There is a dating thread that accompanies this as well.
Clone Wars Dossier
Stravo: On the last current page they have the most recent knowledge on the Clone Wars along with new units and weapons in service.
Dating thread (for those who wish to keep up w/ progress):
The detailed Attack of the Clones & the Clone Wars Timeline - Summaries and exact dating
Here's the latest dating scheme (warning long):
The2ndQuest and TalonCard wrote:_ (approx) 5 Years BBG- Shmi Skywalker first meets Cliegg Lars (Attack of the Clones)
(Q= Apprx. time of Shmi and Cliegg's marriage)
_ Q Years BBG- Shmi adds C-3PO's coverings (Attack of the Clones)
_ 2 Months, 9 Days BBG (13:3:14; HNN Date)-Jedi Starfighter & Jedi Starfighter Advanced officially unveiled. (HoloNet News Number 47)
_ (Unknown) Days BBG- Obi-wan is en route to deliver a message when his Jedi Starfighter is attacked by Jango Fett's Slave 1. Obi-wan manages to elude his attacker and deliver the message. (Toys R Us #1: Full of Surprises)
_ 6+ Weeks BBG- Anakin and Obi-Wan go through a lightsaber training exercise against droids. Afterwards, Mace and Plo Koon arrive to give them an important mission. (Toys R Us #3: Practice Makes Perfect)
_ (approx) 1 Month BBG- Obi-wan & Anakin arrive at Ansion, Shmi remembers and honors Anakin's birthday, Lars foodfight. (Attack of the Clones, The Approaching Storm)
_ (3+) Weeks+(unknown) days BBG- Padme has a meeting with Queen Jamilla, Sora has sisterly chat with Padme, Tuskens first set off Lars moisture farm perimeter sensors. (Attack of the Clones)
_ 3+ Weeks BBG (approx. 1 Month BBG)- Shmi is captured by Tusken Raiders (Attack of the Clones)
_(3+) Weeks-1 Day BBG- Moisture Farmer/Tusken battle, Cliegg loses his leg.
_ (approx.) 2 Weeks BBG- Cliegg Lars gets his hoverchair; Typho reports to Panaka. (Attack of the Clones)
_ 9 Days BBG- Jango leaves Kamino for Coruscant. (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive)
_ 8 Days BBG- Jango in-transit for Coruscant, Boba waits and begins to feed the first sea-mouse to the eel. (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive)
_ 7 Days BBG (13:5:16; HNN Date)-Jango arrives on Coruscant, Amidala arrives on Coruscant, assassination attempt made by Zam, Obi-wan & Anakin in hyperspace, returning from Ansion en route to Coruscant, senate scenes, Palpatine's office meeting. Boba feeds the second sea-mouse to the eel. (Attack of the Clones, HoloNet News Number 57, Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive)
_ 6.5 Days BBG- Anakin and Obi-Wan are assigned to protect Amidala, Anakin recalls previous adventures, and the two Amidala's apartment later, deleted Yoda/Mace conversation, "No mistakes" assassination attempt, Coruscant chase, Zam killed by Jango, Jango leaves Coruscant. (Anakin: Apprentice Attack of the Clones, Attack of the Clones Screenplay)
_ 6 Days BBG- Jango makes a sidetrip to attempt to collect on the new contract on Reti assigned to him (hoping to compensate for the failed job on Amidala, perhaps?), and heads for Nod Kartha. Jedi Council meeting, Anakin and Padme depart for Naboo. Obi-wan visits analysis droids. Boba trys to set the third sea-mouse free, but it is eaten by unknown predator. (Attack of the Clones, Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive, speculation based on Jedi Starfighter Act 2 Mission 7: Hammer and Anvil)
_ 5 Days BBG- Jango in transit to Nod Kartha. Obi-wan meets with Dex, Jocasta and, finally, Yoda. Obi-wan converses with Mace Windu before departing Coruscant for Kamino. Anakin and Padme arrive on Naboo, confer with Queen Jamilla, visit Padme's house and family before traveling to the lake retreat. Anakin and Padme have their picnic and Anakin goes Shaak-surfing. They later have their dinner conversation and then sit at the fireplace. Anakin has a nightmare. Boba trys to spare the fourth sea-mouse, but it is also eaten by unknown predator. (Attack of the Clones, Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive)
_ 4 Days BBG- The Lok Revenants and Adi Gallia lead an assualt on the planet Nod Kartha, where the Trade Federation has established it's hex production facilities. Jango arrives at Nod Kartha, but fails to capture Reti (who escapes into hyperspace), with this contract terminated, Jango departs the system to return home. Anakin reveals his nightmare to Padme and then leave for Tatooine. Boba feeds the final sea-mouse to the eel. The Lok Revenants manage to disable the planetary shield and defense platforms of Nod Kartha and begin their search for the hex facilities. (Jedi Starfighter Act 2 Mission 7: Hammer and Anvil, Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive, Attack of the Clones)
_ 3 Days BBG- Jango returns home to Kamino. He flies the Slave I with Boba, this time trying a blind landing, tells Boba of his failure on Coruscant. (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive, Jango Fett: Bounty Hunter)
_ 2 Days BBG- Obi-Wan arrives, Jango vs. Obi-Wan battle, Jango & Boba escape in Slave 1 and head directly for Geonosis. Anakin and Padme arrive on Tatooine- meeting Watto and eventually the Lars'. (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive, Attack of the Clones)
_ 1.5 Days BBG- Jango Arrives at Geonosis, Obi-Wan arrives at Geonosis, asteroid chase battle, Jango lands on Geonosis, Obi-Wan lands on Geonosis. Anakin goes searching for Shmi, finds her, slaughters the Tusken camp. Nym and company head a commando raid on the six bunkers generating the shield around a massive Federation factory as Adi Gallia flies air cover for the mission, after a close call in the last bunker, the mission is a success and the shield around the factory falls. (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive, Attack of the Clones, Jedi Starfighter Act 2 Mission 8: Demolition Squad)
_ 1 Day BBG- Confederate meeting, Obi-Wan sends his transmission, but discovered by Boba Fett and a Geonosian Sentry and is captured. Nym, Adi & the Lok Revenants assault a major Trade Federation trihexalon factory on Nod Kartha, eventually destroying it completely. Anakin returns back to the homestead, Shmi's funeral is held, Anakin recieves and routes Obi-Wan's signal. Anakin and Padme head for Geonosis, arriving there the same day. Emergency powers given the Supreme Chancellor. Mace mobilizes 200 Jedi, Yoda leaves for Kamino, conveyor belt events on Geonosis occur. Padme and Anakin are captured. Adi Gallia is recalled by the Jedi Council. The Lok Revenants return to Nod Kartha's orbit and recover the components of an orbital cannon that was disabled during their initial assualt while fending off an attack led by the Sabboath capital ship: the Reaver. (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive, Attack of the Clones, Jedi Starfighter Act 2 Mission 9: The Dragon's Den, Jedi Starfighter Act 3 Mission 10: Tug of War)
_ 0.5 Days BBG- Trial of Padme and Anakin, Mace Windu and Luminara land on Geonosis and use TX-130 Sabertanks to take out the three orbital cannons keeping the Republic cruisers at bay. Adi Gallia and Siri fly cover for the Republic Acclamtor-class ship, the Akken, which carries Yoda aboard it. They escort it through the asteroid field of Geonosis, fending off the attacks of Trade Federation missle frigates and Geonosian starfighters. The Lok Revenants return to the Lok system and assault the Trade Federation base on Lok's moon. They began to setup the portions of the captured orbital cannon in it's place as they come under attack by a large cruiser. After fending off hex missle attacks, the orbital cannon is uses on the cruiser, destroying it. Mace and Luminara then clear a landing zone for three Republic Convoy ships (carrying dozens of Jedi each) that they then escort to a back entrance of the Geonosian Arena. As the Akken heads for the Arena, Adi and Siri cover a squadron of Clonetroopers from attack as they take out several seperatist bunkers and a Core Ship. Yoda converses with a Clonetrooper about the Gunship en route to the Arena. The Revenant forces (now joined by Vana Sage) assault the Federation refueling depot built where his base once was on Lok. With the help of the orbital cannon, the depot is destroyed, along with Lt. Bella. Nym learns of Toth's Hex Destroyers heading for Geonosis and heads off to warn Adi. (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive, Attack of the Clones, The Clone Wars: Mission 1: The Rescue Begins, Jedi Starfighter Act 3 Mission 11: Escort To Geonosis, The Clone Wars: Mission 2: Infilitration of the Arena, Jedi Starfighter Act 3 Mission 12: Cannon Fodder, Jedi Starfighter Act 3 Mission 13: Attack of the Clones, Jedi Starfighter Act 3 Mission 14: Heart of the Storm, Toys R Us#4: Machines of War)
_ 0 Days BBG/ABG- Arena battle, after rescuing the Jedi from the Arena the Clonetrooper uses grapple lines from the Gunship to drag Droid Starfighters into each other while finishing others off with Composite Beam Turrets, Battle of Geonosis, Anakin/Obi-Wan/Yoda/Dooku lightsaber duel. Mace attempts to help Obi-Wan and Anakin with Dooku but is delayed by three fighter tank-armed Dark Acolytes, whom he eventually destroys. Adi, Siri, Saesee, Nym Rana and other Jedi & Revenant pilots engage Toth's Hex Destroyer fleet in orbit of Geonosis. Toth and his fleet is destroyed, Saesee is recalled by Mace back to Geonosis. (Attack of the Clones, Jedi Starfighter, The Clone Wars, Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive, Toys R Us#4: Machines of War, second flashback from Toys R Us#3: Most Precious Weapon, The Clone Wars: Mission 3: The Battle of Geonosis, Jedi Starfighter Act 3 Mission 15: The Jedi Master)
_ 0.5 Days ABG- Dooku returns to Coruscant to meet with Darth Sidious, Arena cleanup, Jango's body buried (Attack of the Clones, frame story from Toys R Us#3: Most Precious Weapon, Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive)
_ 1 Day ABG- Boba escapes Geonosis in Slave 1, heads back to Kamino (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive)
_ 1.5 Days ABG- Boba arrives at Kamino, retrieves his book, and escapes Siri's notice, Slave 1 heads for the Moons of Bogden. (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive)
_ Unknown Days ABG- Mace Windu confers with Adi Gallia about Nym, Nym and Vana head off to look for Reti. Obi-Wan, Mace Windu and Yoda confer about the Geonosis "victory", Coruscant militray staging area launching occurs. (Jedi Starfighter: Finale, Attack of the Clones)
(X=transit time between Kamino and the Moons of Bogden+1.5 days)
_ X Days ABG- Boba arrives at Bogden, has Slave 1 strut fixed, meets bounty hunters, steals counterfeit money, leaves. (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive)
_ (approx.) 1 Week* ABG- Anakin and Obi-Wan assigned to patrol the Tion Cluster. (speculation based on The Clone Wars Mission 4: The Evacuation of Rhen Var intro)
_ (approx.) 3 Weeks* ABG- The First Battle of Rhen Var: Anakin and Obi-Wan discover a Seperatist strike force heading for Rhen Var in the Tion Cluster, they manage to provide an advanced warning to allow for evacuation of the small Republic outpost and Jedi sanctuary found there. After all three transports lift off, Obi-Wan informs the Jedi Council that Rhen Var has fallen (The Clone Wars: Mission 4: The Evacuation of Rhen Var)
(*dating based on Anakin's comment that they had been stationed there "for weeks".)
(Y=transit time between the Moons of Bogden and Coruscant)
_ X+Y Days ABG-Boba arrives at Coruscant, finds cantina, gets caught by bounty hunters, is saved and taken into custody by Aurra Sing (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive)
_ (approx.) X+Y+Unknown Days ABG- Battle of Raxus Prime preparations (The Clone Wars Mission 5: Scrap Yard Pursuit intro)
(Z=transit time between Coruscant and Raxus Prime)
_ X+Y+Z Days ABG-Slave 1 arrives at Raxus Prime, Aurra leaves Boba there, steals Slave 1, Boba meets Dooku, is escorted to a room and goes to sleep. (Boba Fett#1: The Fight To Survive)
_ X+Y+Z+1 Day ABG-Boba Fett wakes up, Obi-Wan and Anakin take out Seperatist supply convoys, Battle of Raxus Prime, Obi-Wan uses his Sabertank to destroy the enemy Protodeka stationed there, Boba Fett taken aboard Candaserri, Anakin pursues Dooku and engages him in lightsaber combat but is stunned by a shot fired by Cydon Prax, Boba meets Garr. (Boba Fett#2: Crossfire, The Clone Wars Mission 5: Scrap Yard Pursuit, The Clone Wars Mission 6: Ambush Among the Wreckage, The Clone Wars Mission 7: The Conquest of Raxus Prime)
(A=X+Y+Z+1; The Battle of Raxus Prime- estimated to be 1 month ABG)
(B="a few days", C=another "few days")
_ A+B+C Days ABG- Boba and Garr explore the Candaserri from outside the ship and manage to get aboard just before it jumps to hyperspace. (Boba Fett#2: Crossfire, The Clone Wars)
_ A+B+C+1 Days ABG- Candaserri in hyperspace (Boba Fett#2: Crossfire, The Clone Wars)
_ A+B+C+2 Days ABG- Candaserri arrives at Bespin, orphans shuttled down to Cloud City, Boba splits and is found by Aurra Sing, who sets a rendezvous site. (Boba Fett#2: Crossfire, The Clone Wars)
_ A+B+C+3 Days ABG- Boba meets Aurra but is trailed by Jedi, Boba manages to get aboard Slave 1 and convince Aurra he did not tell the Jedi, he and Aurra set off to find Jango's treasure. (Boba Fett#2: Crossfire, The Clone Wars)
(N=transit time between Raxus Prime and Kashyyk)
_ A+N Days ABG- The ship Anakin's holding cell is aboard orbits Kashyyk's moon. Anakin is informed of the Force Harvester by Bera Kazan. Anakin, Bera and some Wookiees are caged up on Kashyyk's moon, as Dooku departs and has Cydon Prax activate the Force Harevester. Anakin and Bera escape, freeing the Wookiees and outrun the blast wave of the Force Harvester on STAPS. (The Clone Wars Mission 8: Anakin's Escape)
_ A+N+0.5 Day ABG- Anakin and Bera use Maru's lent by one of the surviving Wookiee villages to infiltrate a Seperatist outpost and steal an AAT. They use this AAT to gain access to a primary Seperatist base's communications center and send a signal to the Republic. (The Clone Wars Mission 9: New Alliances)
_ A+N+1 Day ABG- Defense of the Wookiee village against the Seperatist armies, Republic reinforcements eventually arrive, Obi-Wan and Anakin rejoin forces and destroy the enemy Harbringer stationed on the moon. (The Clone Wars Mission 10: The Liberation of Kashyyk)
(D=timespan for Dooku to use Force Harvester on Mon Calamari, Agamar and Bakura, or, roughly, the transit time between those planets from Kashyyk's moon, plus the time required to setup, sue and extract the Force Harvester from those sites)
_ A+N+1+D Days ABG- Mace informs Obi-Wan and Anakin of the Dark Reaper. (The Clone Wars Mission 11: Eye of the Storm intro)
(E=time between the above entry and the landing of the sector fleet on Rhen Var)
_ A+N+1+D+EDays ABG- The Second Battle of Rhen Var, Republic forces assault the Seperatists as Anakin makes his way to the tomb of Ulic Qel-Droma. (The Clone Wars Mission 11: Eye of the Storm, The Clone Wars Mission 12: Lost Legacy)
(P=A+N+1+D+E Days, The Second Battle of Rhen Var)
(F=time Anakin and Obi-wan spend on Rhen Var, including time needed for Anakin to learn ne Force technique from Ulic's hologram- likely ranging up to two or three weeks)
_ P+F Days ABG- Fall of Bespin tibanna colonies, return of Anakin and Obi-Wan from Rhen Var (The Clone Wars Mission 13: Desperate Gambit intro)
(G=time that passes between the above entry and the mission briefing about Thul)
_ P+F+G-Mace Windu performs the mission briefing for the strike at Thul to a room of Clone Troopers. (The Clone Wars Mission 13: Desperate Gambit intro)
(H=Unknown amount of time between the briefing and actual attack)
_ P+F+G+H- The Battle of Thul, Anakin lowers the planetary shield being projected from Thul's moon, Mace & Luminara attack the energy farms and factories producing tanks and droid fighters on Thul. The attack leads way to an ancient Sith city, guarded by two Protodekas. As the assualt progresses, Anakin kills Cydon Prax aboard his tank and eventually engages the Dark Reaper itself. Anakin is ultimately triumphant. (The Clone Wars Mission 13: Desperate Gambit, The Clone Wars Mission 14: Assault on Thul, The Clone Wars Mission 15: Dark Side Rising, The Clone Wars Mission 16: Fate of the Republic)
(Q=P+F+G+H, The Battle of Thul)
_ Q+1 Day ABG- Anakin/Obi-Wan conversation about Anakin's increased power, Republic launch from Thul for Murgersheer. (The Clone Wars finale)