Could the Death Star have destroyed Alderaan. . .
Posted: 2009-01-17 01:59am
. . . without violating our modern understanding of the laws of physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, (and other pertinent laws)?
The question itself is pretty straightforward - though it probably will need some explanation to make sure my meaning is taken correctly. If we were to ask, "Can a Star Wars ship move faster than the speed of light without violating (blah blah)?" the answer is quickly a 'no.' That said, we accept (S.O.D.) that they can and *do* move faster, and treat the hyperdrive as a "black box". Other devices in Star Wars tech we aren't given exactly how they work, but we cobble together some idea. For example, the blast doors in the Trade Federation ship worked 'presumably' on electrical power that went to hydraulics. Bottom line being - we don't HAVE to suspend disbelief because we know that such a thing "could conceivably work."
So fast forward to the DS I and Alderaan... and turn this into a more robust prompt. After invading and colonizing the old-earth systems, the empire tasks you with organizing the construction of a historical curiosity. You are permitted the use of all "empire-modern" methods of construction and materiel procurement. However, you are restricted to the technology available to us here and now. As a bonus - you are permitted to construct devices that we can theorize and be "reasonably sure would work" in this day and age here, but are restricted from making/using on account of funding issues and the like of which. This 'historical curiosity' must be an 80000m radius 'or so' sphere which is capable of:
1.) Firing a directed blast of a net 2.2E32 J (not necessarily repeatedly as with the real DS1)
2.) Housing a crew complement of at least 20,000 (idiotically small for a planet-sized station, granted, but this is really not the tough part of the challenge.)
3.) Have *some* modicum of mobility so that it can reach Alderaan (or whichever moon it will be tested on). [[This is a 'token' condition; as even a very weak thruster in ZeroG can qualify as 'maneuvarability'.]]
It need *NOT* be capable of: 1.) Hyperspace/FTL, 2.) Fending off any sort of attack whatsoever, 3.) Repeated blasts, 4.) Mounted turrets, housing tie fighters, a tractor beam. (As none of these things contribute to its ability to destroy Alderaan).
I'd love to contribute to this discussion; but I know my limits - and the limit is not knowing much about technology. That said; I think this would be cool to know and figured it might spark an interesting discussion . . . so - yeah. Also; if this belongs on the STvSW board; sorry - please move it.
The question itself is pretty straightforward - though it probably will need some explanation to make sure my meaning is taken correctly. If we were to ask, "Can a Star Wars ship move faster than the speed of light without violating (blah blah)?" the answer is quickly a 'no.' That said, we accept (S.O.D.) that they can and *do* move faster, and treat the hyperdrive as a "black box". Other devices in Star Wars tech we aren't given exactly how they work, but we cobble together some idea. For example, the blast doors in the Trade Federation ship worked 'presumably' on electrical power that went to hydraulics. Bottom line being - we don't HAVE to suspend disbelief because we know that such a thing "could conceivably work."
So fast forward to the DS I and Alderaan... and turn this into a more robust prompt. After invading and colonizing the old-earth systems, the empire tasks you with organizing the construction of a historical curiosity. You are permitted the use of all "empire-modern" methods of construction and materiel procurement. However, you are restricted to the technology available to us here and now. As a bonus - you are permitted to construct devices that we can theorize and be "reasonably sure would work" in this day and age here, but are restricted from making/using on account of funding issues and the like of which. This 'historical curiosity' must be an 80000m radius 'or so' sphere which is capable of:
1.) Firing a directed blast of a net 2.2E32 J (not necessarily repeatedly as with the real DS1)
2.) Housing a crew complement of at least 20,000 (idiotically small for a planet-sized station, granted, but this is really not the tough part of the challenge.)
3.) Have *some* modicum of mobility so that it can reach Alderaan (or whichever moon it will be tested on). [[This is a 'token' condition; as even a very weak thruster in ZeroG can qualify as 'maneuvarability'.]]
It need *NOT* be capable of: 1.) Hyperspace/FTL, 2.) Fending off any sort of attack whatsoever, 3.) Repeated blasts, 4.) Mounted turrets, housing tie fighters, a tractor beam. (As none of these things contribute to its ability to destroy Alderaan).
I'd love to contribute to this discussion; but I know my limits - and the limit is not knowing much about technology. That said; I think this would be cool to know and figured it might spark an interesting discussion . . . so - yeah. Also; if this belongs on the STvSW board; sorry - please move it.