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Proton torpedoes: why are they called that?

Posted: 2009-05-11 05:51pm
by Vultur
What does the 'proton' in 'proton torpedoes' mean? It can't be the proton-proton fusion reaction, surely? That's not very useful in a bomb...

Unless it's just a torpedo filled with hydrogen ions :lol:

Re: Proton torpedoes: why are they called that?

Posted: 2009-05-11 06:10pm
by Darth Paxis
According to Wookieepedia's article on them, the explosion is caused by a baradium charge detonated by a Proton detonator. I'm not sure how much help this is though, as the article also says that the issue has not been explored very much, so this may not be canon.

Re: Proton torpedoes: why are they called that?

Posted: 2009-05-11 07:22pm
by Ghost Rider
Locking because this is the same level of stupidity as asking what's the meaning behind Turbolaser.