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Is Winter the Daughter of the Last Handmaiden?

Posted: 2002-08-17 05:20pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I think Padm`e only has one body double Bodyguard handmaiden left. Now this has been puzzling me about Winter since Episode I. I am thinking that Winter is the Daughter of one of the Handmaidens conceived for the purpose of providing Leia with similar protection as the Handmaidens provided Amidala. So is this a valid possible theory or am I waaaaay out in left field here?

Posted: 2002-08-17 05:28pm
by Ender
Get ready to catch, because I'm gonna knock a few out your way...

Posted: 2002-08-17 09:07pm
by Mr Bean
Hmm she has perfect memory has for a long time been mistaken for Leia on Alderan before it went poof, Has better manors and judgment aurgably than Leia hereself

Yeah possible

Call it 40/60 on the low side

Posted: 2002-08-17 11:06pm
by Talon Karrde
Interesting and very possible. The facts Mr. Bean pointed out are true, and you always see how people were fooled by Padme's decoy, so indeed very possible. Perhaps we will se it surface in a future EU book.

Posted: 2002-08-17 11:34pm
by Tychu
you theroy can work. I mean Winter was one of the few people who were allowed to be with Leia while she was growing up on Alderaan. One of her only friends and she did watch out for her. Meaning in some way she was part of some plan or protection thing set up for Leia.