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Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-27 04:11pm
by Darth Hoth
These guys have been bugging me for a long time. Me, I only have have Wookiee and their cameos in the Hand of Thrawn/Dark Nest books to go by, and given the former's penchant for blatantly inventing information out of thin air, I thought I would ask the old sourcebook grubbers if they could enlighten me. From what I know of them, the Aing-tii are the High Royal Wanketiwanks of Wankistan and have FTL to beat the Necrons, much-superior weapons to the Galactic Empire and wanked-out Force powers. Is all that Wookiee says true, or are they inflating things in their usual sensationalist manner?

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-27 05:06pm
by CaptainChewbacca
I don't know where comments were made on their weapons, but they've got the ability to teleport instantaneously on a relatively small scale (within a star system, I believe).

They can also use their juju to sense what's going on in remote places.

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-27 07:47pm
by Karmic Knight
CaptainChewbacca wrote:I don't know where comments were made on their weapons, but they've got the ability to teleport instantaneously on a relatively small scale (within a star system, I believe).
The Hand of Thrawn Duology has them taking Karde and company farther than intrasystem, they can actually travel anywhere if I remember the section right.

But they can definitely take Karde farther than a system, they take him all the way to the Empire from the pocket of nothingness he was at.

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-27 08:14pm
by Batman
They can definitely TRAVEL that far at typical Wars stardrive speeds if not better, but if memory serves it is never established wether or not their instantaneous teleportation drive can. The 'they can travel anywhere they like' bit was, unless I'm very much mistaken, speculation by one of the characters.

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-28 02:44pm
by Connor MacLeod
They originated with the WEG Darkstryder campaign stuff. As for their capabiilities I dont know. They had some force abilities, a better (At least in some ways) form of FTL travel, and unusual weapons/ships, but I dont know how they all compare since I never analyzed it (and never recalled anything in WEG that would allow proper analysis.)

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-28 03:45pm
by Connor MacLeod
We dont know the capabilities as far as the teleportation IIRC. The largest they transport is their ships and we dont know how many crew it take. We know nothing of its range or how many jumps they need (or thre prerequisites for it.)

They're not super-powerfull offensively by Imperial standards, though their weapons are very good in terms of "disabling" (They can stun crews and disable ships as well as doing raw damage.) A single ship can't steamroll an ISD, and six ships is not considered a significant/nasty force enough to Steamroll an Imperial force (Including an ISD, but are very superior to slavers.) THey are vastly more powerful than corvette-sized craft thoguh quite easily (offensively and defensively.)

Defensively they're quite tough for their size. a single ship can go toe to toe with an ISD for at least limited periods without appearing to take significant damage (whether it can dish out at the same level is up for debate) and they're insanely durable enough to ram ships. They've rammed corvette sized craft (slaver ships) without significant damage, although ramming an ISD did destroy them (after unknown period of fighting and ramming a corvette before.)

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-28 05:16pm
by Darth Hoth
Thank you, Connor, this was exactly what I was looking for - something at least vaguely quantifiable from the primary sources.

Anyone else? Shep should know this stuff, assuming that I recall correctly he is knowledgeable on WEG. And of course, Publius, if he is available.

How large are Aing-tii ships, and is there anything more exact on the damage they can take (time periods or explicit mentions)? That might go some way towards estimating shields and power generation, which does appear to compare favourably to standard galactic technology.

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-28 07:18pm
by nightmare
Darth Hoth wrote:How large are Aing-tii ships, and is there anything more exact on the damage they can take (time periods or explicit mentions)? That might go some way towards estimating shields and power generation, which does appear to compare favourably to standard galactic technology.
An Aing-Tii Sanhedrim Ship is 300m.
Hull 5D
Shields 1D+2

30 Aing-Tii Energy Web Generators
Fire Control 2D
Space Range 1-3/7/10
Damage 7D/6D/5D

6 Null-Burst Projectors
Fire Control 4D
Space Range 1-40/50/75
Damage: all aboard target vessel are stunned for 1D hours and can take no actions during that period.

Of note: "Aing-Tii ships employ a great deal of organic technology and are unlike anything seen in the Empire."

For the stats to mean anything, they may be compared with another 300m ship like the Nebulon-B:
Hull 3D+2
Shields 2D

12 Taim & Bak XI 7 Turbolasers
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Damage: 4D

12 Borstel RH8 Laser Cannons (starfighter scale)
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Damage: 2D

2 Forward Phylon-Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Damage: 4D

I will not be able to help out much more, I'm leaving for china in two days. But I'll try to check in tomorrow.

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-28 07:40pm
by Batman
300m what? Long? Tall? Wide? All of the aforementioned?
And I'm afraid all of the information you provided is essentially useless. So how much is space range 1-40 in kilometres? How many megatons is 4D?What kind of punishment can 1D+2 shields stand up to?

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-29 07:41am
by nightmare
Batman wrote:300m what? Long? Tall? Wide? All of the aforementioned?
Since I mentioned the Neb-B, it's obviously long. Wiki also has a picture of the ship from the Darkstryder Campaign.
Batman wrote:And I'm afraid all of the information you provided is essentially useless. So how much is space range 1-40 in kilometres? How many megatons is 4D?What kind of punishment can 1D+2 shields stand up to?
Stats are only good for comparative analysis, for example a space unit can be derived from the max range of DS1's superlaser, 100 SU, and the max range given in SWTJ. Or in other words, 1-40 is 470600 to 18824000 km.

Same with the rest. If that's not good enough for you, feel free to ignore this topic.

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-29 01:09pm
by Darth Hoth
Along with the picture at Wookiee, length does give an option for scaling, and general information on weapons and technology gives some data for quantification. I would put little faith in game mechanics for actual values, but what useful information there is in the stats is certainly better than nothing.

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-11-29 02:32pm
by nightmare
Darth Hoth wrote:Along with the picture at Wookiee, length does give an option for scaling, and general information on weapons and technology gives some data for quantification. I would put little faith in game mechanics for actual values, but what useful information there is in the stats is certainly better than nothing.
This is the correct approach. Leland Chee has noted that game stats are valid for comparison with other in-game ships, which is just common sense really. Hard data, obviously not. The Darkstryder Campaign notes a bit more about the Aing-Tii monks themselves but it's not terribly interesting (Connor already covered a lot) aside from a few facts, like that they have 1 Force Point and 1 Darkside Point, and the attribute stats given are said to be minimal with exceptional individuals having 18D (this is helluva lot. If I recall correctly, the player characters are given 12D, and they're exceptional heroes. 18D is Vader-light). Also: "The Aing-Tii are unaware of other Force-users, and have not developed these unusual abilities to any great effect; they refer to this unseen energy field simply as "Gifts From Those Who Dwell Beyond The Veil," and generally avoid using these abilities."

Here's a few more things about the ship, for comparison. WEG stats for other ships can be found at Taylor's site.

Crew: 150, gunners 66, skeleton 75/+10
Cargo Capacity: 900 metric tons
Hyperdrive: x2, backup x5
Maneuverability: 2D
Passive 60/0D
Scan 100/1D
Search 200/2D
Focus 6/3D

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-12-02 07:02pm
by Guardsman Bass
They have some unusual abilities that are probably part of the Greater Force or whatever (not the Force the Jedi use, since the guy Karrde ran into at the end of Vision of The Future was able to use Aing-Tii techniques with training in spite of not being force-talented, IIRC). Think of them as another one of the random magic-using groups running around, like the Fallanesi and so forth.

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-12-04 10:19pm
by Solauren
Um, the ex-smuggler chief was force-trained, by the monks. They have a different style then the Jedi.

Post his encounter with Yoda, the ex-smuggler apparently developed force-sensitivity.

Re: Does anyone know anything about the Aing-tii?

Posted: 2008-12-05 03:11am
by Darth Yoshi
Not developed Force sensitivity: the Aing-Tii trained him to use a different part of the Force spectrum.