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Wookiepedia plagarized...

Posted: 2009-02-11 12:05am
by Ender
... by Conservapedia.
Tonight, instead of playing around with the front page and the news items at Conservapedia, I clicked their "random page" link. The first click brought me to their entry for The Thrawn Trilogy - a series of Star Wars novels. This particular entry was entirely plagiarized from this Star Wars wiki, with one minor exception - they left out three words.
Hyperlinks at source.

Re: Wookiepedia plagarized...

Posted: 2009-02-11 12:24am
by Havok
Uh... so. Isn't the point of Wikis that you don't do any original work or some such.

Re: Wookiepedia plagarized...

Posted: 2009-02-11 12:29am
by Gandalf
So, what are the three words?

Re: Wookiepedia plagarized...

Posted: 2009-02-11 06:19am
by VT-16
You're not allowed to do transcripts of an actual source, only paraphrasing. And that goes from wiki to wiki, too. But this is just hilarious.