Need some advice on my SW game's plot.
Posted: 2010-03-12 03:34pm
I'm having questions about the plot feasability and pacing of my Starwars RPG game, and I was hoping for your help. Here's my situation:
The game takes place in 23 ABY, and casts all the players in the roles of Jedi at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum. In fact, I threw my players an In Medias Res introduction starting with the Shadow Academy's attack on the Jedi Praxeum. However, things have gone off the rails.
Intead of letting the last Imperial Guardsman get tortured like a punk by Nolaa Tarkona, during the battle his men managed to steal an Artusian Crystal from the Academy's vaults, left over from the events of Jedi Outcast. He also stole the location of the Valley of the Jedi, and went there to unlock what he knew to be long-dormant Force Sensitivity. Basically, this man plans to rebuild the Empire: but he's already tried using a Paper Palpatine, and it didn't work, and got his three companions slain by one of the Dark Jedi they tried to manipulate.
So he's going to try a different approach: instead of a paper Palpatine, he's gotten a similarly-minded outlaw tech to make him a Vadersuit of power armor, and he's going to learn the ways of the Force and become a Sith like his dead bosses were. (His name, of course, is Darth Oster. )
During the course of the game, I wound up improvising the Zann Consortium back into play, with a burning desire to capture an amnesiac Lethan Twi'lek that had fallen into the player's care. She was an NPC at the time, though since then a player has taken up playing her. My players don't know it yet, but I have her backstory all figured out:
She was a Jedi Knight of the Old Republic, back during the days which were the setting of The Old Republic video game, which was when everything went to shit. She wound up being frozen in carbonite along with all of some Sith Lord's army, but he up and died before he could join them. Yes, that army, the one Zann winds up in control of at the end of Forces of Corruption. I've also decided that he did not, in fact, abandon Eclipse, but took it and hyperspaced to God-Knows-Where, then collected his Sith Army and his own Consortium forces to the same location; and, realizing how hot the heat was, simlpy froze himself and the rest of his people for 22 years or so, figuring that by then the heat would be off.
So far, all the players know is that Zann - or, to be more accurate, that ships bearing his markings - are in play. They have no idea yet about Vader's "return". Their troubles are more imediate:
23 ABY is the year Borsk Fey'lya was elected to be the Chief of State, and I'm playing him as a complete Lolbertarian douchebag. Not an American lolbertarian, BTW; the first thing on his budget chopping-block was the military, and the second was the official support the Republic had for the Jedi Order. They aren't outlaws, but they're no longer considered (officially) by the Republic to be the guardians of peace and justice; nor are they funded by them any longer.
Needless to say, with both a credible claimant to the title of Dark Lord of Sith and Tyber Zann at large, this is the worst time to be instituting military cuts. Anyway, the gameplan for the bad-guys is to amass, amass, amass.
Zann is going to do as he always does, amassing power through corruption, but I think that he, too, is going to have discovered a newfound Force Sensitivity thanks to Sliri. (The players have already proven that no bad guy, no matter how twinked, can stand up to them without the Force.) Combined with his ancient Sith Army which he'll be able to control and his own Consortium weapons of war, he's going to start pecking off border worlds whilst trying to finish Eclipse. This is going to be hampered by the fact that he burnt out the hyperdrive on it's last long-jump, and any hyperdrive for that ship will have to be custom-ordered. Of course, its superlaser is in working order.
Then there's Vader's return. What he's going to be doing is putting together the pieces of the old Force-User Conspiracies - Dessan's Reborn, Tavion's Cultists, and the Dark Jedi idea they were trying with the Shadow Academy. Basically, he's going to put together three "branches" of Jedi-classed force-using enemies for the battles; Dark Jedi (evenly focused between lightsaber combat and force use,) Sith Cultists (crap lightsaber users but powerful Force users,) and Lightsaber-wielding stormtroopers (evenly focused between lightsaber combat, force use, and martial pursuits.) And of course, he's going to pick out one exceptionally promising student to be his own apprentice, in true Sith style.
But if I'm giving Tyber Zann the Eclipse, that kind of makes Vader seem like less of a threat, even if he is starting to actually pull the Remnant together under the rule of a Sith again. So I had a thought; after he stages some raids on Republic installations (primarily to gather up more Artusian crystals and other useful supplies,) I was thinking of having him steal Lusankya.
Remember, the Republic is currently in a state of severe libertarian cutbacks mode. That money hog was first on Borsk Fey'lya's chopping block; I imagine that they would have mothballed the fleets instead of scrapping them. I was thinking it would be a good dramatic reveal of Vader's return, that they would get their hands on the logs from the mothball yard showing an entire Star Destroyer being used as a boarding craft; various camera cuts through the ship as stormtroopers and Imperial Navy personel board it, cutting through the skeleton-skeleton maintenance crew, and then they see Darth Fucking Vader walking down the boarding ramp, and (just to make it damn clear it's Vader, even though it isn't ) telekinetically choking someone to death.
This will give me a story with not one Big Bad Evil Guy but two, both of them unquestionably BBEGs, and one of whom is the archtypical BBEG, or whom at least puts up a credible appearance of being him. It also lets me draw stuff from all across Star Wars; Zann has the Consortium kit, so he's got the Fandalorian Crap nailed down pat, but he also has the Sith Army from the KotOR days, so I can pull in KotOR stuff like Sith Assassins weilding the Force and cortosis-weaved vibroblades, personal stealth generators and personal shield generators and stuff. And then there's the fake Vader, who can pull in all the Imperial era stuff and NJO-era dark side crisis stuff.
Of course, the Jedi will know it's a fake; Luke knows damn well his father's dead, and might even conjure up Hayden Christian's spirit just to make sure. But my intent is to make the players question just how sure Luke is by playing Oster as close to the real scare that was the Vader we all know from ESB and RotJ. I want them to hear the Imperial March, even without the benefit of an mp3 file.
How probable/improbable is this? With the New Republic waxing thanks to the maladministration of Borsk Fey'lya, the time seems ripe for a massive upswing in bad guys. Especially since Borsk can't be easily outsted since he's replaced most of the inner council (who can do the ousting; or block a new person's election) with Bothans loyal to him. He certainly wouldn't want to reveal what an incompetant fuck-up he was in losing the biggest ship in the Alliance fleet (especially if they make off with all the other Star Destroyers that were hanging around Lusankya as well.)
Now, it's not all tits-up. For one thing, I decided to change the timeline around: Admiral Ackbar only resigned recently (as in, post-game-start,) after Borsk hauled him up on charges of misallocation of military resources; after the Shadow Academy attacked, he sent the Lusankya and her fleet to Yavin to supercharge the Jedi's reconstruction because he could see which way the wind was blowing. While Borsk may have had the authority to order him charged, the military tribunal he could not stack, and the trial wound up being more like a litany of Ackbar's great deeds in the service of the Alliance and the Republic, which was followed by a prompt aquittal. Then he (and everyone involved) promptly resigned; that's when it gets hairy.
I also decided that the Mon Calamari people still technically owned all the MC80 star cruisers and MC30 frigates, which they had built for themselves and loaned to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and allowed the New Republic to continue operating. In light of the Republic apparently deciding it no longer needed a military, they revoked that loan and called back all the MC80s and MC30s - the 90s they couldn't bring back, since those were actually sold, but the world of Mon Calamari is swimming in MC80 star cruisers.
Which leads me to where my players are now: The Mon Calamari people, following ancient unspecified alien traditions, have given Ackbar Home One, with the expectation that he would volunteer his ship and his services to the Mon Calamari defenses. But he's not going to; Ackbar's going through a late-life crisis (kind of like a mid-life crisis, only later,) and is trying to figure out what he should do with himself. Left alone, he'll wind up donating Home One back to the Mon Calamari people and buggering off to Force-knows-where and becoming a moderately influential existencialist poet, but that's not a desirable soloution. Since he's wrote to his old friends (Luke among them) explaining his feelings in light of the trial and keeping them abreast of where he is, a lot of people are understandably worried about the old Admiral of the Obvious. Especially Luke Skywalker, who senses that the ex-admiral's destiny has not played out yet, and that he still has an important role to play in the galaxy, but that if left alone he'll wind up abandoning it.
Enter the players. I figure Luke will be sending the current crop of PCs to Mon Calamari; since Ackba stated that his friends were always welcome in his home, he's decided to send some young Jedi to meet Ackbar, to "learn from him." In truth, he's hoping that the youngsters will inspired Ackbar to find his path again; behind-the-scenes, this is me trying to break the game out of the previously held "here's a mission, go do stuff until you've acomplished it" by giving them an open-ended mission and freedom to decide where to go and what to do. It's also given them a very large and impressive toy - Home One - to do their going in, but she's somewhat hampered by the fact that the crew is 25,000 astromech and other assorted droids, and that means that they can't exactly bring all her guns online or anything. At most, they could fire as many guns as they have PCs, which would involve leaving the bridge nearly unmanned. (I've also decided that the bridge finally got that control revamp so non-MonCals could use the systems, purely for the sake of playability.)
I'm not sure where the players are going to go with this. In truth, I'm a little worried that some of them may not know what the hell to go and do with such a high degree of autonomy, but I can handle that. The players are on the cusp of being named Jedi Knights, and they still haven't even touched upon one of the two BBEG's. (Well, one of the three, if you consider Borsk to be a third.) I want them to enjoy this adventure, but I also need to start doling out some of the main plot of what the bad guys are doing. Their newfound autonomy is a blessing in that it allows for long stretches of downtime during which the Bad Guys can be active, but it's also a bit of a curse in that I need to figure out how to dole out a carefully-parceled out measure of reveal to them. I want to hint at the fact that there's upheavals in the Remnant, and also that the Zann Consortium is back. I also need to figure out Ackbar's Destiny so I can make it relevant later on, but that's easily enough fudged by where the players convince him to fly Home One and what they see. IE, if they wind up tangling with pirates (and Zann), then Ackbar may decide that with the Repblic military in tatters, the Republic has need of Rogue Starships patrolling the spacelanes as a pirate hunter. He'd have no problem getting backing and crew for such a mission, and would no doubt even pull in Rogue Squadron to help. If they wind up going to Naboo (where they've already made themselves very welcome by their prior actions, and have made a close friend in the form of the aging again-Colonel Panaka), then Ackbar may decide to take the Royal Naboo Defense Forces up on an offer to bolster and advise their space defenses with Home One. If they wind up going on mercy missions, he might turn Home One into a hospital ship of mercy and use her to evacuate war-torn worlds, and if they wind up exploring history and what-not, he might refit her back to an explorer and take up the hopefully peaceful missions of exploration. That's not really an issue, since I can figure out how to make that important.
What is important is how plausable - and more importantly, interesting - this all is. I'm trying not to play anyone comlpetely out of type, but I'm not averse to changing minor dates and character facts for better story (IE, playing up Borsk as both an incompetant libertarian moron in addition to a Bothan-interests-serving racist,) and changing the time of Ackbar's resignation. Is this throwing too much at the players at once? I want them to feel more than a little overwhelmed once they realize the full extent of their enemies' resources and reach. I also need to figure out how fast to release the plot details. Too soon and it'll spoil the broth, too late and it'll look like they're badly hacked in. I need to find a way of hinting at what's up without revealing it entirely. For the Consortium, it's as simple as vicious criminal upswings that can be ultimately discovered to have been Zann-financied or operated, while letting them run into a terrorist-cell like dead end when they try to track back further, but I need to release drips and dribbles of the fake-Vader's activities by getting them close enough to what he's doing to get a very uneasy feeling (and hamming up the "Empire at it's height" stuff,) whilst not putting them remotely near the same room with him for a very, very long time. I was hoping that a lot of Star Wars loremasters could help me, and since I know my players read the Wizards forums (and I want to avoid the official Starwars forums,) I was hoping that you could help me.
Help me You're my only hope.
The game takes place in 23 ABY, and casts all the players in the roles of Jedi at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum. In fact, I threw my players an In Medias Res introduction starting with the Shadow Academy's attack on the Jedi Praxeum. However, things have gone off the rails.
Intead of letting the last Imperial Guardsman get tortured like a punk by Nolaa Tarkona, during the battle his men managed to steal an Artusian Crystal from the Academy's vaults, left over from the events of Jedi Outcast. He also stole the location of the Valley of the Jedi, and went there to unlock what he knew to be long-dormant Force Sensitivity. Basically, this man plans to rebuild the Empire: but he's already tried using a Paper Palpatine, and it didn't work, and got his three companions slain by one of the Dark Jedi they tried to manipulate.
So he's going to try a different approach: instead of a paper Palpatine, he's gotten a similarly-minded outlaw tech to make him a Vadersuit of power armor, and he's going to learn the ways of the Force and become a Sith like his dead bosses were. (His name, of course, is Darth Oster. )
During the course of the game, I wound up improvising the Zann Consortium back into play, with a burning desire to capture an amnesiac Lethan Twi'lek that had fallen into the player's care. She was an NPC at the time, though since then a player has taken up playing her. My players don't know it yet, but I have her backstory all figured out:
She was a Jedi Knight of the Old Republic, back during the days which were the setting of The Old Republic video game, which was when everything went to shit. She wound up being frozen in carbonite along with all of some Sith Lord's army, but he up and died before he could join them. Yes, that army, the one Zann winds up in control of at the end of Forces of Corruption. I've also decided that he did not, in fact, abandon Eclipse, but took it and hyperspaced to God-Knows-Where, then collected his Sith Army and his own Consortium forces to the same location; and, realizing how hot the heat was, simlpy froze himself and the rest of his people for 22 years or so, figuring that by then the heat would be off.
So far, all the players know is that Zann - or, to be more accurate, that ships bearing his markings - are in play. They have no idea yet about Vader's "return". Their troubles are more imediate:
23 ABY is the year Borsk Fey'lya was elected to be the Chief of State, and I'm playing him as a complete Lolbertarian douchebag. Not an American lolbertarian, BTW; the first thing on his budget chopping-block was the military, and the second was the official support the Republic had for the Jedi Order. They aren't outlaws, but they're no longer considered (officially) by the Republic to be the guardians of peace and justice; nor are they funded by them any longer.
Needless to say, with both a credible claimant to the title of Dark Lord of Sith and Tyber Zann at large, this is the worst time to be instituting military cuts. Anyway, the gameplan for the bad-guys is to amass, amass, amass.
Zann is going to do as he always does, amassing power through corruption, but I think that he, too, is going to have discovered a newfound Force Sensitivity thanks to Sliri. (The players have already proven that no bad guy, no matter how twinked, can stand up to them without the Force.) Combined with his ancient Sith Army which he'll be able to control and his own Consortium weapons of war, he's going to start pecking off border worlds whilst trying to finish Eclipse. This is going to be hampered by the fact that he burnt out the hyperdrive on it's last long-jump, and any hyperdrive for that ship will have to be custom-ordered. Of course, its superlaser is in working order.
Then there's Vader's return. What he's going to be doing is putting together the pieces of the old Force-User Conspiracies - Dessan's Reborn, Tavion's Cultists, and the Dark Jedi idea they were trying with the Shadow Academy. Basically, he's going to put together three "branches" of Jedi-classed force-using enemies for the battles; Dark Jedi (evenly focused between lightsaber combat and force use,) Sith Cultists (crap lightsaber users but powerful Force users,) and Lightsaber-wielding stormtroopers (evenly focused between lightsaber combat, force use, and martial pursuits.) And of course, he's going to pick out one exceptionally promising student to be his own apprentice, in true Sith style.
But if I'm giving Tyber Zann the Eclipse, that kind of makes Vader seem like less of a threat, even if he is starting to actually pull the Remnant together under the rule of a Sith again. So I had a thought; after he stages some raids on Republic installations (primarily to gather up more Artusian crystals and other useful supplies,) I was thinking of having him steal Lusankya.
Remember, the Republic is currently in a state of severe libertarian cutbacks mode. That money hog was first on Borsk Fey'lya's chopping block; I imagine that they would have mothballed the fleets instead of scrapping them. I was thinking it would be a good dramatic reveal of Vader's return, that they would get their hands on the logs from the mothball yard showing an entire Star Destroyer being used as a boarding craft; various camera cuts through the ship as stormtroopers and Imperial Navy personel board it, cutting through the skeleton-skeleton maintenance crew, and then they see Darth Fucking Vader walking down the boarding ramp, and (just to make it damn clear it's Vader, even though it isn't ) telekinetically choking someone to death.
This will give me a story with not one Big Bad Evil Guy but two, both of them unquestionably BBEGs, and one of whom is the archtypical BBEG, or whom at least puts up a credible appearance of being him. It also lets me draw stuff from all across Star Wars; Zann has the Consortium kit, so he's got the Fandalorian Crap nailed down pat, but he also has the Sith Army from the KotOR days, so I can pull in KotOR stuff like Sith Assassins weilding the Force and cortosis-weaved vibroblades, personal stealth generators and personal shield generators and stuff. And then there's the fake Vader, who can pull in all the Imperial era stuff and NJO-era dark side crisis stuff.
Of course, the Jedi will know it's a fake; Luke knows damn well his father's dead, and might even conjure up Hayden Christian's spirit just to make sure. But my intent is to make the players question just how sure Luke is by playing Oster as close to the real scare that was the Vader we all know from ESB and RotJ. I want them to hear the Imperial March, even without the benefit of an mp3 file.
How probable/improbable is this? With the New Republic waxing thanks to the maladministration of Borsk Fey'lya, the time seems ripe for a massive upswing in bad guys. Especially since Borsk can't be easily outsted since he's replaced most of the inner council (who can do the ousting; or block a new person's election) with Bothans loyal to him. He certainly wouldn't want to reveal what an incompetant fuck-up he was in losing the biggest ship in the Alliance fleet (especially if they make off with all the other Star Destroyers that were hanging around Lusankya as well.)
Now, it's not all tits-up. For one thing, I decided to change the timeline around: Admiral Ackbar only resigned recently (as in, post-game-start,) after Borsk hauled him up on charges of misallocation of military resources; after the Shadow Academy attacked, he sent the Lusankya and her fleet to Yavin to supercharge the Jedi's reconstruction because he could see which way the wind was blowing. While Borsk may have had the authority to order him charged, the military tribunal he could not stack, and the trial wound up being more like a litany of Ackbar's great deeds in the service of the Alliance and the Republic, which was followed by a prompt aquittal. Then he (and everyone involved) promptly resigned; that's when it gets hairy.
I also decided that the Mon Calamari people still technically owned all the MC80 star cruisers and MC30 frigates, which they had built for themselves and loaned to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and allowed the New Republic to continue operating. In light of the Republic apparently deciding it no longer needed a military, they revoked that loan and called back all the MC80s and MC30s - the 90s they couldn't bring back, since those were actually sold, but the world of Mon Calamari is swimming in MC80 star cruisers.
Which leads me to where my players are now: The Mon Calamari people, following ancient unspecified alien traditions, have given Ackbar Home One, with the expectation that he would volunteer his ship and his services to the Mon Calamari defenses. But he's not going to; Ackbar's going through a late-life crisis (kind of like a mid-life crisis, only later,) and is trying to figure out what he should do with himself. Left alone, he'll wind up donating Home One back to the Mon Calamari people and buggering off to Force-knows-where and becoming a moderately influential existencialist poet, but that's not a desirable soloution. Since he's wrote to his old friends (Luke among them) explaining his feelings in light of the trial and keeping them abreast of where he is, a lot of people are understandably worried about the old Admiral of the Obvious. Especially Luke Skywalker, who senses that the ex-admiral's destiny has not played out yet, and that he still has an important role to play in the galaxy, but that if left alone he'll wind up abandoning it.
Enter the players. I figure Luke will be sending the current crop of PCs to Mon Calamari; since Ackba stated that his friends were always welcome in his home, he's decided to send some young Jedi to meet Ackbar, to "learn from him." In truth, he's hoping that the youngsters will inspired Ackbar to find his path again; behind-the-scenes, this is me trying to break the game out of the previously held "here's a mission, go do stuff until you've acomplished it" by giving them an open-ended mission and freedom to decide where to go and what to do. It's also given them a very large and impressive toy - Home One - to do their going in, but she's somewhat hampered by the fact that the crew is 25,000 astromech and other assorted droids, and that means that they can't exactly bring all her guns online or anything. At most, they could fire as many guns as they have PCs, which would involve leaving the bridge nearly unmanned. (I've also decided that the bridge finally got that control revamp so non-MonCals could use the systems, purely for the sake of playability.)
I'm not sure where the players are going to go with this. In truth, I'm a little worried that some of them may not know what the hell to go and do with such a high degree of autonomy, but I can handle that. The players are on the cusp of being named Jedi Knights, and they still haven't even touched upon one of the two BBEG's. (Well, one of the three, if you consider Borsk to be a third.) I want them to enjoy this adventure, but I also need to start doling out some of the main plot of what the bad guys are doing. Their newfound autonomy is a blessing in that it allows for long stretches of downtime during which the Bad Guys can be active, but it's also a bit of a curse in that I need to figure out how to dole out a carefully-parceled out measure of reveal to them. I want to hint at the fact that there's upheavals in the Remnant, and also that the Zann Consortium is back. I also need to figure out Ackbar's Destiny so I can make it relevant later on, but that's easily enough fudged by where the players convince him to fly Home One and what they see. IE, if they wind up tangling with pirates (and Zann), then Ackbar may decide that with the Repblic military in tatters, the Republic has need of Rogue Starships patrolling the spacelanes as a pirate hunter. He'd have no problem getting backing and crew for such a mission, and would no doubt even pull in Rogue Squadron to help. If they wind up going to Naboo (where they've already made themselves very welcome by their prior actions, and have made a close friend in the form of the aging again-Colonel Panaka), then Ackbar may decide to take the Royal Naboo Defense Forces up on an offer to bolster and advise their space defenses with Home One. If they wind up going on mercy missions, he might turn Home One into a hospital ship of mercy and use her to evacuate war-torn worlds, and if they wind up exploring history and what-not, he might refit her back to an explorer and take up the hopefully peaceful missions of exploration. That's not really an issue, since I can figure out how to make that important.
What is important is how plausable - and more importantly, interesting - this all is. I'm trying not to play anyone comlpetely out of type, but I'm not averse to changing minor dates and character facts for better story (IE, playing up Borsk as both an incompetant libertarian moron in addition to a Bothan-interests-serving racist,) and changing the time of Ackbar's resignation. Is this throwing too much at the players at once? I want them to feel more than a little overwhelmed once they realize the full extent of their enemies' resources and reach. I also need to figure out how fast to release the plot details. Too soon and it'll spoil the broth, too late and it'll look like they're badly hacked in. I need to find a way of hinting at what's up without revealing it entirely. For the Consortium, it's as simple as vicious criminal upswings that can be ultimately discovered to have been Zann-financied or operated, while letting them run into a terrorist-cell like dead end when they try to track back further, but I need to release drips and dribbles of the fake-Vader's activities by getting them close enough to what he's doing to get a very uneasy feeling (and hamming up the "Empire at it's height" stuff,) whilst not putting them remotely near the same room with him for a very, very long time. I was hoping that a lot of Star Wars loremasters could help me, and since I know my players read the Wizards forums (and I want to avoid the official Starwars forums,) I was hoping that you could help me.
Help me You're my only hope.