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The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-05 02:14pm
by Galvatron
As many of you no doubt recall, I've been pimping this book since it was a free PDF on the author's website. Well, now you can buy it on Amazon.
McC wrote:As he laments in the book, it's a shame that it'll likely never be published, because it's quite admirable.

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-05 05:48pm
by McC
Hah! Win and awesome.

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-05 09:21pm
by Galvatron
Did you order several copies?

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-05 09:57pm
by McC
Galvatron wrote:Did you order several copies?
No, but I did e-mail the link to several people, urging them to buy it.

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-10 05:53am
by Kurgan
*added to wishlist* ;)

And yes, I do own Rinzler's book already, and I still want the print edition of SHOSW. It's over 600 pages!

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-10 02:00pm
by Galvatron
Kurgan wrote:*added to wishlist* ;)

And yes, I do own Rinzler's book already, and I still want the print edition of SHOSW. It's over 600 pages!
I believe it's been significantly revised and edited for publication. So I'm buying it too. Also have Rinzler's book, but it covers different ground.

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-11 06:18pm
by Kurgan
Yeah, I got Rinzler's book for Christmas (the "softcover" version) but I haven't had a chance to really read it yet, though I'm aware of much of its content already.

Now I just wish there was a way to get a PDF that I could copy and paste from... (he locked it so you can't).

I want to scream some of its passages from the mountain tops but it's annoying when you can't tell people the exact quote without typing it all out by hand! :P

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-11 06:58pm
by Galvatron
Kurgan wrote: I want to scream some of its passages from the mountain tops but it's annoying when you can't tell people the exact quote without typing it all out by hand! :P
I know what you mean. Rinzler's book has a nice anecdote about the development of the so-called "sandtroopers." They're just stormtroopers "in combat order," per George Lucas and John Mollo. It's not desert gear and there's no indication given that they're specially trained for that environment.

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-11 07:11pm
by NecronLord
Galvatron wrote:It's not desert gear and there's no indication given that they're specially trained for that environment.
So... are dewbacks meant to be sufficiently common on other worlds, that all stormtroopers are trained to ride them?

Personally, I approve this notion. Because I like dewbacks. They're cool. And probably my favourite Star Wars 'critter.'

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-12 01:59pm
by Kurgan
I want to know whether Tatooine really is the center of the universe (and Luke didn't pay attention in school), and that Bantha steaks and Jawa Juice are consumed all over the galaxy, and Bantha jokes are staples of galactic humor.

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-12 07:08pm
by Darksider
Kurgan wrote:I want to know whether Tatooine really is the center of the universe (and Luke didn't pay attention in school), and that Bantha steaks and Jawa Juice are consumed all over the galaxy, and Bantha jokes are staples of galactic humor.

We've seen Jawas and Banthas on other planets. They aren't native to tatooine alone.

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-14 05:47am
by Pelranius
Kurgan wrote:I want to know whether Tatooine really is the center of the universe (and Luke didn't pay attention in school), and that Bantha steaks and Jawa Juice are consumed all over the galaxy, and Bantha jokes are staples of galactic humor.
Never heard of Jawa Juice, but nerf steaks and jokes instead of bantha ones are mentioned in the New Essential Guide to Alien Species and they're also supposedly from Alderaan. I used to mix up nerfs and banthas. I guess nerf is the "beef" to bantha's "camel".

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-14 09:59am
by VT-16
Given that Tatooine is a spaceport world and not much else, it's not surprising to find a rat-like scavenger species like the Jawas all over the known galaxy.

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-14 10:34am
by Coyote
I always thought "nerfs" were supposed to be "sheep/goat" analogues... someone who raised a "beef" analogue would be a rancher, not a herder. But I may be over-reading it.

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-14 09:23pm
by Elfdart
Coyote wrote:I always thought "nerfs" were supposed to be "sheep/goat" analogues... someone who raised a "beef" analogue would be a rancher, not a herder. But I may be over-reading it.
People also herd pigs. I don't read too much into earthly names for people, places, animals or things in Star Wars. For some reason it's supposed to make a difference whether a really big warship is called a destroyer, cruiser, battleship, dreadnought or something else.

By the way, if this book is anywhere near as moronic and paranoid as the PDF file, I'll pass.

Re: The Secret History of Star Wars has been published

Posted: 2009-01-14 09:29pm
by Galvatron
There's an edition printed on toilet paper just for you. :)