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Battle of Kamino Comic

Posted: 2003-02-25 11:02pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Star Wars: Republic #50 wrote:Two months after the Battle of Geonosis...w ith the forces of the Republic and the armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems stalled in a series of indecisive battles, the Separatists risk a devastating strike at the heart of the Republic's war machine: they attack the cloning facility on Kamino! Their hope is to permanently destroy the Republic's ability to create new clones for its army. The Republic's defense rests on a squadron of Jedi Starfighters and a battalion of Jedi-led clone troopers within the facility itself. It's a battle fought on three fronts -- in space, on the ground, and underwater! A massive 64-page battle epic!

Star Wars: Republic reveals events in the time period between Episode II and Episode III -- the Clone Wars! If you're wondering what happens next after Attack of the Clones, this is where you find the answers!

Posted: 2003-02-25 11:05pm
by Jason von Evil
This won't be canon, will it?

Posted: 2003-02-25 11:06pm
by Illuminatus Primus
It's official and you can be your ass they asked GL EXTENSIVELY before going ahead with the project.

Posted: 2003-02-25 11:08pm
by Jason von Evil
Ok, was just wondering.

Posted: 2003-02-25 11:10pm
by Illuminatus Primus
I believe that Dooku also has purposely sabotaged the attack on Kamino because in one of the Republic comics he and Palpatine are discussing how the Kaminoan facilities must be preserved for "future use." Also, those proposing and organizing the assualt on Kamino are Dooku's political enemies in the Seperatist movement. Two birds. One stone.

Posted: 2003-02-25 11:37pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Duh, it's a comic, of course it's not Canon: it's only official... :roll:

Posted: 2003-02-26 12:01am
by Admiral Johnason

Posted: 2003-02-26 09:22am
by Peregrin Toker
Hmm... it'll be interesting whether this comic provides an insight into Kaminoan society - and more importantly, whether Kamino will recover from this attack. Given that all dry area on Kamino are the oilrig-like cities, a lot of fighting in civilian zones are going to happen.

By the way, did the Republic really get all their clones from Kamino?? This battle would certainly force them to consider signing deals with cloners other places in the galaxy.