galaxy where nobody goes. Not sure why it's called wild whether that's cause of spacial anomalys, or the fact it's so far from the core that there's nothing interesting there making it a great hidout for pirates and such. Either way it's not a part of the Republic and I doubt it's part of Sep holdings.
Why couldn't their have been a 501st in the Old Republic, and why wouldn't it be stationed in the Outer Rim? That's where many of the biggest battles were fought (Geonosis and the Outer Rim seiges for a start), its where the Confederacy's leadership usually was, and its probably one of the most dangerous regions in the Galaxy. Its also where Anakin was often stationed. Why wouldn't an eleit force of clones be deployed their?
Like Darth Onasi said there was a 501st in the OR, it was still Vaders "personal" legion from everything I've heard. Plus Wild space is beyond the outer rim (see Above). I wouldn't have a problem with the 501st being in the outer rim as part of the outer rim sieges it just irks me that a region of space long over looked by the major galactic powers should suddenly be visited by an elite legion of Clonetroopers when they're better used elsewhere.
Over all I wouldn't mind a book about Wild Space as long is it didn't have clonetroopers, Yoda, Obi-wan, Anakin, Sideous/Palpantine, Luke, Leia or Han as the main characters and only Lando or one of the better known EU characters if it's sometime before the NJO. Oh and it'd need a good author who cared enough about SW to write a real story and not just another hack job. The whole "quantity over quality" problem that's been plaguing SW since around '98 I'd say, has gotten way out of control.
Oh and no Mando'a!! A few Old School
Mandalorians would be fine, especially if they were taking the scalps of an fake Mando they could get their hands on
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-20 01:50am
by Connor MacLeod
I'm not going to worry about the novel until I actually look at it or read it. It may be good or bad, its hard to tell at this point.
People threw a shit fit over Death STar too when it came out.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-20 11:03pm
by TheSpaceman?
After reading this: ... iller.html I'm at least put at ease that this won't feature Mando Sue-ism. Not sure about anything beyond that though.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-20 11:06pm
by The Romulan Republic
You know, why don't we wait for it to come out to see why the 501st are out there, before we decide that they would be better used elsewhere. If Wild Space is so empty, it would be a great place for, say, a secret CIS base wouldn't it?
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-21 09:18am
by Darth Onasi
The Romulan Republic wrote:You know, why don't we wait for it to come out to see why the 501st are out there, before we decide that they would be better used elsewhere. If Wild Space is so empty, it would be a great place for, say, a secret CIS base wouldn't it?
The point is the 501st are
already elsewhere.
Thus this becomes another result of the EU brainbug where the 501st are participating in everything, everywhere.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-21 01:49pm
by Darth Raptor
The galactic dispersal of troopers from the 501st might make sense if they were detached as advisers and consultants to less experienced units or to the Republic/Empire's hastily thrown together natural born forces, but then they couldn't show how totally 1337 they are!
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-21 02:24pm
by TheSpaceman?
Darth Onasi wrote:The Romulan Republic wrote:You know, why don't we wait for it to come out to see why the 501st are out there, before we decide that they would be better used elsewhere. If Wild Space is so empty, it would be a great place for, say, a secret CIS base wouldn't it?
The point is the 501st are
already elsewhere.
Thus this becomes another result of the EU brainbug where the 501st are participating in everything, everywhere.
Where are they? The "being everywhere at once" only happened at the end of the war, if Battlefront II is any indication. Because truthfully, that's the only thing I can think of that involves them being in many places at once.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-22 01:47am
by Kartr_Kana
Where are they? The "being everywhere at once" only happened at the end of the war, if Battlefront II is any indication. Because truthfully, that's the only thing I can think of that involves them being in many places at once.
Well whether the 501st is all over or they're together someplace else (like following Ani into battle against the seps) both mean that, they can't be in Wild Space.
I read that interview and I'm feeling more optimistic about this book. Karen seems to be a real fan of the original movies and she's very unassuming. She also doesn't claim to have any special knowledge (aka War Correspondent) either. The only thing that kind of worries me is that she seems to admire KT and she likes the Ashoka character. I've haven't seen the new clone wars yet so I'm still very unsure about that particular character, not to mention my whole distaste for the whole prequel era movies/books/tv-shows/etc. Guess I'll just have to wait and read it.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-22 12:25pm
by TheSpaceman?
Wouldn't this simply imply Anakin is also patrolling the Outer Rim when he's not fighting specific battles? He's the 501st's commanding officer after all.
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-22 09:12pm
by Kartr_Kana
Does the "hero of the republic" ever patrol anything? Isn't he always going off to save the galaxy one shit hole planet at a time?
Wild space is not the outer rim and the outer rim is not wild space. They are two completely different interstellar regions, so stop using them interchangeably!
Re: I'm concerned about "Wild Space".
Posted: 2008-11-23 12:33am
by TheSpaceman?
Except the Databank says: "In command of the famed 501st Clone Trooper Battalion, Rex and his men were assigned to patrol the most lawless and dangerous sectors of the galaxy within the feared Outer Rim."
So they patrolled the Outer Rim, if anything, not Wild Space.