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Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-15 02:30pm
by Havok
This isn't a "Lets remake the movies" or "Scrap the EU and start over" thread.

What I'm looking for are thoughts on how to make the franchise interesting and fresh again? What would you do? Go back in the time line a re-write some history? (chalking up anything contradictory to bad historians) Jump thousands of years forward and have Star Wars be the basis for myth in the galaxy far far away? Would you focus on an already existing story premise in a certain era and expand it?

What would you use in your new era? Would you keep the Skywalker line alive? Keep the same galactic make up? (Empire, Corporate Sector, Hutt Space?) Revive the Sith... again? Would the Jedi exist in their traditional form?

For the purpose of this thread, we are not taking anything currently existing out of continuity, although as I said, you can bend some facts here and there. (Those silly historians) So feel free to include anything, even the Green Bunny.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-15 03:08pm
by Darth Yan
Modify Kotor, Make the Final Battle of Rusaan legitimately epic, have thousand year gaps, and have a wider diversity of ships. Leia and Luke's Mom should be an Alderaanian princess. Make Vergere's theory more in line with the force and excise the horseshit about her being a sith. If Legacy must be done, make the antagonists bitter generals who suceed because they can't let go of the past.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-15 04:07pm
by Oskuro
Havok wrote:Jump thousands of years forward and have Star Wars be the basis for myth in the galaxy far far away?
This (is the basis for some fanfiction I work on from time to time)

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-15 05:35pm
by Vehrec
The Founding: 25,000 BrS. The Galaxy stands divided by strife and warfare, by the tiny nations dwelling in the shadows of ruins of another age. From worlds like Corellia, Duros, Varl, and glorious Corruscant come the explorers, traders, and mystics who will fill the universe with life and wonders once more. An era when men were real men, women were real women and hermaphrodite slugs from Varl were real hermaphrodite slugs. An era with coilguns and blast-tubes instead of blasters, mirrored superconducting armor instead of shields, hyperdrive journeys that take weeks, months or even years to complete, and fumbling mystics just starting to really explore this thing called the Force.

World-building, diplomacy and exploration are the order of the day here.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-15 11:46pm
by Norade
Vehrec wrote:The Founding: 25,000 BrS. The Galaxy stands divided by strife and warfare, by the tiny nations dwelling in the shadows of ruins of another age. From worlds like Corellia, Duros, Varl, and glorious Corruscant come the explorers, traders, and mystics who will fill the universe with life and wonders once more. An era when men were real men, women were real women and hermaphrodite slugs from Varl were real hermaphrodite slugs. An era with coilguns and blast-tubes instead of blasters, mirrored superconducting armor instead of shields, hyperdrive journeys that take weeks, months or even years to complete, and fumbling mystics just starting to really explore this thing called the Force.

World-building, diplomacy and exploration are the order of the day here.
I like that idea. So many stories could be done exploring the expansions and mapping of the galaxy stage.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-16 07:58am
by mr friendly guy
I have been a fan of the idea that you could satisfy both fan boys and people who want something fresh / new readers by simply moving the setting into the future. Better make it the far far future. Or you could do what Star Trek did and create an alternate timeline, although this doesn't work so well in Wars since time travel doesn't enjoy the same prominence compared to Trek.

One basic rule I would have is that descendents of famous star wars characters are kept in the background. With Legacy of the force and Star Wars Legacy we seem to get the same family appearing again and again. Not only that, the themes are just played out again, that is Jedi becoming corrupt and trying to take power (in the former) and Jedi order on the ropes while Sith are ruling things (in the latter). Its repetitive from a story point of view with the same themes playing out with different characters, it becomes even more stupid when its the descendents of those characters. It just seems rather stale.

Which brings me to rule two. Don't just repeat the same themes. In fact to deal with it, I would have a) the Sith not appear for a while b) the Jedi order becoming a small and secret order (sort of like those secret sects which appear in Chinese Wuxia novels) and c) give more prominence to other Force organisations. I can explain this away as the Sith and Jedi fought themselves to almost extinction in the Legacy (comics) era, allowing the expansion of other organisations, most of which do not look kindly on the Sith or Jedi.

Personally I really would enjoy Force users having more prominence. To explain that away I could say that technological level has dropped while Force organisations are more powerful because a) better Force techniques learnt during the final Sith / Jedi wars b) collapse of civilisation in an earlier time re : Legacy war between Sith and The Empire parts loyal to Roan Fel plus galactic republic remnant. After all, Darth Krayt did butcher most of Mon Calamari's population, something even Palpatine didn't do. And if this isn't enough to collapse civilisation, just chuck in extra galactic invaders (maybe there were more Vong than previously thought or something else) to finish it off.

If I have time, I might post more later.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-16 08:36am
by Stofsk
mr friendly guy wrote:Which brings me to rule two. Don't just repeat the same themes. In fact to deal with it, I would have a) the Sith not appear for a while are extinct

Fixed for you. :)

I take the view that Palpatine and Vader were the last Sith Lords, and the Sith died with them at Endor. You might have dark side adepts, so-called 'dark jedi', perhaps even Hands or Royal Guards who were force sensitive. But they'd be pretenders, not real Sith. And I'm cool with that. You can show other sorts of dark side abuses and villains without relying on the Sith motif.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-16 08:54am
by mr friendly guy
Stofsk wrote:
mr friendly guy wrote:Which brings me to rule two. Don't just repeat the same themes. In fact to deal with it, I would have a) the Sith not appear for a while are extinct

Fixed for you. :)

I take the view that Palpatine and Vader were the last Sith Lords, and the Sith died with them at Endor. You might have dark side adepts, so-called 'dark jedi', perhaps even Hands or Royal Guards who were force sensitive. But they'd be pretenders, not real Sith. And I'm cool with that. You can show other sorts of dark side abuses and villains without relying on the Sith motif.

Then you must love Star Wars : Legacy. :mrgreen: There is a whole army of Sith in those comics.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-16 11:05am
by Darth Yan
to be fair all the real sith consider them wannabees and pretenders.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-16 12:17pm
by Stofsk
mr friendly guy wrote:
Stofsk wrote:
mr friendly guy wrote:Which brings me to rule two. Don't just repeat the same themes. In fact to deal with it, I would have a) the Sith not appear for a while are extinct
Fixed for you. :)

I take the view that Palpatine and Vader were the last Sith Lords, and the Sith died with them at Endor. You might have dark side adepts, so-called 'dark jedi', perhaps even Hands or Royal Guards who were force sensitive. But they'd be pretenders, not real Sith. And I'm cool with that. You can show other sorts of dark side abuses and villains without relying on the Sith motif.
Then you must love Star Wars : Legacy. :mrgreen: There is a whole army of Sith in those comics.
My feelings towards Legacy are mixed. On the one hand, I can understand what they're trying to do and appreciate it for that. On the other, it's carrying a lot of baggage from all the really crappy post-ROTJ EU. Some of its concepts are quite good though.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-16 01:19pm
by Havok
Darth Yan wrote:to be fair all the real sith consider them wannabees and pretenders.
And yet they communicate with him. Also Kryat's Sith are closer to what those old ghosts version of the Sith were than Bane/Palpatine's Sith line.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-16 05:51pm
by Guardsman Bass
I'm with Vehrec - a series of books exploring the founding and period immediately preceding the Old Republic 25,000 before ANH would be absolutely fascinating if done right. You could have plenty of adventure, interesting characters, even Jedi (although they would be a nascent order, which would make it all the more interesting).

But on a greater bit - there's a huge chunk of history encompassed by the Old Republic over its 25,000 year span, including some major ups and downs. Even KOTOR has only explored part of it - there's literally thousands of years in-universe to come up with stories. They should explore more of it in the books.
Not only that, the themes are just played out again, that is Jedi becoming corrupt and trying to take power (in the former) and Jedi order on the ropes while Sith are ruling things (in the latter).
Personally, I'd prefer to have the Sith finally die out for a while, while have the focus be on the Jedi. Let them have a legitimate schism - I always found a dichotomy between "We'll serve the Force in wherever it takes us" and "We'll use the Force to serve by defending civilization - aka the government" to be an interesting division for the Jedi, and one that doesn't have to necessarily end with one exterminating the other or turning to the Dark Side. That's at least one thing I like about the Legacy comics - they did some of that with the new empire, at least for a while.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-17 03:59am
by Darth Yan
Kuja mentioned a story once where the antagonists were former Generals who felt the Sekot accords were to leniant. In that case, it could be interseting. such villians could be more 3-d like Kueller could have been. I mean, they could have legitimate grievences, but their ways of dealing with it aren't very good (Kueller was rightly pissed at the NR for failing to stop the Je'har from murdering his people, yet his response, blowing up the government, was a little over the top.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-18 10:07am
by Shroom Man 777
Combine Havok's suggestion of the events of the Star Wars triologies being mythicized, plus a grim dark future where galactic civilization has somehow broken down and things are going like how Vehrec described it - with everything beginning (again) and stuff like hyperdrive being rediscovered or something, Jedi and Sith being long gone and replaced by cheap conjurers of tricks who don't really know what the Force is, Blasters being considered an elegant weapon of a bygone era because people have resorted to even more primitive weapons, etc. Coruscant and other city-planets could've ended up being depopulated, and with all those giant skyscrapers being demolished and sold off-world for construction materials and metals.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-18 12:37pm
by Big Orange
We could have the pre-Republic era tens of thousands of years ago (maybe 60, 000 BBY?) where the Hutts were the dominant species in the Galaxy, with a military machine and imperial territory on a similar scale to that of the Galactic Empire under Palpatine. In essence the Hutt race formed galactic civilization as we know it, but on the foundations of many older, smaller alien civilizations. But their corrupt, fragmenting rule and vanishingly small birth rate eventually eroded their iron grip on the Galaxy in the long run, giving an opening for their most prominant slave race, Humanity, to seize control of the Hutt Empire and its economic/technological infrastructure, founding the Republic. The deposed Hutts were confined into a relatively small reservation that became to be known as Hutt Space.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-18 12:55pm
by Knife
Hmmm, this has come up before and I wrote a couple chapters on what I'd do. In essence; it was Foundation meets Starwars. Bring it forward in the future four thousand years after the NJO, where with the fall of the Galactic Civilization (Republic and various off shoots) the galaxy is a series of fiefdoms. The major kingdoms in the Core have familiar names, Corellian, the Federation, and Kuat; smaller kingdoms and vassal states and colonies in the mid-rim and outer-rim space.

Politically, I equate it to medieval Europe after the fall of Rome, where major cultures are trying to vie for dominance without both the man power, technology base, and infrastructure the galactic civilization did. Kuat and Corellian have huge starfleets, but Corellian is decentralized and Kuat is overly arrogant of their position. The Federation, OTOH, doesn't have major shipbuilding capacities but have a huge professional army. The Federation bills itself as the direct decendent of what was left of the Galactic Republic and is trying constantly and publicly to bring the galaxy together diplomatically to have what was lost. It is a dark time for the galaxy and not everything is as it seems.

Not all is lost, though. There is a light in the dark. On the lost planet of Ruusan, upon the plains of the mythical Valley of the Jedi, a pair of lost traders stumble upon the Force Nexus made there so long ago. Here, one of the traders finds his destiny when he triggers an ancient hologram and begins his training as the first Jedi Knight in over three thousand years. His mission, given by the hologram of his master; to bring the galaxy together and forge a new Republic.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-18 01:37pm
by Big Orange
Could we have a less cheesy and contrived race than the Vong to invade the Galaxy? Or at least improve upon them?

My idea for the Vong is to mainly make them a machine civilization, with the organic Vong beings in deep stasis onboard the gargantuan generation ships that dwarf the Death Stars in size. The voyage across the starless void has taken so many millennia most of the Vong people have died in stasis, with their military drones and industrial machinery (large ships in themselves) running amok throughout the Galaxy.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-27 03:59pm
by Transbot9
Full reboot, with the original movies extended into 3 seasons (24 episodes each) using the Japanese studio that made Macross Frontier and written by the guys who did Avatar: the Last Airbender. Give them a general direction, free reign to make changes in order to keep it fresh, and sign Mark Hamil to voice act Luke, Palpatine, and maybe a few extras along the way. Oh, and it has to have Dash Rendar and Kyle Katarn in an episode or 3 pulling the buddy cop/rebel commando routine. EU stuff is allowed but subject to extreme reinterpretation.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-28 01:27pm
by Havok
Havok wrote:This isn't a "Lets remake the movies" or "Scrap the EU and start over" thread.
That is the most... fanboyish reboot idea I have ever read BTW. :lol:

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-28 06:22pm
by Transbot9
Hey, if you have to go, go all out. :D I did consider making a new thread on the idea, but that was before I saw your post. Some mods on some forums would get annoyed if I started a similar thread with yours on the front page.

Alternatively, I wouldn't mind a timeskip 2-5k years into the future or so. Throw in multiple jedi traditions (much like how there are multiple martial art traditions) that aren't as stupid as some of the EU tacked-on stuff, redistribute governmental powers, and leave what happened inbetween unanswered. Then we just need stories that don't read like bad fanfics.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-28 06:56pm
by Serafina
Scrap the whole "good guys vs bad guys stuff", at least as far as whole goverments go. If you must, make one of the factions more ruthless than the other - after all, conflict is a good thing.
But no comic villainry, please - take the CIS as an example, it would have worked way better without it.

And for that matter, give us more than just two factions - focus on a protagonist faction and let it interact with several others. Other writers can do it, too...

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-28 07:05pm
by Vehrec
Serafina wrote:Scrap the whole "good guys vs bad guys stuff", at least as far as whole goverments go. If you must, make one of the factions more ruthless than the other - after all, conflict is a good thing.
But no comic villainry, please - take the CIS as an example, it would have worked way better without it.

And for that matter, give us more than just two factions - focus on a protagonist faction and let it interact with several others. Other writers can do it, too...
Advantage of the Founding! The nascent Galactic Republic must contend with hundreds of little empires springing up all over the galaxy in the wake of the fall of the Hutts and the Infinite Empire. it's just another one, albiet slightly larger and ready to pull itself apart at the seams if Corruscant (we need a new name for that world btw, if we want to have it early in the process of turning into a Ecumenopolis) and the Five Brothers of Corellia can't stop arguing. Ponderous Duros trading cartels match wits with quick and adaptable Correlian free-merchants to bring the goods and services of the galaxy to all the far corners of it. I can't think of any other old species offhand, but they will be met and they will be interacted with. It is after all the role of the young, dynamic go-getting Republic. Until ten years pass and it gets bogged down, but eh, details.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-28 07:21pm
by Stofsk
Knife wrote:Hmmm, this has come up before and I wrote a couple chapters on what I'd do.
You did? Where?
In essence; it was Foundation meets Starwars.
That is awesome. :D
Bring it forward in the future four thousand years after the NJO, where with the fall of the Galactic Civilization (Republic and various off shoots) the galaxy is a series of fiefdoms. The major kingdoms in the Core have familiar names, Corellian, the Federation, and Kuat; smaller kingdoms and vassal states and colonies in the mid-rim and outer-rim space.
What happened to Coruscant? Similar fate to what happened to Trantor (ie it was sacked)?
Politically, I equate it to medieval Europe after the fall of Rome, where major cultures are trying to vie for dominance without both the man power, technology base, and infrastructure the galactic civilization did. Kuat and Corellian have huge starfleets, but Corellian is decentralized and Kuat is overly arrogant of their position. The Federation, OTOH, doesn't have major shipbuilding capacities but have a huge professional army. The Federation bills itself as the direct decendent of what was left of the Galactic Republic and is trying constantly and publicly to bring the galaxy together diplomatically to have what was lost. It is a dark time for the galaxy and not everything is as it seems.
The Federation sounds like a democracy, but what are Corellia and Kuat?
Not all is lost, though. There is a light in the dark. On the lost planet of Ruusan, upon the plains of the mythical Valley of the Jedi, a pair of lost traders stumble upon the Force Nexus made there so long ago. Here, one of the traders finds his destiny when he triggers an ancient hologram and begins his training as the first Jedi Knight in over three thousand years. His mission, given by the hologram of his master; to bring the galaxy together and forge a new Republic.
What happened to Luke's NJO? Does your idea follow anything from the post-ROTJ EU?

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-29 01:38pm
by Darth Yan
As long as their's a jacen vs onimi final showdown I'm fine. I also have an idea. The villians use an Aztec style religion to justify crushing dissent and to create a totally evil army (which the real aztec priests actually did), and the Vergere mentor inadverently helps the big bad rise to power by training him in the ways of the force, with her trying to train another student to stop him as a way to atone for her mistake. They use both bio tech (blorash jelly, ooglith masquers, and some of the vong poisons are actually viable), but also use machines.

Re: Reboot The Franchise (Yes, Another One)

Posted: 2009-10-29 05:12pm
by Knife
Stofsk wrote: What happened to Coruscant? Similar fate to what happened to Trantor (ie it was sacked)?
I left it... destroyed? after the Vong invasion. So, yeah, sort of.
The Federation sounds like a democracy, but what are Corellia and Kuat?
I think I referred to the Corellian Confederacy's leader as Dictate as the EU did. Kuat I think I referred to as an assembly of Barons who each had their own trade/mercintile franchises inside their empire.
What happened to Luke's NJO? Does your idea follow anything from the post-ROTJ EU?

Yes, I recognized the NJO; however since I went forward in time 4k years, I didn't do much but lip service to them. Let me dig up a link to it in fanfics....

Here you go...

wow, 2006.