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Questions about "Pelta-class" frigates

Posted: 2009-02-17 02:15am
by Noble713
So I hit up wookiepedia trying to get pictures and information on the Clone medical frigates that were in the Malevolence story arc. They looked like a modified CR70/CR90 design but I wanted more details.

Eventually I found the relevant entry, but some questions remain unanswered:

1. How big is it?
2. Where did they come up with this name?
3. Who's idea was it for a clearly Corellian-styled design to be manufactured by KDY. Why does KDY have to build virtually EVERYTHING?

Re: Questions about "Pelta-class" frigates

Posted: 2009-02-17 02:20am
by The Romulan Republic
Noble713 wrote:So I hit up wookiepedia trying to get pictures and information on the Clone medical frigates that were in the Malevolence story arc. They looked like a modified CR70/CR90 design but I wanted more details.

Eventually I found the relevant entry, but some questions remain unanswered:

1. How big is it?
No idea.
2. Where did they come up with this name?
They were smoking pot? :wink:
3. Who's idea was it for a clearly Corellian-styled design to be manufactured by KDY. Why does KDY have to build virtually EVERYTHING?
Lazy writers who can't keep their continuity strait or do their research?

In-Universe, maybe Corillean sub-contracted the work to Kuat? Just speculation of course.

Re: Questions about "Pelta-class" frigates

Posted: 2009-02-17 02:34am
by VT-16
Pelta is a Tracian shield.

Re: Questions about "Pelta-class" frigates

Posted: 2009-02-17 03:12am
by VT-16
Incidentally, here's most of the other ancient words used in ship names and classes in SW, with a decidedly Roman bent (given the Republic/Empire symbolism, it's not surprising):

Acclamator - someone who acclaims, applauds (assault ship class)
Centurion - a professional officer of the Roman army (battlecruiser class)
Consular - adjective form of Consul, title of the highest civil and military magistrates, serving as the heads of government for the Republic (diplomatic ship, corvette class)
Executor - adminstrator, executive officer (Star Dreadnaught class)
Gladiator - this one's obvious (Star Destroyer class)
Imperator - commander in the Roman Republic, then became part of the ruler's title (Star Destroyer class)
Interdictor - someone who forbids (two cruiser classes)
Lictor - bodyguard (dungeon ship class)
Mandator - someone who issues orders (Star Dreadnaught class)
Praetor - commander of an army, or an elected magistrate (Star Battlecruiser class)
Praetorian - adjective derived from the office of praetor (frigate class)
Procurator - Roman official, appointed by a magistrate or the emperor (Star Battlecruiser class)
Quaestor - public officials in ancient Rome responsible for finance and administration in various areas of government and the military (Star Battlecruiser)
Tector - someone who covers something, alternatively a soldier armed with a large shield (Star Destroyer class)
Venator - hunter (Star Destroyer class)
Victor - winner (named for the project that developed the Victory-class Star Destroyer)