Infinities Idea: What if the StarForge was still around?
Posted: 2010-01-27 02:43pm
First off, my apologies if this is the wrong place to post this.
This is an idea I've been tinkering around with in my head as the premise for a SW SagaEdition RPG game. It would be set anywhere near the end of the Clone Wars, Dark Times, Rebellion Era or maybe slightly post Endor.
The Premise is this: The Player Character's ship gets hit and their navcomputer goes out. They have to make a blind jump (or face certain death), and when they arrive, they're in a system is not in their nav computer, and they're looking at a fully functional Star Forge*.
Where would you go from here? or How would you use the Star Forge in a "modern" Star Wars game? What kind of stories (or fan fictions) would you like to tell?
*note: This is not necessarily the Star Forge that canonically Revan blew up in KOTOR 1. Also, while players may know what this is... I would not say "and you see the star forge" I'd simply give them a crappy hand drawing of it and describe that they see a "Space Station."
This is an idea I've been tinkering around with in my head as the premise for a SW SagaEdition RPG game. It would be set anywhere near the end of the Clone Wars, Dark Times, Rebellion Era or maybe slightly post Endor.
The Premise is this: The Player Character's ship gets hit and their navcomputer goes out. They have to make a blind jump (or face certain death), and when they arrive, they're in a system is not in their nav computer, and they're looking at a fully functional Star Forge*.
Where would you go from here? or How would you use the Star Forge in a "modern" Star Wars game? What kind of stories (or fan fictions) would you like to tell?
*note: This is not necessarily the Star Forge that canonically Revan blew up in KOTOR 1. Also, while players may know what this is... I would not say "and you see the star forge" I'd simply give them a crappy hand drawing of it and describe that they see a "Space Station."