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[Spoiler] Episode III Troopers
Posted: 2003-02-20 12:56am
by Clone Sergeant
I got this here:
Nothing very detailed but Rick McCallum let slip this interesting bit of info:
Will we see new trooper designs?
"Yes. That's all I can answer."
Whether that means Lucas will clear up the clonetrooper/stormtrooper thing or we will just see new types of troopers, I don't know.
What do you all think?
Posted: 2003-02-20 01:01am
by Illuminatus Primus
Hopefully a more realistic look at SW militaries, and we might see the regular Galactic Army.
Posted: 2003-02-20 01:38am
by Darth Wong
I think GL has slated our appetite for ground combat with AOTC; I want to see spaceships duking it out this time.
Posted: 2003-02-20 05:22am
by Peregrin Toker
Perhaps we'll see the transition of the Republican Clonetroopers into the Stormtrooper Corps, or just an updated version of Clonetrooper helmets.
Or what about a "Hybrid Clonetrooper", which is not entirely human, but also has genes from several alien species in order to improve combat performance?
This, of course, requires that we assume that the profits the Kaminoans got for the clonetroopers weren't spent on erecting a gargantuan silver-plated statue of Lama Su. Or that they didn't donate them to the Raƫlian Movement.
But I would like the idea of a new breed of clonetroopers whose genome includes alien as well as human genes. Or what about cyborg stormtroopers??
Darth Wong,
I think GL has slated our appetite for ground combat with AOTC; I want to see spaceships duking it out this time.
I agree, I want to see a big space battle too. Preferrably the Victory-class Star Destroyer's baptism of fire. And what about the Procurator-class and Mandator-class warships mentioned in the ICS??
Posted: 2003-02-20 07:41am
by Cpt_Frank
Darth Wong wrote:I think GL has slated our appetite for ground combat with AOTC; I want to see spaceships duking it out this time.
Yeah and then one heavy turbolaser shot misses, impacts on an unshielded planet and melts half a continent

Posted: 2003-02-20 08:12am
by Vympel
Cpt_Frank wrote:
Yeah and then one heavy turbolaser shot misses, impacts on an unshielded planet and melts half a continent

Bah. What we need my fellow warsie is 10km asteroid vaporized by a MTL shot in the EXACT same manner as in Empire Strikes Back.
Posted: 2003-02-20 08:23am
by Cpt_Frank
Vympel wrote:Cpt_Frank wrote:
Yeah and then one heavy turbolaser shot misses, impacts on an unshielded planet and melts half a continent

Bah. What we need my fellow warsie is 10km asteroid vaporized by a MTL shot in the EXACT same manner as in Empire Strikes Back.
*palpatine-style cackling*

Posted: 2003-02-20 09:01am
by Patrick Ogaard
How about something really simple? Why not have a Separatist squadron of capital ships with fighter support suddenly appear over Coruscant and attempt to ambush the Supreme Chancellor's personal shuttle?
Thousands of civilian craft flying in all directions and catching stray fire, the Chancellor's escorts suicidally screening the Chancellor's shuttle, Separatist ships letting rip with undisciplined fire at anything with an energy signature, armed civilian ships firing back, and then Coruscant's picket ships come in and things start to get messy. A few stray shots slag huge areas of Coruscant, the Chancellor escapes, and after a righteous speech before the Senate, BDZ operations are ordered on Separatist worlds while the galaxy cheers.
Posted: 2003-02-20 11:54am
by Darth Servo
Darth Wong wrote:I think GL has slated our appetite for ground combat with AOTC; I want to see spaceships duking it out this time.
I'm still hoping for an actual BDZ.
Posted: 2003-02-20 11:59am
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
I agree with Mike on this one, we need a big cap ship fight with ships REALLY exchaning broadsides etc.I think we can excpect a big space battle in Ep 3, so far both of the new eps have had some similarities as the original trilogy. For example both ANH and TPM had a squadron of fighters in the end attacking a big "mothership" of the sort and both of them concentrated pretty much around a trip on a spaceship.In both AOTC and ESB there were large ground battles an asteroid field chase and a few other things.If GL continues to keep this line then Ep3 will most likely have a large space battle, and hopefully a goddamn BDZ

Posted: 2003-02-20 06:44pm
by Admiral Johnason
I would put my money on seeing VSDs for once. THose landers in AOTC aren't the ones I am talking about.
Posted: 2003-02-20 07:10pm
by Howedar
Darth Servo wrote:Darth Wong wrote:I think GL has slated our appetite for ground combat with AOTC; I want to see spaceships duking it out this time.
I'm still hoping for an actual BDZ.
If there is a BDZ, then there will be many more ships than required, for dramatic effect. That will weaken the power of the BDZ.
Posted: 2003-02-20 07:13pm
by Kamakazie Sith
Cpt_Frank wrote:Darth Wong wrote:I think GL has slated our appetite for ground combat with AOTC; I want to see spaceships duking it out this time.
Yeah and then one heavy turbolaser shot misses, impacts on an unshielded planet and melts half a continent

LOL I was hoping something like that would have happened in STN.
However, I would like to see a huge space battle in Episode III.
Posted: 2003-02-20 07:13pm
by Kamakazie Sith
Admiral Johnason wrote:I would put my money on seeing VSDs for once. THose landers in AOTC aren't the ones I am talking about.
We do know who you are talking to here right?
Posted: 2003-02-20 08:08pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
I want to see boarding action! Picture this, during the
titanicspace battle that GL WILL provide us, several Sepritist ships are damaged and disabled. Enter the Stormtrooper. Objective: Capture Enemy Carital Ships. It'll be Tantive IV all over again. MWAHAHAHA!

Posted: 2003-02-20 08:26pm
by pellaeons_scion
*doh, RFoH beat me to it..oops*
I want to see a full scale fleet engagment. I want to see what a SW ship in full combat mode looks like. I want to see HTL broadsides ripping hullplates to pieces and space filled with destructive energy.
Not another frickin fighter engament. Or if there is, lets see more than just space-superiority fighters in action.
But as one wise soul once said, never wish for stuff, coz invariably lucas will do the absolute opposite

Posted: 2003-02-20 10:06pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Howedar wrote:Darth Servo wrote:Darth Wong wrote:I think GL has slated our appetite for ground combat with AOTC; I want to see spaceships duking it out this time.
I'm still hoping for an actual BDZ.
If there is a BDZ, then there will be many more ships than required, for dramatic effect. That will weaken the power of the BDZ.
Not really, because for dramatic affects the fleet will BDZ in less than an hour and maybe more like ten minutes. Preserving the calcs neatly.
Posted: 2003-02-20 10:30pm
by kojikun
If/When they BDZ, we need to see shitloads of bolts go off to the side as well, because they'd be taking out escaping ships. Gods.. it'd be basically a big green beam from the fleet to the planet!

Posted: 2003-02-21 01:34am
by Vympel
Howedar wrote:If there is a BDZ, then there will be many more ships than required, for dramatic effect. That will weaken the power of the BDZ.
Not necessarily. One ship can accomplish a BDZ in under a day IIRC, but many ... minutes.
Posted: 2003-02-21 03:17am
by Enforcer Talen
his space battles are over quickly. a dozen ships, 10 minutes. good numbers there, I think. heh.
Posted: 2003-02-21 04:36am
by Vympel
Enforcer Talen wrote:his space battles are over quickly. a dozen ships, 10 minutes. good numbers there, I think. heh.
It'll be a visual feast, certainly- he'll be able to do all the things he wanted to do at Endor but was denied due to lack of time and money (or so I hear).
I have long been a steadfast believer in the Episode III spacebattle- I just hope we get it. Of course, no other way to quickly establish Anakin as the best starfighter pilot in the galaxy.
Well there are other ways like small fry dogfights but really:
We'll be satisfied. Don't know about the calc stuff though. For all we know a turbolaser could hit an ice asteroid and some steam will come off (nightmare scenario!!!!)
Posted: 2003-02-22 12:46am
by Darth Yoshi
Maybe we can have a battle with one side trying to pull a BDZ and the other trying to stop them. Although that may get a tad confusing.
Posted: 2003-02-22 01:43am
by Darth Fanboy
Amidala is killed on Naboo by a VSD. Palpatine learns that Amidala is pregnant and has Naboo annhiliated with Amidala on the planet Using Dooku and the Separatists to do it. Either that or a VSD does and it is covered up.
Ahh but what about Luke and Leia you ask? They were born on Coruscant and currently being raised @ the Jedi Temple, Amidala returns to Naboo shortly afterward but the birth of the twins was secret so only Amidala and the Jedi (Sans Anakin, who has become Vader by this point) know about it.
After Naboo is destroyed and Amidala killed, Luke is raised by Obi Wan at the temple while Bail Organa takes Leia with him in order for her to grow up like her mother (and there are definitely paralells). Luke and Obi Wan escape to Tatooine during the purge, it is Mace Windu himself who buys Obi Wan time to escape by fighting Vader, and getting killed ya!
Or not.........
Posted: 2003-02-23 05:33pm
by Silver Jedi
But the conversation between Luke and Leia on Endor suggests Leia had memories of her mother, meaning she was with Leia, but not Luke, for more than the few days (or weeks) before a died, that your senario would entail.
Posted: 2003-02-23 08:05pm
by Darth Yoshi
Delving into the EU, Leia and Amidala lived on Alderaan long enough for Leia to have thought that Bail was her father. (Dark Force Rising)