Perhaps we'll see the transition of the Republican Clonetroopers into the Stormtrooper Corps, or just an updated version of Clonetrooper helmets.
Or what about a "Hybrid Clonetrooper", which is not entirely human, but also has genes from several alien species in order to improve combat performance?
This, of course, requires that we assume that the profits the Kaminoans got for the clonetroopers weren't spent on erecting a gargantuan silver-plated statue of Lama Su. Or that they didn't donate them to the Raëlian Movement.
But I would like the idea of a new breed of clonetroopers whose genome includes alien as well as human genes. Or what about cyborg stormtroopers??
Darth Wong,
I think GL has slated our appetite for ground combat with AOTC; I want to see spaceships duking it out this time.
I agree, I want to see a big space battle too. Preferrably the Victory-class Star Destroyer's baptism of fire. And what about the Procurator-class and Mandator-class warships mentioned in the ICS??